Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Zhang Jingwei

The negotiations of the "blue and white" negotiations are urgent due to time, and the national adjustment and democracy are too late to work. As the final party consultation is about to enter the final party, the party presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe will be held by the United Government held on the 27th.In the symposium of policy discussions, it is clearly stated that from the government to Congress, the power of the people's party and the Kuomintang, including the founder of Hon Hai, the power of Hon Hai, will be included in the cooperation and signing a letter of intent for cooperation before the election.It is foreseeable that before the registration of the presidential election candidate on November 20, the blue -and -white unsuccessful may "change the number overnight" or "surprise" at any time, but for the supporters of the blue and white, it may be a surprise.It may also be frightened.

In addition to reiterating the "breaking the Emperor's System with the Rights and No Responsibility" and establishing the first "joint government and uniting Taiwan" in the history of Taiwan in the history of "Breaking the Emperor System of Empery Emperors" that Ke Wenzhe had publicly announced.It is clear that Ke will propose some of the practices and scope of the joint government for the first time, and it is also a great intention to attract the public at a critical moment at a critical moment at a critical moment at a critical moment.However, from the perspective of political and academic theoretic and practice, the organizational cooperation with the cabinet should have been launched by the Great Party, but now it is called by the small party and the big party.Essence

At present, the cooperation intentions of the Blue and White Party seem to have gradually interspersed. It is also more pragmatic to work with a stronger and uninterrupted political party consultation with a stronger and uninteresting politician.But Qizheng is born. At least four titan thunder must be demolished and rationally establish a consensus. Otherwise, it may be internally exploded due to misunderstandings at any time, resulting in the abandonment of the predecessor.

1. Hou Youyi's role: Regardless of whether Hou's previous negotiation, he shouted to Ke, "Is it me to determine whether the object of marriage is?"It is also said that after entering the chairman of the party negotiation to the chairman, Zhu Lilun and Ke talked, "at this stage, it is impossible to rule out Hou Youyi."This sentence obviously has a disease, and it is even more full of imagination."At this stage" is impossible, what about the "next stage"?

2, "Ke Han Ping "'s virtual reality: Except for Ke, no matter whether Ke is not willing to match with Hou, it is rumored that Ke wants to be a positive selection recently.However, rumors refer to what this was said in private, which not only caused another harm to Hou, but also made the internal contradictions inside the blue camp more complicated.

Three, the rumor of "green and white": there is no wind without wind, this statement and signs have never stopped.Ke Xian said that if Lai Qingde was elected, "Pavilion can have various combinations." Now it is said that they can cooperate except for the new trend, but many people think that he is playing with the "key minority" power.After the election, the DPP is fell to the alliance with it.

Four, the rebound of Blue Camp supporters: More and more blue voters have changed from their original expectations to anxiety and impatient, and they have become disgusted with Ke.Bai is not as good as it is, and should stand up bravely.

From the big fighting and the humiliation, to the change of the pupil, Ke Wenzhe, Zhu Lilun, and Hou Youyi are regarded as the magical and realistic blue and white chess game.IntersectionLet's look at it.

(the author is a senior media person in Taiwan)