Source: Taiwan Zhongtian News Network

Author: Chen Yiling

After the Palestinian radical organization Hamas raid Israel on the 7th, the Lebanon Hezbollah also launched an attack on the northern part of Israel.The armed organization claiming to have 100,000 soldiers and Iran behind it will have a significant impact on the current war situation and attract attention.

Sheikh Naim Qassem, vice chairman of the Allah, met with Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian on the 13th that the Allah will be fully prepared. Once the time is mature, it will be with Palestine with Palestine.Allies Hamas fight against Israel.And why does the true party join this battle?The Peninsula TV station has compiled the following points to allow the public to understand the basic background of the "Allah" and the relationship between the true and Epab.

What is "true party"?

The Lord, in Arabic means "God's Party", was established in 1982. It is a Shiitian armed political group supported by Iran to fight against Israel's occupation of southern Lebanon.

After the Emperor's invasion of Israel in 1982, it was composed of the Iranian Islamary Revolution Guard (Revolutionary Guards Corps).one.

According to its leader, Hassan NASRALLAH, the Allah has 100,000 soldiers and a precision rocket can attack all Israeli regions.The United States estimates that in recent years, Iran has assisted hundreds of millions of dollars of funds from the Lord each year.

The Allah has been led by Nasrola since 1992. It is the most influential political group in the Lebanese sect.Because the Allah has established a huge military and political network in Lebanon, a country that divides power according to sectarian power, it is also known as the "country of the country."

Why is the Establishment of the Lord?What is its goal?

After nearly 20 years of death, the Israeli army unilaterally withdrew from southern Lebanon in 2000, and the Allah claimed that it was the first Arab army to force Israel to abandon territorial control.After the withdrawal of Israel, it continued to occupy it from the Gelan Highlands and Palestinian territory from Syria in the 1967 "SIX-DAY War".

The ODP issued a declaration after its establishment, emphasizing that its ideology and goals are to defeat Israel and expel Western colonialism out of the Middle East.

Does the true Lord conflict with Israel in the past?

In July 2006, the Allah launched a military operation named "Operation Truthful Promise", which attacked northern Israel and captured two Israeli soldiers, hoping to go through two.The hostage and Israel reached a prison exchange agreement.Israel's counterattack caused a 34 -day war, also known as the "July War".

What is the difference between the Lord and Hamas?

The Lord and Hamas are different entities, but they have the common goal of "armed resistance to Israel".The Lord is the Lebanese organization, and Hamas is the Palestinian organization.

The first uprising in Hamas in 1987, opposing Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory in the Gasha area.In 2006, Hamas won a majority of seats in parliament of the Palestinian Autonomous Government and controlled the Gaza Strip.

Will Israel open a new front?

The Islamic Jihad of the Palestinian Armed Forces (Islamic Jihad) claimed to launch a cross -border attack on the 9th, and Israel bombed the Allah, causing three members of the Allah to be killed.The Allah claims that the deceased was killed because of "the aggression of Jewish state in southern Lebanon", and the Allah fired a fight against Israel.

Reported that the scholars analyzed that if the true party launched an attack, the Palestinian faction in Lebanon was eager to open the second front.Therefore, Lebanon may be involved in a comprehensive war between Israel and the Allah with the support of the Palestinian faction.Although the Although the Althistan fired a shells of the Israeli control zone claiming to have sovereignty on the 8th, the Allah has now avoided further involvement in the Baza conflict.However, some experts believe that if Israel launch a ground offensive against the sand, the situation may change.

Is the Lord "terrorist organization"?

The United States and other Western countries regard the true parties as "terrorist organizations", and American allies, including Saudi Arabia including Saudi Arabia, also regard the organization as terrorist organizations.The EU is a terrorist organization of the Military Organization of the Lord, but it does not take its political school as a terrorist organization.

What is the role of the organization in Lebanon?

The power of the Allah spreads throughout the administrative and legislature.Some political parties in Lebanon have accused the Lord of the Lord of the Lord to push Lebanon into a conflict.

Rafik Hariri, the former Prime Minister of Sunni in 2005, was assassinated, and the Allaate's ally Syria withdrew from Lebanon's political position.In 2016, Michel AOUN, supported by the Lord, served as president.Two years later, the Allah and its allies won a majority of seats in the first election of the country's nine years.In the 2022 election, although the true parties lost most of the seats, the organization still occupied political leadership.