Source: Hong Kong 01 Review Editor Room

Compared with the previous two (2017, 2019) "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, the national leaders who come to Beijing to attend the meeting have decreased. Among themBy this year, only Hungarian Prime Minister Olban went to the meeting. Switzerland, Czech Republic, Greece and Italian leaders who had participated in the previous two times did not attend this year.

However, when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has not discharged, the Middle East is back, the China -US wrestling is righteous, and the global economy is under pressure, the Olban, Serbian President Wugci, Indonesian Prime Minister Zokovido, Argentine President Fernandez, etc.The leaders of more than 20 countries still come to China to attend the meeting, explaining that the "Belt and Road" initiative is still valued internationally.In particular, Russian President Putin attracted much attention. In the meeting with him, Olban directly clarified that Hungary never thought of resisting Russia, and Putin also discussed with Xi Jinping for three hours.

Pay attention to developing countries to promote growth and expansion

Xi Jinping announced on the Summit Forum to announce eight actions such as building an interconnection network and building an open world economy.The funds are 80 billion yuan, supporting the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" projects in marketization and commercialization.How the "Belt and Road" will attract investment and promote economic growth, especially the economic growth of developing countries, must be the attention of leaders and representatives of various countries.

In fact, the joint communiqué of the first summit forum for the first summit forum has stated that it has promoted economic growth, expanded trade and investment, and specifically mentioned that the most developed countries, inland development countries, small islands developed countries and middle -income countries, and middle -income countriesTo break through the bottleneck.This time Xi Jinping mentioned in his speech that "'Luo Suo" can be turned into' UNSUs', and the depression of development can become a highland of prosperity. For countries with faster economic development, some partners who are temporarily walking in the back ", the point is still stillIt is inseparable from the development of various countries in development.

Of course, the difficulty of international cooperation cannot be underestimated, Russia and Ukraine (even the European Union), the United States and China, Israel and Palestine (to Iran).There are differences in historical and cultural, and there are contradictions between geopolitics.Under the racial conflict between Sunni and Shiites, the racial conflict between Jews and Arabs, coupled with the interests of the United States and the Soviet Union (or Russia), the Middle East has not been peaceful in the past few decades.In the five games, the Soviet Union and the United States had invaded Afghanistan, and two Persian Gulf War ... have not yet been consistent with a smaller military conflict.

Unexpectedly, the United States for mediation is nervous

This time on the fifty years of the war of atonement, Hamas launched an attack at the end of the Jewish Shed Festival and the Sabbath of the Sabbath.Described as "Israel's September One".The United States first dispatched Secretary of State Brills to reach Israel to try to control the situation and avoid triggering regional conflicts, including Lebanon Allah or even Iran, but the government of Neitaniah issued an ultimatum, demanding that the people in northern Gaza of Gaza immediately evacuated.After Biden, he had to go to Traviv himself. He originally intended to visit Jordan, and held a four -party talks with King Abdullah II, Egyptian President Cecil and Palestine President Abbas.

At this time, the Gaza Hospital was attacked, causing hundreds of people to die, and Jordan's trip to Bayon was also canceled.Seemingly accidental misfortunes, who are responsible for their own words, but considering that Israel and Hamas are currently in a military hostile state, similar incidents should not be surprised.Enron talks -has nothing to do with personal safety, but political psychology.

Regardless of whether Biden can't bear to see the casualties, the conflict upgrade and the situation of out of control are always harmless to Washington, let alone the Russian and Ukraine War is troublesome.The persuasion of the Neitanahu administration has also been upgraded every day. It originally reminded the other party not to occupy Gaza. Later, it was clear that he could not be fainted by anger. The United States had made mistakes after "91".

Abandon Oriental Development of the Middle East

After "September 1st", Bush waved his army Afghanistan, and then invaded Iraq. Not only did the creatures apply charcoal, but they could not solve the problem. Instead, they couldn't solve it. Instead, they even caused the hatred of Islamic stress forces and buried the voltage of ISIS of extreme terrorist organizations.However, rather than the filled with indignation, the US Middle East policy should be said to be out of their own self -interest, and has never thought of the lives of the local people's lives and economic development.The reason why Said put forward the "Easternism" doctrine more than forty years ago was precisely because he, as the Arabs of Palestine, had a deep experience of his experience in living and teaching in the United States.

Said once wrote that "the Middle East is now considered to be a political game, the oil economy, and the Arab two -opposition between Israel, evil, totalitarian, and terrorism of free democracy." Fortunately, in recent years, in recent years, in recent years, in recent years, in recent years, in recent years,As the elder brother of Sunni, Saudi Arabia is developing innovative technology and financial investment, and the UAE is also active in tourism and real estate.In the final analysis, ideological differences between the country and the country are not irreparable, and the development of cooperation must be more beneficial than zero and confrontation.After the establishment of diplomatic relations with the UAE in 2020, Israel is now very close to Saudi Arabia; Saudi Arabia and Iran also agreed to restore diplomatic relations in Beijing in March this year, and have reopened their embassies and diplomatic ambassadors.

Israel has blocked Gaza since 2007, making two million local Palestinians living in a large prison. This is not only a serious violation of human rights, but also only the racial hatred between the Palestinians and the Israelites and the Israelites are increasingly increasingly increasingly.deepen.Hamas's attack was unacceptable, but they were tolerated by the Palestinians and even tolerance.Regardless of whether the United States counts a billion yuan of military funds every year or aid for Palestinian refugees, it will also help resolve the dilemma, but will never continue.Only when we advocate the development of cooperation between the Middle East and share the prosperity and progress fairly, can I go out of the new hatred and old hatred. Seeing that the two can not only coexist peacefully, but also can even benefit and benefit.