Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai recently led a group to visit the United States. One of the key points is that Singapore is more active in cooperation and exchanges with the United States in the field of emerging technology, especially in promoting artificial intelligence governance.In addition, in terms of clean energy, space, digital and technology solutions, many space for cooperation has also been discussed.

The visits between the past and the past are often slightly different from the focus of defense and economic cooperation. The focus of the Singapore delegation is more in the field of technology.Huang Xuncai first hosted the GIC Investment Forum as the Vice Chairman of the Board of GIC of Singapore Government (GIC).Wang Ruijie, who also visited the United States and Minister of Economic Policy, attended the forum as a Director of GIC. He then visited the MIT of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Massachusetts Institute of Science and Technology in Boston in the United States, and the Harvard University of the Quantum Optical Research Center of HarvardInstitution and department.

Wang Ruijie pointed out on Facebook that the key to the US scientific research system is that there is a dynamic ecosystem, strong cooperation with stakeholders with various interests, and the patience and bold mentality of funders.These have important learning value for Singapore in strengthening scientific research, innovation, and corporate ecology (RIE).

Singapore universities, Singapore Science and Technology Research Institute, and National Research Foundation and other institutions have long been actively looking for cutting -edge scientific research partners in countries around the world and achieved considerable results.Wang Ruijie pointed out that these partnership is critical to ensure that we are at the forefront of innovation and breakthroughs.Singapore must cooperate with the world's best brains in response to climate change and aging problems in order to achieve synergistic effects and see results faster.

The United States is the forefront of scientific research in the world today. No matter in terms of talent training, scientific ideas, technological innovation and capital operation models, there are many experience worthy of reference.At the same time, China, which has a good talent, has made breakthroughs in many scientific research fields; Japan and some European countries have also been worth learning in industrial and software.The artificial intelligence governance team established by Xinmei Plan is to strengthen information exchanges between the two countries and solutions for various problems and solutions in the future. It is also an opportunity for us to learn.

From the perspective of a strategic thinking, Singapore seek opportunities for diversified cooperation, on the one hand to ensure that we can understand and master important technological development related to themselves; on the other hand, in the reality of China -US technology decouragementThe friendly relationship between the two sides must also be as open as possible in technology introduction.In other words, to ensure the diversification of Singapore's advanced technology, and the open world scientific research circle can not only establish enough scientific research and talent strategy, but also ensure that we have enough strength to propose solutions when facing various problems.Although the protectionism between the country and camps is not yet in the stages of barriers, big international enterprises and investors have increasingly felt the influence of geopolitical tension.Technology is the foundation of the future economy. The technical strength determines the competitiveness of the enterprise, and also determines the living space of the country.

From artificial intelligence to nanotechnology, it will dominate the world in the near future and affect human life.Compared with various technologies at the moment, it is a large leap. Singapore must maintain the same pace with the best technology countries, so that the foundation of economic growth can be deeper.Although Singapore is small but has a small internationally connection, and the ability to formulate policies and issues is strong. These are the advantages of cooperation with Singapore.Therefore, Singapore's new generation leader in -depth understanding of the policy thinking and trends of major scientific and technological powers such as the United States is vital to us.

The United States has existed in the area for 80 years. It turns out that it has helped the stability and flourishing region. In the past few decades, countries in this region can make progress in terms of economy, technology and innovation.The strength cannot be related.After China's reform and opening up, the scientific and technological strength of China's reform and opening up also brings a lot of new economic vitality to the region. Singapore actively deepen technical exchanges with these countries, which can help us be higher -level in the country's overall strength.