Li Guangyao believes that young ministers must strengthen contact with the Chinese community and establish close contact, especially to pay more attention to the Chinese newspapers, listen to the voice of the Chinese community, and grasp the pulse of the Chinese community.He asked them to meet regularly with the senior editor of the Chinese News, discuss current affairs subjects, and understand our ideas -but must use Chinese throughout the process.

This year is the century -old birthday of the founding of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. People from all walks of life have organized various activities to commemorate the founding of the founding of the whole life to Singapore, call back to his memory, and relive him by revisiting him.The journey and struggle during his lifetime, reflect on the past and look at the future.

Li Guangyao has made immortal skills for Singapore, and has made significant contributions internationally. It is unquestionable at home and abroad.Of course, he is not finished, and it is impossible to fail. His historical skills have come from the conclusion, but this is not the focus of the century -old birthday.Looking at these activities, the focus is mostly on his political insights, foresight, pragmatic and decisiveness, and dare to take over extraordinary quality.Politics and spiritual heritage.

His speech and video fragments in his lifetime, repeated persuasion of the Chinese people's repeated persuasion, and a powerful "Police World" classic famous sentences ... constantly echoing at the event venue and network space, causing a lot of repercussions and making people miss it.Ting the past.

Since I have had a intersection with Lee Kuan Yew, I was also invited to participate in some of the activities, including the Conjunction Press to commemorate his centenary birthday.Recalling his interaction with the Morning Post, does Singapore still exist after 100 years?The discussion was hosted at the new book conference to commemorate him.

These activities I have participated directly, as well as other activities I attended as the audience, give me the opportunity to review the communication with him and call back some memory fragments.The memories of these scales and half -claws are slightly insignificant compared to his overwhelming macro narratives about his overwhelming macro narratives in the past few months, but maybe there is a little value of "picking up replenishment", which may help increase his understanding of him.And choose three or two pieces to share with readers.

"A Yu Ni voters have five years of remorse"

Former Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen published the third album of condensation of his political experience and life perception on August 31 this this year. The book mentioned that during the 2011 election, the People's Action Party faced workers in the Ayuni set constituent.The party's serious challenge, Li Guangyao's warning (if the DAP was defeated) "Ayuni voters have five years of repentance".He said that Li Zizheng's remarks angered Ayui's dissatisfaction voters and caused an impact on the election.He disclosed that Li Guangyao issued an email to him during the campaign and said that he would issue a statement, but the statement was not issued in the end, and he was disappointed.

Yang Rongwen's words remind me of one thing 12 years ago.

The election of that year was nominated on April 27, and voted on May 7. After the nomination, the fierce election campaign started.The Ayuni collection constituency was connected by short soldiers. The workers' party team led by Liu Chengqiang was aggressive and offensive. Although Yang Rongwen's mobile team led by Yang Rongwen was in a disadvantage, he was not willing to show weakness. The situation was very tense. Of course, the media also followed the report.

During the election period, the work of the newspaper was not day -to -night, and senior editors could not take a break.I can only "steal the half -day leisure" on the afternoon of May 1st, and hurry up and run to the Tanbinni Ecological Park, which was just open not long ago.When the trail beside the wetland was moving, the phone rang, which turned out to be a call from Li Zizheng through his men.He rarely called me on weekdays, and suddenly received a call from the wilderness in the wilderness on Sunday, making me confused.As soon as the phone was connected, he asked, "Yang Rongwen made such an important speech, why didn't the newspaper publish?" It turned out to be this!This kind of question surprised me even more. I set my God and answered straightforwardly: "The Morning Post has been on!" "That Strait Times, why not?" I responded: "I remember they also boarded it." "Really?""His tone eased a little, and obviously found that he was missing by himself, but then he asked with a slightly questioning manner:" Why do young reporters in English always support the opposition party? "

I ca n’t answer this question. I do n’t want to make a cavity. I can only listen to him "complaining" quietly.

I returned to the newspaper that night and read the Chinese and English newspapers in the past few days. There were reports from Yang Rongwen. The morning newspaper on May 1st was also published in the cover version, and it was two news. The title of the main article was "Yang Rongwen: The election campaign has nothing to do with Liu Chengqiang, but the life and future of 200,000 residents. "The title of the deputy article is" Yang Rongwen: using A Yueni as a springboard.I believe this is the "important speech" of Yang Rongwen referred to by Li Zizheng.

Such a remarkable report, Li Zizheng would "turn a blind eye", which surprised me.I guess because Liu Chengqiang went out of Hougang in the nomination sunrise, broke the boat and attacked Ariyi, and sacrificed a "imperial card" newcomer Chen Shuomao. He had seized the first time, grabbed the pioneer of publicity, and exerted the sensational news effect.A lot of space in the media.This may give Li Zizheng's impression of preconceived, and feel that the newspapers have given the workers' party too much propaganda, and have left Yang Rongwen, and they are not upset for him.

This also reflects his worries about the generals of the party's party situation that will lose the Ayu Ni settlement constituency and the loss of Yang Rongwen and other generals.

Today I recalled the phone call 12 years ago, and I still felt loud, and I could feel Li Guangyao's concern for Yang Rongwen.

Reading with Minister

In the 1991 election, the DAP lost four seats in one breath, which was the worst performance since independence.In addition to Zhan Shizhong, who kept the only seat of the opposition party at the time, the other three opposition members Liu Chengqiang, Jiang Caizheng and Lin Xiaoyu, who were elected for the first time, were all considered "grassroots" characters. The first two were also graduates of Nanyang University.I remember the analysis that I saw at the time believed that the results of the election reflected the dissatisfaction of the Chinese community because the government "ignored the feelings of the Chinese society for a long time."

Li Zizheng, who had just removed the post of prime minister a year ago, believes that young ministers must strengthen contact with the Chinese society and establish close contact, especially to pay more attention to the Chinese newspapers, listen to the voice of the Chinese community, grasp the Huahe’s club, master the Chinese society,pulse.He asked them to meet regularly with the senior editor of the Chinese News, discuss current affairs subjects, and understand our ideas -but must use Chinese throughout the process.

The specific approach is to be a meal bureau by Chen Jian, the political secretary of Wu Zuodong. Each time he invited several young ministers and several senior editors of Chinese newspapers to go to the Presidential Palace for lunch, and talked in Chinese while eating.The dinner is arranged on Saturday. Both Li Zizheng and Premier Wu will attend, while the ministers take turns to battle, each time three or four, including Li Yutong, Yang Rongwen, Li Wenwen, Ma Baoshan, Lin Wenxing, Lin Xunqiang, etc.Essence

These ministers we often contact and communicate in English, but now they suddenly changed to "Chinese dialogue". Everyone feels unnatural and awkward.The ministers are not used to discussing the issue of current affairs in Chinese. They often do not follow and cannot respond calmly, so they often appear cold.

We joked that this is a "study with the minister". Overtime on the weekend is also part of the work?Fortunately, it was only once every three months, and it ended in mid -1992.

"There will definitely be someone falling to the ground!"

In August 1990, Lee Kuan Yew delivered a speech at the last National Congress of the National Day in the National Day.In the Chinese speaking part, he said with emotion, fakeIf he can return to 1965 and re -entered, he will retain Chinese primary schools, let Chinese students mainly learn Chinese, English is the second language, to lay a good Chinese foundation, and at the same time instill traditional value.After the small six, it took one year to strengthen English and transition to English middle school.

Of course, it is impossible to go back. The valuable time in 25 years has been lost. The tide can no longer be able to return. The Chinese level of the younger generation is like a river of spring water flowing east!

In the next ten years, he continued to repeat the issue of Chinese levels. In his later years, he was worried about the lack of Chinese and English bilingual dual culture in the younger generation, and continuously promoted the adjustment and reform of mother tongue education policies.He believes that the government's past bilingual policy goes wrong, because as long as the intelligence is the same, people can learn two Chinese.He has repeatedly emphasized that everyone can only really master a major language (Master Language). The requirements for the degree of mother tongue cannot be too high, but they must maintain a minimum level. ThereforeMaintain students' interest in Chinese.

He continued to repeat this kind of remarks, but his arguments were not recognized by some scholars and Chinese educators.They believe that the bilingual policy does "go wrong", but that "wrong direction" is the opposite of Li Zizheng's referring to -should not repeatedly emphasize that "Chinese difficult to learn" and "general students cannot master both Chinese and English Chinese",Instead of reducing the requirements to meet the psychology of English students, I just hope they will continue to learn Chinese.

In November 2009, Wang Changwei, a young scholar at the Chinese Department of the National University of Singapore, wrote an article entitled to the symptoms of the failure of Singapore's Chinese education in the Singapore.Some of the views of Chinese teaching are blunt.

Some words in the article are quite polite. For example, one of them is written: "Li Zizheng often takes his experience of learning Chinese as an example, indicating that a person cannot be proficient in two languages at the same time.The experience of bilingual. My Chinese language is the same as Li Zizheng's English level, and the native language level has reached the level of native language, but I believe that my English should be higher than the Chinese language of Li Zizheng. Although it is spoken or written, my English EnglishThere are still flaws, but in addition to daily communication, I can also teach in English. I can publish speeches in English and discuss high academic monographs in English with Western scholars. "

Then, he said, "This is by no means because I am smarter than Li Zizheng", but was forced by the environment. Chinese students were forced by brutal reality. In order to survive in the education system, I had to learn English well. The process was difficult.It is painful, but now when students learn Chinese difficulties, the government has always "thought" for them, reducing the requirements repeatedly, and step -by -step.

He believes "this is the biggest mistake of our language policy."

This is not an article that criticizes government policies or policies, but directly criticized Li Zizheng, so he was submitted to the editor -in -chief office and asked me to determine.

I read it carefully twice, and felt that the young man criticized Li Zizheng in this tone that it was a bit confusing, but his argument was solid, well -founded, and thoughtful.Various emotions or personal attacks.Such a good article provided another important perspective for the bilingual policy discussions that were being held warmly at the time, which helped improve the discussion pattern.

Since Wang Changwei dares to write, how can the Morning Post not be ascended?So let's shoot.

Unsurprisingly, the article was reported at first sight, and immediately caused a warm response.Some people also explicitly predicted: Someone will definitely land on the ground!On that day, many people were sweating for the Morning Post and the author.

Not completely unable to accept criticism

Based on past experience, this response is not surprising.

Of course, Li Zizheng will not have no response to this article.He was really unhappy.He expressed his displeased to the leadership of the newspaper and university, and the management on both sides also conveyed his displeased to the parties.

But it is only "conveyed", and there is no further action.After a few days, no one on both sides fell to the ground, which disappointed those who were waiting for the play.Not only for a few days, the parties in the next days are safe and sound. Wang Changwei has risen step by step in the future, promoted to professors, and became the director of the department.

It can be seen that Li Guangyao is not as "terrible" as people imagined, and it is not completely unacceptable to criticize.Perhaps the times are different. The era with bad relationships with Chinese education and Chinese newspaper has passed, and he himself is more "mild" than before.

More importantly, maybe the official thinks that article is a "honest criticism", so his response is also appropriate, and many are not many.

After many years, when Chang Wei and I mentioned this, he teased him: "Now Li Zizheng is gone, you have a missing object of criticism, will you feel something you lose?" The two looked at each other with a smile.

Li Guangyao has been away from us for eight years and feels more than us.