Author: Zhou Qiujun

Source: Global Times

Pakistan -free conflict triggers humanitarian disaster and geopolitical crisis in the Middle East. Although the major US and European countries expressed their positions to support Israel as soon as possible, they looked closely and showed differently, reflecting that countries in internal affairs and diplomacy wereDifference.With the continuous expansion of the intensity and breadth of Pakistani conflict, France's attitude attracts attention.France involved in the mediation of the war high -profile, running around the Middle East, which is closely related to its Middle East policy, domestic security and ethnic issues, and the pursuit of the status of the great power.

First of all, it is related to the Middle East policy in France.France and the Middle East have deep historical origins and extensive practical needs.In the 19th century Empire colonial era, Lebanon and Syria were French spheres of influence.After World War I, France obtained its appointment rights to Lebanon and Syria in accordance with the Socker-Pipon Agreement, and actually grasped their economic development and institutional arrangements.Back to state -owned.After the Big Bang in the Port of Berut in August 2020, French President Macron arrived at the scene for the first time, fully illustrating that France had a strong desire for influence in the Middle East.

Different from the name of the United States interference in Middle East affairs in the name of anti -terrorism, France tries to achieve a balanced policy in the region: it is good to be in the Arab world.On October 12, Macron delivered a TV speech in Paris. In addition to supporting Israel, he did not forget to emphasize that the conflict would prevent conflicts from spreading to neighboring countries, especially Lebanon, and coordinated international humanitarian actions.On October 15, French Foreign Minister Cologne arrived in Israel and said that Israel had the right to defend himself, but he must abide by international law to ensure that civilian security in the Gaza area.After that, Cologne went to Egypt and Lebanese to "pass information to regional countries to let them take responsibility and avoid further upgrading of the situation."France's approach tries to convey at least two information: one is to correct the "no reserved solidarity" made by the European Commission's chairman Feng Delin, indicating that the France really represents the rational spirit of the European Union and the entire international community; the other is to indicateFrance is not only related to the interests of this area, but also an indispensable party to solve the problem.

Secondly, it is related to domestic issues of France.The spillover effect of the Palestinian War has spread to many European countries, and has shown the phenomenon of domestic security and external conflicts in the same frequency.On October 13, a high school teacher was assassinated and killed in a high school teacher in northern France.According to Agence France -Presse, the attacker was a Chechen man, who has claimed to act in the name of the "Islamic State", and "vaguely" mentioned Hamas raid Israel.At the same time, many famous tourist attractions in Paris (Louvre, Versailles, etc.) and important transportation hubs (airports, railway stations, subway lines, etc.) also received a series of "attack threats" and implemented emergency evacuation.At present, France is facing a new round of terrorist wave risk.The existing risk factor is superimposed with external conflicts, which is likely to further increase the possibility of French religious conflict in France.

Potential ethnic hatred and ethnic conflict are equally worrying.France has the largest number of Jews and Muslims in Europe, as many as 500,000 Jews and more than 5 million Muslims.According to the British "Eye of the Middle East" website, after Israel mobilized the reserve, many French citizens with Israeli citizen also left France and went to Israel to participate in the battle.In this regard, the extreme left party "Unintellically France" condemned the government to sit down, which is equivalent to participating in the "illegal operation of the Israeli army."At the same time, people who support Palestine also on the street demonstration regardless of government ban.Data from the Ministry of the Interior show that since October 7, there have been hundreds of anti -Jewie acts such as street graffiti, and more than 20 people have been arrested.If external conflicts cause internal division and ethnic confrontation, it will be the most unwilling to see Macron, especially the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is already on the string.Negative impact.Therefore, he needs to repeatedly emphasize the importance of national unity, take the initiative to strike, and try to strive for external conditions for domestic stability.

Once again, it is related to the pursuit of a great country in France.France has pursued positive foreign policies since the Fifth Republic.In Africa, although France is becoming more and more unsustainable in terms of military existence and political intervention, it still controls the considerable amount of energy and raw materials to help France survive the European energy crisis of Russia and Ukraine's conflict. In contrast, Germany has been severely damaged by Russia's energy because of high dependence on Russian energy.In "India", in recent years, France has repeatedly emphasized its "Indo -Pacific countries" identity and high attention to the "Indo -Pacific region", and is committed to expanding the influence of bilateral partnerships with Japan and India Australia to expand its influence in the area throughEssenceAll of this is related to the higher status of the French pursuit of the international community.

Russia and Ukraine conflicts accelerate the contrast and differentiation of great powers, and the international pattern is undergoing profound changes. Now the Palestinian -Israeli conflict has made it more complicated. France is in it, but it is unwilling to be subject to it.Of course, even if there is any ambitions, Macron's high -profile actions in the world must be based on solving domestic problems. Otherwise, domestic problems such as the resistance, political differentiation, ethnic contradictions, social security, etc. will become him.The fetters of the fist feet.

The author is an associate professor at the School of Government Management of Shanghai School of Political Science and Law