The UAE Gulf News Daily website published on October 17 The sufferings entitled to Gasha are the stains of the world's conscience. The author is Aywick Swen, a professor of peace and conflict research at Upsra University, Sweden.The full text is as follows:

Due to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, 2.3 million civilians living in the Gaza Strip are currently facing a terrible situation.Under the continuous launch of air strikes, ground operations and comprehensive blockade, this conflict has led many people to be killed and the humanitarian crisis is deepening.

The international community must first work hard to realize the immediately ceasefire and find the long -lasting and peaceful road in the Middle East. The focus is to end the violent cycle and cope with the terrible humanitarian situation.

Since the host operation, since October 7, the Citizen Citizen has endured a devastating price.The use of white phosphorus -experts believe that violations of international humanitarian law -further exacerbated the sufferings suffered by people who have been besieged.

The nearly half of Gaza's residents are under 18 years of age.The strict restrictions and blockade of many years have caused the local people to be extremely painful.After the situation was upgraded, the Lafafa pass to Egypt could not use the humanitarian crisis of Gaza.

Well worse, Israel ordered more than 1 million people in the northern part of Gaza to evacuate to the south, while the elderly, pregnant women, children and disabled people almost couldn't escape from the area.As described by the World Health Organization, Israel's evacuation order issued by the northern Hospital of Gaza is equivalent to the death penalty of injuries.

Because of the blockade and constant bombing, the clean drinking water, electricity, food and drugs of Gaza are in severe shortages, and more than 500,000 people have homeless.

Although a serious humanitarian crisis occurred in Gaza, the description around this conflict made people deeply feel uneasy.

Western leaders have expressed strong support for Israel and its military operations, saying that Israel "has the right to defend itself", but basically does not mention the suffering of Gaza.

As the head of the United Nations Relief Agency Martin Griffidi described: "The past week was a test of human nature, and human nature was collapsed."The international community must maintain human rights and international law and recognize the suffering of the Palestinian.

The Palestinians of Gaza have endured decades of pain, and the blockade implemented in 2007 constituted violating international law.They are restricted, surveillance and punishment, including sending children into prisons and leaving alone.

By October 7, 2023, the Gaza Strip has experienced five major wars, and nearly 80%of the population relies on humanitarian assistance.More than 2 million people live in extreme poverty, and nearly 80%of young people face unemployment.

Gaza counts the cycle of poverty, unemployment and despair, and now facing death.If the lack of major efforts to achieve the ceasefire may make the region more unstable.Gaza's situation may exacerbate the anger and frustration of the Middle East and other regions.The terrible humanitarian situation of Gaza will not only cause regional impact, but also threaten global peace and security.

The international community, including important regions and global participants, must be committed to achieving immediately ceasefire in Israel and Hamas, and once again strives to promote the Israelites talk and negotiate with the Palestinians.

The peaceful issue in the Middle East still needs to be resolved in diplomacy, but new commitments and creativity are needed.The direction of international mediation efforts should be aimed at the fundamental reason for conflict, including the status, border, security, refugees and future settlements of Jerusalem.

For the Israelites and Palestinians, the "solutions of the two countries" that can ensure security and self -determination are still a feasible road to peace.In addition, humanitarian organizations and donation countries should increase their efforts to provide urgent need and support to the Palestinian people.

The international community must unite to act, end the war, and then rebuild Gaza infrastructure to restore its economy and improve the living conditions of residents of Gaza.The ongoing war is a far -reaching humanitarian disaster.The correlation between regional conflicts may cause a large range of turbulence and humanitarian impact, and requires international social networking to pay attention and action immediately.

Gaga's suffering is not just the tragedy of the people of Gaza; it is also a stain in the world's conscience.

It's time for the international community to double the cycle of violence and despair.Only through continuous diplomatic contact, international cooperation, and strive to maintain justice and human rights can the world expect to achieve lasting peace in this turbulent land.This is what the Palestinian people deserve.(Compilation/Yang Xinpeng)