Saudi Arabia's actual leader in Salman believes that the Saudi regime should rely on nationalism rather than religious means to ensure their own survival.However, in the field of national security and strategic alliances, Salman is still firm and beautiful.Given that the Saudi Army is mainly responsible for equipment and training by the United States, it will pay a huge price when the relationship is over.

Saudi Arabia is experiencing a nationalist transformation.During the Saudi National Day on Saudi 23 this year, people from all over Saudi Arabia, especially young people who accounted for the vast majority of the population, waved their flags in groups, sang and danced, marvel at the low altitude of military planes.Under the promotion of the actual leader of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman (MOMMed Bin Salman, was called MBS), the rapidly growing patriotic performance revealed the country's motivation behind the country's recent political and economic reform.

Starting from the Foreign Policy Front, Saudi Arabia has agreed to alleviate relations with Iran under the promotion of China; at the same time, negotiating with Israel under the mediation in the United States to strive for normalization of bilateral diplomatic relations (compiled by: This article is written in Yhaha in HahaBefore the conflict); join the BRICS group composed of major emerging economies; and start the efforts of the Emperor Yemen War.

Saudi Arabia has promoted major transformation in China, including concentrated and consolidating power under the leadership of Salman; those who suppress the disgusts especially focus on inhibiting Islamic people who promote the alternative political model.The narrative of the Salman regime is consistent.At the same time, Saudi Arabia also invests a lot of investment in international sports (especially golf and football), and adopts oil production policies that are more in line with long -term financial needs.

The core purpose of Salman's reform is to transform Saudi Arabia from a food -based country that mainly relies on petroleum income to a diversified economy that can generate income that can not be related to the hydrocarbon industry.To this end, the Saudi government launched several so -called "giant projects".The carbon neutralized city "New Future City" (NEOM), located near the Red Sea and a staggering cost (even if it is based on the standards of rich oil countries), is a typical example.

In order to understand the development of related matters, people must pay close attention to the public and private comments on Saudi Arabia's past policy since 2016.He believes that the policy of failing to implement failure and governing the country will harm national interests.For example, he believes that Saudi Arabia's early support of Islamic made a serious mistake -at that time, some of the practices stemmed from the response to domestic religious oppositions and the threat of the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979.This approach creates enemies rather than promoting stability, because the Muslim Brotherhood, Kaidda Organization and Islamic State are eventually trying to end the rule of the Saudi dynasty.Salman believes that the Saudi regime should rely on nationalism rather than religious means to ensure their own survival.

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In addition, Salman advocated that rampant corruption and bureaucratic efficiency were low, which severely damaged Saudi Arabia's stability.Moreover, the most important thing is that he believes that the Saudi government has not actively promoted the economy from oil to diversified (this work officially started in the 1960s) and made an unforgivable mistake.He believes that Saudi Arabia must urgently correct the above -mentioned historical errors before it is too late.

Saudi Arabia's domestic reform and foreign policy agenda is inseparable, because the success of the Saudi economic plan depends on the country's ability to ensure the peace and stability of the entire Middle East.Salman regards Saudi Arabia as an important geopolitical force, as well as the link between the Eastern and Western trade, transportation, logistics and communication.

The above goals are the motivation to promote the normalization of relations with Israeli relations.The conflict between Israel and the Arab world has long caused regional instability.In addition, Israel provides a gateway to the Mediterranean, and thus becomes a key strategic link from India to European multinational networks.

In the latest interview, Salman said that he hoped that Saudi Arabia would become one of the 10 largest economies in the world. He pointed out that Saudi Arabia has become a member of the Gemini Group of the 20th and recently become the 15th largest economy in the world.Although Salman had previously tried to get invited to join the Seven Kingdoms Group, he quickly seized the opportunity to join the BRICS Group without any progress.He insisted that the move is not aimed at the Western world, but a way to focus on the future development of Saudi Arabia and maintain friendly relations with major countries in the world.

Salman's decision -making is based on data and often compares its country with other countries.He spoke like the CEO of the company's dominant position, more than the traditional political leaders like traditional political leaders.Although the United States and China are moving towards economic decoupling and trying to establish a new supply chain, he still advocates establishing a global free economic order.He tried his best to establish a firm trade relationship with the three countries, which may affect the 21st century.

However, in the field of national security and strategic alliances, Salman is still firm and beautiful.Given that the Saudi Army is mainly responsible for equipment and training by the United States, it will pay a huge price when the relationship is over.

Saudi Arabia led by Salman can be regarded as an emerging country that wants to use existing assets to achieve development and diversified economy.At the same time, Saudi Arabia aims to use resources and diplomatic relations to enhance influence in this world of increasingly splitting the United States, China, and Russia, and a small degree of European countries.Judging from Salman's recent foreign policy measures, if China mediates disputes with Iran, and at the same time allows the United States to mediate conflict with Israel, he is obviously good at responding to a very challenging geopolitical situation.

English Original Title: Saudi Arabia ’s New Nationalism

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