Source: Wangbao Society Review

Palestinian Hamas armed organizations on Israel have attracted strong revenge with the country.In addition to the suspension of water, power outages, and shells of Israel, Israel ordered residents in the northern region to move south to prepare for military operations to comprehensively crack down on Hamas forces.The retaliation operation of the country not only caused the international community's concerns about the humanitarian crisis. Iran warned that it did not rule out the launch of Israel to launch a pioneering attack, but also made the world worry about the comprehensive conflict of the Middle East.

War upgrades will disrupt Biden's layout

U.S. Secretary of State Brills visited Israel urgently, President Bayeng also visited himself, and will talk to the surrounding Arab countries. They express their support for Israel and hope that the war will not expand.The mainland dispatched special envoys to coordinate with relevant parties, hoping to promote ceasefire and promote peace talks.Blint and Wang Yicheng hoped that China would play an influence to promote the recovery of the situation in the Middle East.

U.S. President Biden made a speech to support Israel's counterattack and sent two aircraft carrier battle groups to the stable situation in the Middle East.However, the United States' support for Israel is not comprehensive. In an interview with the 60 -minute program of Columbia Broadcasting Corporation, Biden warned Israel to not occupy Gasha and require Israel to allow the international community to provide humanitarian assistance and supplies.Biden is worried that the expansion of humanitarian crisis will irritate Islamic countries and affect the reputation of the United States.

The country's implementation of the implementation of the Gaza region is restricted to the entry of people's vibrant capital and medical resources. The number of bombers and attacks have caused the number of Palestinian casualties soaring, causing serious international concerns.China also provides emergency humanitarian assistance to the United Nations Organization and Palestine to help solve the needs of food, medical care, and residence in Gaza Strip.In terms of humanitarian issues, China and the United States are consistent. Each of them gives assistance through different pipelines or pressure on the side. The expansion of humanitarian crisis will increase the risk of war spread. China and the United States are not happy.

Bayeng's trip was originally expected to go to Jordan and hold a summit with other countries in the Middle East. I hope to control and appease all parties through diplomatic means.The summit plan.This trip is of great significance to the upcoming presidential election.He hopes to show the return of US leadership, showing the differences between him and Trump's "US priority" diplomatic style.What's more important is that if the war expands and affects more Middle East countries, it will trigger the skyrocketing oil prices. The United States will not easily suppress inflation will rehabilitate, which is not good for Biden's reelection.

Bayon's Middle East strategy is to alleviate the tension between Israel and the Arab countries and restore negotiations with Iran.The United States hopes to reduce its military existence in the Middle East and move its focus to the Indo -Pacific region to deal with China.Therefore, from Iraq and Afghanistan to withdraw, coordinating the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia to restrain Iran to maintain the stability of the Middle East.The United States also combines its Indo -Pacific strategy attempt to create a "road of spices" to construct a three -way economic belt from India, Middle East to Europe to compete for the Belt and Road Initiative of China.The expansion of the United States in the Pakistani conflict will inevitably be involved. This will disrupt the layout of Bayeon's Middle East, and it will also affect the development of Ukraine's war and even the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategy.

The Middle East turbulence will be unfavorable to the Belt and Road

For China, after years of operations and the promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative, China's economic interests in the Middle East have deepened, and their political influence has increased.This year, Beijing's successful promotion of Iran and Saudi Arabia has made the two countries and the United Arab Emirates the new member of the BRICS organizations, which have greatly increased Beijing's strength in the Middle East.The relationship between Beijing has close relations with Baza and has been neutral for a long time, and has won the trust of Israel and the Arab world.

If the rise of the Pakistani conflict this time causes the overall turmoil of the Middle East, it is not conducive to Beijing's continuous promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative.In the incident, Beijing not only has not condemned Hamas, but also explicitly stated its sympathy for the foundation and survival of the Palestinian.Although this causes the dissatisfaction of Israel, if the beauty does not want the war to upgrade, it must still introduce Chinese forces to play a role.In particular, the relationship between China and Iran is essential to promote peace in the Middle East.Iran is the main economic supporters of Hamas and Lebanon Albon, and shows the trend of launching a pilot attack.The United States and Iran have not had much influence on Iran. To change the attitude of Iran, Beijing still needs to be out of Beijing.

China and the United States have different strategic interests in the Middle East, and they are not consistent with the solution to the Baza conflict, but neither the two sides want the war to deteriorate, leading to a major humanistic crisis and a more intense regional conflict.On this basis, the world hopes that China and the United States can cooperate, and there is also the possibility of cooperation between China and the United States. If it can produce a role, the war between Israel and Hamas should have a chanceThe game is more chaotic and uncontrollable.