Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Gu Cunzhu

On October 7th, the Hamas organization in Palestine suddenly launched an offensive from the Gaza Strip. This shocked the world's focus and the world's focus instantly returned to the Middle East.Regardless of the near cause or far cause of this incident, only from the course of the incident, the strategy, weapon system and intelligence adopted by the conflict between the conflict can really provide a number of issues worth learning and thinking.

Looking back at History Israel has gradually expanded after many wars. Since the 6th day of the Middle East in 1967, Israel occupied the Gaza Strip until 2005 withdrawn from the occupation, but it has never reached an agreement with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).EssenceHowever, after Hamas took power in 2007, the conflict of disturbances continued. Israel believes that it is impossible to solve the problem of this area once and for all. It will control about 2.3 million Barlstein people to the Gaza Strip in 365 square kilometers.For a period of time, it was targeted at its leadership to clear and crack down to effectively control and prevent violence from upgrading.From July to August 2014, he invaded the Gaza region with air bombing and ground forces to attack Hamas organizations, and Hamas also counterattacked with soil rockets.

On October 7, under the condition of no pre -early warning, the Hamas organization raided again. However, compared with the rockets of the rockets, this operation is not only strong and density, but also matches the penetration of drones and ground troops.Cause great shocking results.However, in the concept of the grandson's military law, the concept mentioned: "Enemies can fight, few can escape, but if they can avoid it.The strength can be taken as a confrontation attitude. If the strength is different and the resources are limited, the direct conflict should be avoided.

From the strategic evaluation of the Baza Battle, Hamas first shot and launched more than 5,000 homemade rockets. It has limited gunpowder gunpowder and is not accurate. Compared with Israel's large -scale continuous air strikes and artillery counterattacks, it will be.No less than 10%or even 5%.Hamas's strategic goals are unclear, conflict stop loss point, ceasefire negotiation mechanism and final war goal guidance are also in an unclear state, and the leadership has been repeatedly sniped and accurate bombardment, and the organizational force may be paralyzed.In terms of strategic thinking, Hamas lacks the wisdom of "big things", why is it a war.

On the other hand, Israel has long blocked strategies to the Gaza region for a long time, ignored humanitarianism, and does not give the kindness of "big things", but instead inspire Hamas's revenge and assault.Israel has mobilized large -scale mobilization and invaded Gasha, which will cause millions of people to leave the overthrow. Such excessive counterattacks will only deepen the hatred of each other and will not help the long -term resolution of the Middle East issue.

Although it is aid and support in the United States, Israel has been able to obtain the world's advanced development position in science and technology, economy and national defense.Whether it is missiles, radar and drones, there are quite proud development.Over the years, Israel has developed an Iron Dome system (Iron Dome) under the disturbance of the Gazhahaas organization and the Lebanon Rocket Rockets and mortars to fill the low -altitude defense gap.This system can quickly respond to the rocket that shot down with missiles. In actual combat verification, it is said that it has reached 85 to 90%of the hit rate.The U.S. military in this system also purchased and deployed in Guam, which shows that it has a high evaluation.

Israeli also uses the self -developed arrow 2 (Arrow 2) missile system to establish a theater ballistic missile defense.However, this incident highlights that any weapon system cannot have no weaknesses. Excessive self -confidence is the beginning of failure.It reminds that the development of national defense to a balanced force needs to be combined by different puppets, complement each other, complement each other, and complement each other. It may face unimaginable consequences.

The Hamas organization, which suddenly launched an attack, is bound to be carefully planned and trained for more than a year.It is unknown whether Israeli intelligence units have obtained early early warning, but from the subsequent response and speeches of the Israeli government, it is believed that this similar to the 911 incident in the United States shows that the information has not achieved the effect of the warning.

The Israeli Intelligence Agency (MOSSAD) and military intelligence units, if they can establish a relative early warning function, will not encounter the failure of this intelligence war.Preliminary early warning in intelligence is quite important. It is necessary to flatten the organization, establish a sources of multi -pipelines and multi -line, and use network integration and integration.This is a professional field, too politicized, or is controlled by a single headline and hierarchical system, which will cause serious misjudgment or even the opportunity to judge without information.

In the long run, the multi -pipe intelligence system we established is often due to the stretching of intelligence funds, which leads to poor imbalance and poor intelligence benefits. The military intelligence units affiliated to the Ministry of National Defense have not been valued.

In military operations, strange attacks are one of the principles of war; studying the history of the PLA in the past and playing an important role.From this major event, it is absolutely possible to know that suddenly attacking.Many media or scholars are commonly held "Mainland Actions, we must master", but history and existing cases warn us that this idea is unrealistic.The lack of strategic thinking, weapon systems and intelligence in Pakistani is to give us the best mirror.