The German Focus Weekly website published on October 15 The Middle East strategy entitled by Biden is failed: "The United States can't go away", the full text is as follows:

Joe Biden's team wants to bring the United States back to the world stage and consolidate the alliance that has been shaken with his partners after four years of administration, adjusting the US foreign policy.

"The United States can't go away"

The most important plan is the "exit strategy": the Bayeng government hopes to reduce the United States' garrison in the Middle EastThe area that is more optimized to the U.S. military to the United States with the most threatened strategic interests.

Therefore, Biden hopes to be involved in the harmful Middle East conflict as much as possible. After all, his predecessors have been defeated repeatedly on this issue.His Middle Eastern affairs coordinator Brett Macques announced at the beginning that his goal was to ensure that the Middle East conflict would not be sent to the president's desk.

A few days before Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel, Jack Shalvin, the national security affairs assistant of Biden, also said that at least today, the region is in the most calm state in the 20 years in the 20 years.EssenceShalvin also added: "Challenges still exist, such as the tension between the Iranian nuclear weapon plan, the Israelites and the Palestinians." But he immediately said that compared with all his predecessors since September 11, 2001, he is currentlyThe time for dealing with the Middle East crisis and conflict is "significantly reduced".

This hope is shattered on October 7.At least it is certain that this topic will not leave the desk of the oval office soon.Americans are not weakened but strengthened their participation in Middle East affairs.On the 14th, a week after Hamas launched a devastating attack on Israel, the Pentagon sent a second aircraft carrier to the area.

The Royal Institute of the British Think Tank Royal Institute of International Issues in the Middle East-Northern Africa project Sanam Wakler said: "This may be a situation that will make the Biden government change the string.Finder. And the president has clearly and firmly promised to support Israel in this crisis. "

Wakakier said that Washington will also become very active in the diplomatic field.Establish alliances and start responsible for the United States allies in the region.

Daniel Benjamin, Dean of the American Institute of Berlin, said: "Everything has become more complicated now because the stability of the region has been threatened.Walking away. Washington can always play a small role in the Middle East, and Israel's security is guaranteed. "He said that the attack last weekend seriously damaged Israel's security.

Ignore key issues

The attack of Hamas and the war of Israel's Prime Minister Neitaniah are threatening the Middle East strategy in WashingtonEssenceThe strategy began with Trump's presidency, and was continued by Bynden and prompted Israel and several Arab countries to reach an Abraham agreement.Not long ago, there was a hope of reconciliation between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

This strategy is known as the "turning point of the Middle East".The belief that supports this strategy behind it is that the solutions between the two countries between Israel and Palestine cannot be realized directly, but can only be reached by reducing the conflict between Israel and the Arab countries in the region.

When exploring the reasons for the failure of the strategy, Middle East experts pointed out their fundamental mistakes.For example, reporter Jonathan Gaye wrote on Twitter that Bayeng continued the strategy of Trump's exclusion of the Palestinian issue and only paid attention to the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia.Gaye's point of view was recognized by many people, including experts from the Democratic Party.

Gaye said that the two US presidents regard "consolidating the relationship between Israel and Arab dictators" as the focus, ignoring the opinions of most Arab people;This year's important speech on the Middle East's strategy is reflected.McGock neither mentioned the Palestinian nor Gaza in his speech.

Wakille said: "The previous U.S. governments have tried to promote the Middle East countries to participate more in resolution of the Middle East conflict. Biden's plan is to ease the situation." He said, but this plan missed two may make it possibleThe United States has re -caught the key conflict of the Middle East.The obvious conflict is the Palestinian issue, and the second conflict is Iran's role in the region."He said that these two conflicts are interrelated to some extent." People must consider Palestine's peace processes or a strategy to recognize Palestin's self -determination, and must have a broader Iranian strategy."This is a very difficult task.

Wakili also said that the solutions of the two countries have not yet been placed on the table because everyone has left the negotiating table." The United States has not been on the solutions of the two countries.It has invested in resources, and Israel is promoting its strategy more like a country's solution.But the current crisis shows that the solution between the two countries is the only solution."

Benjamin said:" The best thing this disaster brings to the safety of the entire region is to make the Israelites understand that as long as the Against Palestinian is not more favorable to the Palestinian people, their safety will beCan't be guaranteed."Of course, this will not happen overnight, and it will not use Hamas as a negotiating partner. (Compiled/Wang Yan)