Israel has the right to adopt self -defense operations on the Palestinian radicals that launch terrorist attacks, but must abide by international law to minimize civilian casualties.New Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong pointed out that Israel cannot launch a revenge attack just to vent his emotions, because this will put himself in a worse situation.

He also reiterated that through negotiations to reach a solution that allows Palestinian and Israel to live peacefully, and live a safe life, it is the only feasible way to break the cycle of violence and achieve lasting peace.If you work hard in this direction, I am afraid that it will be destined to experience the bleeding and tragedies of generations.I don't think this happens on both sides.

Li Xianlong was invited by Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed to visit from October 17th to 20th.During the period, he attended the first Asianan MDASH held in Liade; the Gulf Cooperation Council (referred to as the Haihe Club) summit, discussed the global and regional situation with the leaders of the two regions, including the upgraded The members of the Sea Haihe are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Barin and Oman.

Before the four -day trip, Li Xianlong accepted the interview with accompanying media.He said that whenever a humanitarian crisis occurs, it will always attract the attention of the international community, especially the innocent civilians, babies, children and seniors.Taking the recent conflict of Harbin as an example, Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel on October 7 and killed at least 1,300 people. In any reason, it was impossible to justify this behavior, and Singapore also condemned such a terrible attack at the first time.Essence

Li Xianlong said that in the face of the raid Israel, it has the right to self -defense to eliminate the danger of himself. From the perspective of human nature, Israel cannot take action after suffering such a serious and terrible attack.However, he pointed out that when Israel exercise self -defense, he must abide by international law, including war law and international humanitarian law, reduce civilian casualties, and solve humanitarian issues.

Judging from the interests of Israel's own, if it is just emotionally and venting, this method is not available, but it may make itself worse than now.This is possible.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong: A wise approach with Isaipa should try his best to extend a helping hand for civilians victims

Li Xianlong said that except for Israel's closest allies in the United States, leaders of Britain and European countries worry that this situation is no exception.A few days ago, eight are also the British Financial Times of the British Financial Times of the Eight of the Jewish International Law. They expressed concerns about Israel's recent operations and emphasized that the parties of the conflict must follow international law. No matter how cruel the enemy's behavior is, these regulations are applicable without exception.

Li Xianlong mentioned this article in an interview.He said: All these people want Israel to be good, they expressed such concerns and views.We hope that Israel is good, and we also want the Palestinian to be good.

He pointed out that whenever violence occurs in the Middle East, the Singaporeans, especially the Muslim community, pay close attention, especially the Palestinians' situation. This is completely understandable. When the government makes related response, these factors will also be considered.But Li Xianlong said that from the perspective of Singapore, the wise approach is to maintain relationships with Israel and Palestinians and do everything to provide humanitarian assistance for the Gaza Strip and Israeli civilian victims.

Li Xianlong also reiterated that in order to coexist peace, the only way is to achieve solutions between the two countries.In other words, Palestine must acknowledge that Israel has the right to exist and owns the country and the country, and Israel must recognize Palestine's right to exist and live in its own country.Although the negotiations have not made much progress in the past 10 to 15 years, if you do not continue to work in this direction, Baza may be doomed to suffer blood conflicts and tragedies for generations.

How to go in this direction?This is difficult, but we cannot give up this wish.

He also mentioned that many Congress members have asked Congress inquiries on the situation of Gaza, and the Congress will conduct in -depth discussions during the resumption of the Congress in November.

Li Xianlong's sequel Arab Emirates has officially visited two days.