Australia and New Zealand's two elections on October 14 have appeared in public opinion.Australia held a referendum of the "Voice of the Aboriginal Parliament" on the same day to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of the Turkey. Unexpectedly, the Labor Party, which promoted the referendum based on the concept of progress, was rejected by more than 60%of the overwhelming advantages.The national election held on the same day in New Zealand also respected the concept of progress and guaranteed the rights and interests of indigenous fortunes. Six years after ruling, the conservative national party will jointly organize another party.Similar to the other Anglo -Saxon politics in the West, the opposition between the Elite and conservative grassroots in Australia and New Saxons is.

The Australian referendum hopes to revise the constitution, explicitly acknowledge the status of the Australian indigenous people as the Aboriginal people of the mainland, and set up an institution of "Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islanders" in Congress to provide policies related to Aboriginal affairs related to Congress and the governmentconsult.Supporters believe that after the British colonized by the British, they have long been discriminated against by mainstream society and have not enjoyed the fruit of social progress.The indigenous community is still facing problems such as poverty and backwardness, high alcoholism and high crimes.The constitutional acknowledges to acknowledge their aboriginal status, which helps to remind the whole society to attach importance to their situation. In the specialized agencies of Congress, they can focus more on improving their lives.

But the opponent pointed out that the constitutional amendment highlights the status of indigenous people, violates the equality of the Australian constitutional people, and contradicts the tradition of liberalism in the English world to attach importance to personal rights.Practice with allocating power.According to Australian law, the constitutional amendment must be supported by more than half of the country and the support of the four states in the six states.Unexpectedly, the results of the referendum were rejected in Liuzhou, and the opposition votes were far exceeding the support ticket.After the election, Prime Minister Albanis said that he "absolutely respects" the people's decision, but indigenous people and some supporters expressed anger and shame to the results.

New Zealand separated by the sea also appears the same public opinion.The Labor Party, which supports the Mobilifs, defeats more than 27%of the votes in the national election; the votes of the Central Right -wing National Party are 40%, which may be the joint government of the Party Organization of the Right -wing.The New Zealand Priority Party, which has always been regarded as populism, also won 6.46%of votes in the election and entered Congress.As the National Party and the Action Party only occupy the faint majority of Congress, the priority party is likely to join the government.What is funny is that the priority party shouted the slogan of "a nation country, a law" in the campaign, and opposed the political privilege of the benefits of the Murkee.

Liberal liberals in English countries such as the United States, Britain, Canada, etc. have become radical in recent years, leading to huge cognition and interests between political elites and grassroots.The history of European colonialism allows many liberals to be guilty, hoping to make up for historical fault by giving the indigenous privileges; the history of black slaves in the United States allows white elites to support the "black life" campaign, but the result will cause damage to whites and Asian rights and interests.The price.Although the situation of indigenous and black people is indeed not as good as the mainstream society and worthy of sympathy, the progress of the progress is overwhelming to take care of the disadvantaged groups and almost reverse discrimination against the mainstream.Caused a political rebound.

Some of Australia supporting constitutional amendments to self -made self -made highlands, describing the opposition to maintain constitutionalism as racists, exacerbated the contradiction between the two sides.Before the Australian Labor Party rarely promoted the constitutional amendment before striving for the basic consensus, it was kind to do bad things, intensify social confrontation, and had caused greater political tear.This reform driven by ideology eventually hurt the interests that wanted to help the target, and the result had to be lost.The latest elections in Australia and New Zealand reflect the conflict between mainstream public opinion on progress, which has caused a lot of frustration of the Progressive agenda.

The behavior of the historical reflection of Western Social Progress Party is worthy of praise, but the practice is overkill and falls into a misunderstanding of the value of constitutional democracy.Respecting personal rights and freedom, everyone is equal before the law, is already the universal value of writing to the United Nations Charter after World War II; it will distribute power again according to the ethnic group. Even if the motivation is good, the result may violate the original intention.The Singaporean state letter "vowed to be race, speech, religion, and unity", which represents this universal value.The lessons of other countries are enough to make us be considered.