Hamas is of course radical, and it has vowed not to let Israel resume the country.But the Israeli government today is also the most extreme right wing in history, and the heaviest to suppress the Palestinians, none of them.

White cloth, white cloth, white cloth ... there are white cloth wrapped everywhere.There are adults, and there are those who have too late to grow up.

The worse picture than this is just dug out of the rubble pile, and it has not had time to wrap the white cloth.

Then there was a family of six dead and five mouths, and even a whole truck was covered with white cloth, saying that it was the entire family, and no one survived.I didn't cry in the photos, and it should be.

Another time, the building collapsed, and the first thing to find a small white pillow. What about its little owner?Was it successfully escaped with the family before being destroyed, or is it still underneath?Does he / she still breathe, or is everything that stops abruptly?

Out of work needs, these days, I enter the picture library of foreign electricity these days, enter the keywords of GAZA, and follow up in this most intuitive way to follow up with the development of the situation.I don't remember in my journalist career, in such a short time, watching so much, so dense, so sad, and indelible family ruins.It is not easy to say that you want to get rid of it.

So I sympathize with my Malay newspaper.Like the Morning Post, they probably do not choose the most terrible photos, and remind themselves to keep calm, try to explain and maintain the principles and positions of the country, but to deal with such news, deep inside them, it is impossible to not suffer, not heavenly people, not heavenly people.Fight.

The reasons for all human war can be found in the Baza conflict

Why did the Israeli and Palestinians have nothing more than a century ago, and they had nothing to do with each other, and went to the dead cycle of each other today without wearing each other?Opening human history, the first war, the earliest fighting against resources, such as land, water, and food.Later, with ideology, such as religion, nationalism, the war may be to solve who the God is true God, or the only God's controversy, or the cause of "non -ethnic groups".In modern times, the war of war may also be the result of the game and manipulation of the big nations or groups. The flames of hatred are intentionally or unintentionally resettled. The hostile script is designed, and some nations are only reduced to agents.

The misfortune of Baza coincides with all three factors, entanglement of each other, and mutual cause and effect, so that the dilemma of no solution is formed.What's even more unfortunate is that the two sides are in control at the moment, both of which are radical.

Hamas is of course radical, and it vowed not to let Israel resume.But the Israeli government today is also the most extreme right wing in history, and the heaviest to suppress the Palestinians, none of them.However, when Western media reported and discussed Hamas and Israel, the former always added a "radical" attribution, while the latter did not need to bring any modification, which hinted that it was normal.After this half of the real skills, after a thousand times and thousands of times, most people can easily determine it.It is also called "Israel -Hamas (not Palestine) conflict", adding some legitimacy to the Actors.

Is Hamas's means cruel?Absolutely, the Music Festival Holocaust is very outrageous, but Israel's crazy bombardment of the Gaza Civil House has caused white cloth to wrap the corpse everywhere. Isn't he also bloodthirsty?Hamas is not recognized by the West as the government and is only qualitatively organized, so it is called the "terrorist" organization, and the members are terrorists.It is also performed without differences, but few people dare to stand up and tell the world that this is national terrorism.

What I want to say is that both sides are resorted to the ultimate violence. They are killing children and women. When judging, at least the same ruler should be used.

Isa Baza's grievances, who is greater and greater grievances?It is too thin to start, I just want to mention my two minimalist distortion standards:

One is the predator of the land.The Palestinians had almost all of them from the original, and about 45%after the World War II. By 25%after the 6th war, 15%of the shattered in the two countries' plans have been realized.The party.Some people may say that the Jews were the promise of the ancestor Abraham and all offspring.I am an atheist, and the level only reaches the strange power of the god list. Regarding the gods of God in the Hebrew Sutra and "since ancient times", please allow me to be silent.

The second is who kills more people.Due to the disparity of firepower, every war, uprising (Palestinian perspective), and riot (Israeli perspective), the contrast of death and injury is also disparity.Sometimes one than five, sometimes more than ten or more.The latest "Israeli September One" round was rarely hit by Fang. There were more than 1,400 deceased.Once the ground forces in the army are killed in, I am afraid that it will be counted as "10,000" at once.

"You want hell, you will get hell"

More than 3 million square kilometers squeezed Gaza with more than 2 million people. The density is similar to Singapore or Hong Kong, so it is easy for us to imagine. Such a small flying land is blocked, water, electricity, food, fuel, medicine, medicine, medicine, medicine, medicine, and medicineWhat kind of miserable world is bombarded every day, and it is a miserable world.The most desperate is how many people are going to die, and how long the suffering to suffer is completely calculated by the enemy.

Who can prevent the Palestinians from the catastrophe?First of all, it is impossible to be the right right of Israel who has killed red eyes.

These people have threatened three times to eradicate every Hamas member.Neutana's ruthless words are "you want hell to get hell."It seems that the life of civilians is just a damage. If they want them to close, I am afraid that it is Yuanmu to ask for fish.As for subsequent punishment, it must be greater political and economic oppression. The decades of land occupation and isolation policies in the past few decades will only accelerate, and it is impossible to turn.

What about the Palestinians to save themselves?Most of them, if they choose to yield, that is, the abandonment of dignity and more land and freedom can be exchanged for less killing, but such a thing cannot happen.Because from the photos, I feel that the Palestinians are now Hamas, and even Jihad (Islamic jihad organization).Because of despair and hatred, the blood of all members of this nation flows the blood of the struggle; those who do not fight are forced to temporarily disadvantaged, and they can only bear it again.US President Biden said Hamas does not mean that Palestine is deceived by himself.Palestinian national rights agencies have been delaying elections over the years. If they vote today, or last month or last year, they should be the people of Hamas.

The most of the fate that can determine many people is of course the United States. Only it can send aircraft carrier to strike the group to the Mediterranean, to deter the supporters of Hamas, such as Iran and the Lord, as well as when they need it.It is reported that a group of generals have entered the Israeli forces and served as a consultant to the ground.

Whether the ground war will start, to what extent, and how long, the Americans can largely guide chess.The Israelites themselves also know that in history, without the United States, it may not be able to win every war with the Arabs.Last week, the United States rejected a resolution of an emergency fire fire resolution of the Security Council with its only vote, because Israel's self -defense right was not mentioned in the text.To war is still peace, the United States has the most right to speak, which is clear.

Israel is something that is something in the United States

Who is behind the United States?Some recent incidents on the American campus have made many people dumbfounded.Many famous universities have students who support Palestine, but were punished by the Jewish employers of Wall Street with the "never being able to be hired."The Jewish academic names and the owner of the law firm in the law circle followed up with the same high -pressure attitude.After being searched by human flesh, many students were forced to speak up, and some universities received a threat to the Jewish Gold Lord to cancel the donation.Speaking of good speech, and academic independence?When Jewish power wealthy, these lofty ideas have to stand side by side.

Some people have rough statistics that although the Jews accounted for only 3%in the United States, they had 70%of their wealth.In terms of political power, the situation is roughly similar.Brinkens, who recognized his ancestors in Israel, said that he was a Jew.Not only Secretary of State in the United States, the Minister of Finance, the Chief Prosecutor, the Intelligence Director, the Secretary of Security, etc. are all Jews.

Biden is a descendant of Ireland, but his next generation has Jewish descent, because the two daughter -in -law and a son -in -law are all Jews.Trump's son -in -law is a Jewish, and it is even more known to the world.Daughter married Jews, of course, also converted to Jewish religion.The point is: the son -in -law's head of the United States in the United States was self -evident. As a result, the embassy moved to Jerusalem, which was equivalent to provoking the Arabs and acknowledged that it was the Israeli capital.

Most of the owners of mainstream media in the United States are Jews, and the proportion of Jews among the elites of corporate and cultural circles is also amazing.In fact, as far as the number of ethnic groups, the number of ethnic groups alone, the countries with the most Jews on the planet are not Israel, but the United States (about 7.6 million). This cold knowledge is estimated to be less known.

In short, if there is something wrong with Israel, there is something in the United States, and it is bound to each other.The United States is the ultimate decision of war or peace, followed by Israel, and the Palestinian again.The rest can only be passively responded, such as Iran, Arab "Brothers", the European Union, China and Russia, and so on.

So Biden had to go to Traviv the first time to hug Neutanahu.But after the meeting with Jordan, Egypt leaders, and Palestinian President Abbas, the arrangement was blown up in Gaza Hospital.Gui is the president of the United States. It is not embarrassing by others at the last moment, but it is a dangerous signal.

Then we saw the Cairo summit, the Arabs scolded Israel.Almost at the same time, Biden's manpower in the White House and the EU leadership raised Israel and condemned Hamas, and the cracks on both sides became more and more obvious.

All this is ominous. The only "good" news seems to be that on Saturday, humanitarian rescue finally entered from Egypt. Unfortunately, only 20 trucks are simply a lot of money.Outside the pass, there were more than 200 still waiting on the same day, so that it would not be puzzling.And almost at the same time, a pair of American mother and women's nature was released, and it was life that has become a bargaining chip. How many hostages can I change? Or do I think too much?

What is slippery to the abyss, what is the abyss?If you are not careful, the battle of Gaza is likely to evolve into another Middle East War.

In the Eastern Europe not far, Russia is still fighting fiercely.Imagine that there is one more battlefield, no matter where it is, and then the time is slightly stretched, and a clear barrier is formed. Is this three contextual situation at the same time, is it the third world war?

Before the door of this largest hell starts, he advised the powerful side to let go of obsession and give a chance to settle.Isn't it all the descendants of Abraham?Choosing a real coexistence, the ethnic group may still live a peaceful life.You don't let people live, people must be desperate with you, the reason is simple.

Want to flow milk and honey, or do you flow into a river?It is estimated that your God himself will not choose the latter.