Of course, the United States is far from all. Only in this way, there will be various reasons and reasons to launch endless cultural wars, with a view to constantly colliding, adapting, debugging, and improvement.Compared with the unreal and rigid stability and quietness of the end of the words, the annoying American cultural warfare, in fact, can actually promote improvement and progress and innovation and change, and increase social justice and fairness.

Many people may hear that the United States is in a "Cultural War", especially for more than 10 years, from racial discrimination, illegal immigration, presidential election, political and religious relationships, to abortion rights, sexDiversion and gender selection, gun control, college admission, and speech scale, various disputes are endless and dizzy.Some commentators often compare it as an unprecedented "American Cultural Revolution", causing "big tear" and even "new civil war"; American society has a disorder and turbulence, rationality continues to be lost, and the conflict of ethnic groups has intensified.As a result, it will decline or even collapse.

Considering the grand narrative of "Dongsheng and West" and global order reorganization, it is not the world's largest economy in the world for more than 130 years, and the world's number one military power in 80 years.Naturally, it makes people pay attention and even shocked.Anti -American people often call celebrations, add fuel and vinegar, and welcomes the self -procurement of the Emperor of the United States. It is eagerly looking forward to a "big change in a hundred years" is coming;Return to tradition and rebuild the United States' stability and unity.

overjoyed and sadness are all deceived

The author is not talented, and the anti -American who thinks of the joy is probably too optimistic, and the people who are compassionate are probably too pessimistic.They are a bit deceived. It is an exaggerated news report that is popular in our new era, as well as victims of the self -media.

People have naturally preferred excessive emphasis on the current feelings; the rendering and deliberate manipulation of politicians and interest groups, coupled with the selective reports of various media and the meaning of the online platform promotion algorithmWind can cause the so -called information cocoon room effect, which is dizzy.In the simplified Chinese world, some of the "well -known" characteristics of news and social media, which are more likely to misunderstand and misjudge.

In fact, since the independence of the United States 247 years ago, the United States can be said to have always experienced extensive debates, games, trials, trial errors and battles in various aspects of cultural, values, policies, and even legal systems.Fortunately, these endless cultural wars have only evolved into a real civil war, namely the American civil war in the 1860s (generally at the same time as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the late Qing Dynasty).As a former colony and immigration country, except for the short -term foreign war, American society has never been regarded as the kind of stability respected by some historians.It was after the Pearl Harbor was blown up, and when the US Congress fought against Japan, there were still opposition votes!In "Black Lives Matter, Chinese often translates as" black life "), the identity and rights of the gender of various ethnic groups, encourage diversified alternatives under a constitutional framework, and how to deal with the endless" illegal illegal "illegal" illegal"In immigration and other issues, Americans can be said to have their own opinions, continuous skin, and various extreme remarks.Excited, there is no shortage of decisive fighting.

But compared with the internal fighting of the indigenous, black slave system, discrimination against Catholicism and Jews, rejection of women, restrictions on women, restrictions on labor, anti -Japanese war, anti -Vietnam war and civil rights movement, etc.The pain and resentment and blood sacrifice caused by the cultural war in the United States in recent years are actually really small wages.

Looking back, the big test ground of the human ethnic groups in the United States, after these endless cultural wars, has achieved the dynamic stability of the basic governance framework and the value of subject values.Revolution.The achievements and worldwide impacts of economy, culture, technology and other aspects have long no longer needed.It is the ethnic minorities and culture, which have been degraded, and gradually entered the so -called mainstream and gradually entered the so -called mainstream.The Chinese who only accounted for a few percent of the population have been basically banned from immigrants from 80 years ago, and now it is already a "high -dry" or above.Once an illegal homosexuality, he also became a minister.U.S. women, who did not even have voting rights a century ago, some of them now have the White House, and some are in the second leader.

internal consumption or unavoidable cost

Of course, the United States is far from all. Only in this way, there will be various reasons and reasons to launch endless cultural warfare, with a view to constantly colliding, adapting, commissioning, and improvement.Of course, the cultural war is by no means never taking detours, nor the radical practices and "negative" words and deeds that have no side effects or no "over -end".Overcite can lead to too late or even internal consumption.These are all as much as possible, but the price may not be avoided.The "political correctness" remarks of "equality" politics and harsh mechanicals that are too subdivided will also increase the cost of social governance and information exchanges, harm social harmony and personal rights, and cause many people to be disgusted and even resist.However, compared to the unreal and rigid and stable and quiet, endless, endless and annoying American cultural war, as long as they can maintain peace and non -violence, do not destroy human rights civil rights property rights, freedom of speech, and ruling the country according to law.) The fundamental system and value concept can actually promote improvement and progress and innovation change, increase social justice and fairness, and constantly seek the two major dynamic balance between individuals and collectives, as well as the two major dynamic balance between competition and equality.The price is far from expensive, and it is not a disaster.

The latest record of the overall economic and cultural development of the United States seems to also show that the noisy cultural war seems to be less hindered by innovation and not dragging on growth.Aside from all kinds of cigarettes and hustle and bustle, in terms of per capita group incidents, the United States is actually similar to South Korea and belongs to a relatively peaceful country in the world.As soon as the national affairs are encountered, the two parties that do not let me and you die, and you will still cooperate with it: from 2018 to 2023, the US Congress has formulated a number of laws on China. Most of them are passed by full votes.Japan was more united during the war.

Everyone does not seem to be distressed, nor the joy of the fierce, wonderful, colorful and even shocking cultural war on the United States.In the final analysis, the United States is a good mirror. We should hope that the cultural war in the United States will continue, and the United States has more than less lessons, because it can continue to learn, learn from ourselves, and do our own affairs.

The author is a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States