Author: Shen Bin

Source: Surging News

There are subtle changes in the public opinion field, even tearing.

The two -year -old girl in Chongzhou, Chengdu, was bitten by evil dogs, which touched people's hearts, causing the whole society to anger for uncivilized dog breeding.All localities have launched actions to rectify uncivilized dogs and stray dogs.

Hefei announced that the relevant dogs will be captured if they find that the dogs are not led by the dogs; the streets of Luzhou, Anhui, Zhengzhou, Henan, and other places in Anhui have arrested campaigns for urban management for non -rope dogs.Then, the public opinion field began to differentiate and tear.On the short video platform, the dog was only displayed by the urban management personnel into the net pocket. To be honest, the dogs caught in the video were somewhat helpless; after that, "the old lady hugged her dog in her arms and crying"Video; Later, the "counterattack" of dog breeding groups on social platforms: "It is Rowaea who bites people. Why hurt stray dogs?" "Any life is equal, they have the right to survive?""Just because you don't like it, do you want a species to extinct?" ...

Therefore, the familiar plot was staged again. After the extreme cases, the public safety topic of the evil dog hurting people was reversed: civilized law enforcement of urban management;Time legislation?... So what about the life of that 2 -year -old girl?Also, the 8 -year -old girl in Nanchang, who was madly bite by Rowa in 2020, was a 23 -year -old Nanchang girl who was hospitalized for 23 days, and the 9 -year -old girl of Quyang, Hebei, who was bitten by two evil dogs in 2019, what about their lives?

Over the years, the topic of dog management often involves the topic of dog governance, it will detonate the terrible tear and confrontation in the public opinion field.Do not believe in the idea of disagreement.Even in the face of the bloody reality of the girl's biting, some small groups are still intoxicated in the lies of "video is incomplete, it is a little girl first smashing the dog".At present, local streets have specially rumored this rumor, but who can wake up to sleep?

On the one hand, cats and dogs, as partner animals, have become the spiritual sustenance of many members of society, and are regarded as "hairy children". This emotion should be respected, which is also a manifestation of social civilization.On the other hand, social security and individual safety should be guaranteed. Uncivilized dogs should not be proclaimed, and stray dogs that constitute a security threat should also be treated.These are social consensus that should be formed.

To solve social problems requires consensus, not tear.After the tragedy of the evil dog hurts people, it is not to resolve the contradictions by amplifying and rendering the "bloody" and "cruel" of dogs.The conflict and opposition form a situation of violence and vicious cycles: in the past few years, there were big V to openly use different smoke to poison the stray dogs, and some neighbors raised dogs to disturb the people, causing a case of destroyer.

At present, the dog -governance actions that have launched vigorously in various places should not be for a while, but to achieve long -term effective governance and solve dog suffers. At the same time, we must keep the bottom line of the law."Expansion" and "indicator" should also be up to the pressure, unwilling to follow the water, and walking the dogs without rope that violates the animal epidemic prevention law and the local dog raising regulations.Make -up.It can be imagined that in some places to catch dogs, they will be obtained under the magnifying glass, repeated hype, and the front -line law enforcement agencies will inevitably be stressed.However, in any case, do the right thing to do the right thing, and insist on doing the right thing, not to change due to the drooling of the Internet, nor is it shifted with the cooling of public opinion hotspots.

In terms of individuals, I hope to have less noise and more rejoicing; less violent and more rational.Your "hairy child" may be the beast in the eyes of the neighbors. The dog you don't like may be the "family member" of other people's homes."Animals are innocent." It should not be an excuse for the dog owner's law. It condemn the specific offenders for specific illegal people, and do not point the hatred to the dog breeding people.