Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

The US Congress's "Strategic Situation Committee" issued a report, arguing that the United States may have to fight with Russia and China at the same time, and must prepare for this. In addition to expanding military strength and strengthening relations with allies, it is necessary to accelerate the modernization of nuclear weapons.When cross -strait relations are increasingly tense and the Russian and U -wars have led to the deterioration of US -Russian relations, the US Congress's report represents the meaning of the United States.The report did not reveal any signs of cooperation between China and Russia in nuclear weapons, but it was determined that "they may be final coordinated in some way to make us uncomfortable."

Russia and Ukraine Drag the United States for a long time

In addition, General Flynn, commander of the US Army Pacific, pointed out at a symposium at the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) that China's "aggressive, insidious and irresponsible behavior" in ChinaThe territorial and sovereignty constitutes a challenge. The cooperation between the United States and the allies of the United States and the region is to ensure peace.


The Russian and Ukraine War was not over, and the Baza conflict was resurrected, which did not let the United States ignore the strategic situation in East Asia.The Hudson Institute of Washington, DC, recently held a Seminar of the United States and China. The participants Sibadin believed that the United States and China involved the competition in ideology and economic fields.The same rules and regulations must be abide by the same rules and regulations.He believes that if it is not the inflow of scientific and technological talents and capital in Liberty, China will not be now China, and the United States will be a mirror.

Although the Bayeng government emphasized that it is necessary to maintain the relationship between the two sides in cooperation, competition and confrontation in mainland China, in fact, competition and confrontation are more cooperative, giving the DPP government's strategic space for "anti -China -China".However, after the two wars of the Russian and Ukraine War and the Baza conflict, whether the United States is willing to deal with the third war should be concerned, especially the Hamas organization raid Israel incident, showing that the outbreak of the war is often unexpected.This cannot be indifferent.

U.S. strategic experts during the Cold War have discussed, can the U.S. military cope with one -half of war at the same time?That is, fighting against the Soviet Union while fighting another war. At that time, many experts thought it was difficult. The failure of the United States in the Vietnam battlefield had performed the views of strategic experts.

Today, the United States has worked very hard to deal with the Russian and Ukraine War. U.S. President Bayeng signed a short -term funding bill passed by Congress on September 30 to temporarily avoid the crisis of closing of the federal government.To delete, it reflects that American society is becoming more and more impatient for this long -term war.

The Russian and Ukraine War had been fighting for more than a year and a half. American politicians were annoyed and worried about the US finances, so they were anxious to end.Now that Israel conflicts with Hamas, although Israel should be sufficient to deal with the attack of Hamas organization, strong counterattack may push warfire to Syria and Lebanon, or the reason for Iran to intervene.Two aircraft carrier battle group entered the Middle East.I am afraid it is difficult to end this conflict in the Middle East. Will the United States have to be forced to intervene in the conflict? This is what the United States wants to worry about.

Taiwan must avoid misjudgment by self -protection

The United States may face two wars of Russia and Ukraine. Taiwan cannot be good at all. It is believed that under the U.S. military umbrella, even if the red line of the mainland challenges the mainland will not detonate the war.Secretary of Defense Qiu Guozheng said that it has established a task force and hopes to learn lessons from the Battle of the Palestinian radical Hamas Armedian.What lessons can Taiwan learn from the Baza conflict?Qiu Guozheng believes that intelligence is the key to preventing the war. With information, you can make pre -response, including preventing the war from occurring.

This time the outbreak of the Pakistani conflict, the lesson of the failure of Israel's intelligence work is indeed worth exploring and borrowing the mirror, but the method of preventing cross -strait conflicts is not only successful in the intelligence war, but also not only strengthening the military power, but also how important is how it is.Establish a peaceful consensus between the two sides of the strait, but the DPP government blindly pursues Taiwan independence and blindly "de -China". The two sides of the strait do not come and go, and the possibility of misjudgment is getting higher and higher. This is the crisis.

Although the Cai Yingwen government has felt the crisis, this year's Double Ten speech deliberately emphasizes the importance of peace, and the peace is the largest number of conventions on both sides of the strait.However, without accepting the 1992 consensus, the mainland did not appreciate the peaceful demands of Tsai Ing -wen. The response from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council was that the DPP officials talked about peaceful and interacting dialogue while stubbornly insisted on the independence of the Taiwan.China's principles and "1992 consensus" cannot deceive the world on both sides, and it is even more delusional to engage in "peaceful division".

U.S. -China relations are disturbed by the conflict between the Russian and Ukraine War and the Middle East. Even if Bayeng and Xi Jinping intends to avoid the expansion of the conflict, the tree is quiet and the wind is more windy.Even worse.The risk of international politics has fallen into uncertainty, and the harsh cross -strait relations have made Taiwan's uncertainty more risks. To protect themselves, Taiwan needs to actively avoid misjudgment caused by cross -strait distrust.