Chinese female net red at the Central Hospital of Singapore It was discussed that Chinese social media also triggered fierce discussions. Many related Weibo topics rushed to the top three, and some even received nearly 200 million readings and more than 200,000 interaction.Singapore society's severe punishment and high respect for medical staff have once again won wide praise from Chinese netizens, which really made the powerful image of small countries enter a three -pointer.

Carefully check the Weibo comment area. There is a word that has a very high frequency, which is "Little Fairy".Many netizens said that "Singapore is not used to the little fairy" and "teach the little fairy to learn to be a human", which is similar.What does "Little Fairy" mean?Why is it widely used in this context?What are the problems of the Chinese network?

"Little Fairy", as the name implies, refers to girls who are beautiful, and are often used by women on the Internet, or some female net reds are used to call women audiences, encouraging them to consume and self -improve.Little fairy believes that women should be beautiful alone, thinking that women should be better to themselves, rather than entering traditional characters for family dedication.With the gradually deepening contradiction between China's Internet feminism and gender opposition in recent years, the meaning of "Little Fairy" has also changed, and it has gradually become a derogatory term.EssenceIt can be said that "Little Fairy" has become synonymous with self -centered in the Chinese network, and the use of the word "Little Fairy" represents an anti -female perspective.

China Internet Gender is serious

The insulting incident of the Central Hospital of Singapore involved in the discussion: cultural differences, differences in the rule of law, and differences in medical systems.These topics do not directly involve gender, but an event that seems to be unrelated to gender still attracts the comment area so frequently. The severity of the Chinese Internet gender opposition is evident.

There are generally phenomena of men and women in Chinese society. This situation has greatly improved with economic development, and women's status has improved significantly.However, in China, due to family planning policies, most families can only have one child, gender choices are generally existed, the population and sex industry has been unbalanced, and there are more men and women in the overall population.According to the seventh national census data in China in 2021, the male population is 34.9 million more than women.Under this imbalanced situation, it is not difficult to imagine the difficulty of the younger generation of ordinary men.With the continuous development and gathering resources in Chinese cities, women also actively choose to leave their hometown to study and work for the population.For many people, if you can't find that ideal, marrying a man who is not as rich as his own resources means the downgrade of the quality of life, so he is more inclined to rather be missing.Live a lifetime.

China was very popular in China 10 years ago. Like the "losing dog" in Japanese, it refers to women who are under 30 years of age and are not married.The pressure of marriage and love in the society forced more women to enter marriage.

However, the word has been slightly ascended, and the family's urging marriage in Dafa has failed.When more and more post -90s women enter the 30 -year -old mark, a considerable part of the choice will never be; for younger post -00 women, unmarried and infertility will even change from a social stigma toPride.Nowadays, there are a large number of reverse discrimination on the words "marriage donkey" and "coquettish wife". It is stupid to ridicule women to choose to establish families with men.In some young people's love of Douyin, men are often obedient and fear of their wives, while women are absolutely active, and they almost completely subvert the traditional positioning of men's masculinity and women.In February 2021, the Ministry of Education of China stated in a document that it would reform school sports education and pay attention to cultivating the masculinity of male students to prevent feminine. As a result, it caused a lot of dissatisfaction and criticized the gender discrimination of the Ministry of Education.

In the TV series market, the script of the "big heroine" is popular, and women should "engage in career" and "money" have been deeply planted in the younger generation.Fans of female celebrities will celebrate because of idol divorce, and believe that female stars can no longer be affected by their families and concentrate on their careers.Perhaps the choice of the younger generation can not be fully recognized by parents, but it has declined for nine consecutive years, compared with the marriage rate that has been cut in 2013, and a new low fertility rate, which proves that there are more and more women who are away from traditional choices.

Frequent cases of gender opposition, frequent cases of burning cases

Without the marriage between men and women, the relationship becomes a sword, and the emotions of the hate women are fermented.American scholar Case Santan proposed the concept of "group polarization", which describes that when the group members had already preliminarily preliminarily preferred a certain point of view, they will tend to further move in a more extreme direction in this view., Eventually, an extreme position.The Internet provides a platform for individuals to express their views freely. However, in the process of group interaction, similar views often continue to strengthen, leading to the phenomenon of group polarization in the network environment.Under the influence of this principle, the topic of gender opposite has become the most acute but hottest traffic password in China.

In April 2022, the official account of the Chinese Communist Youth League posted a post saying that "extreme feminism has become a cyber tumor", which once again triggered a huge rebound and dissatisfaction. Gender opposition reaches a situation.Among young people, opposition is not limited to mutual interconnect, but a more realistic confrontation.Recently, several "little fairy" incidents in university campuses, such as female graduate students in Sichuan University, framed migrant workers candid photos, girls at the Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts accused boys salty pig hands, Tianjin University girls with no reason to put the rice on the boy's head for no reason, just because he saidThe sentence "cat feces are stinky", and the corner of the iceberg that opposites at the real level of gender is revealed.The "little fairy" in these incidents was well educated, and they participated in gender opposition "brave and proactive".

Internet users, especially male netizens, so accumulated a lot of negative views on the "little fairy", thinking that they have used gender advantages, and they are not punished by any substantial punishment after being proven to be wrong.You can be forgiven easily; compared to men who have been accused and bullied, they have paid a huge cost of rights protection.Therefore, the female Internet celebrity insulting medical staff in Singapore was immediately punished by the charged court. In a few days, the defendant was charged for six charges. Even if he apologized, he was punished.The strong style of Singapore's government departments has been vigorous and never tolerate, which has solved the hate of the accumulation of a large number of Chinese netizens, and shouted that it was fast.It only appeared in the high -frequency discussion of the "Little Fairy" in this incident. It seemed unrelated, but reflected the sharp reality of Chinese gender opposition.

In fact, gender opposition is not an exclusive phenomenon in China, and South Korea's gender confrontation has also evolved into severe social problems.The East Asian cultural circle, which was once a male and female, in recent years. In recent years, the strong momentum of the Korean feminist movement has also made more and more young men think that they have suffered reverse discrimination and are victims of feminism. Young is young.Gender discrimination to pay.They believe that feminism has evolved into a revenge man and must be resolutely opposed, so it also gives birth to a large number of anti -feminist organizations (such as male unity, Man on solidarity).

Under this trend, the Yin Xiyue government simply canceled the relevant funding of anti -gender discrimination projects, strived to support young male voters, and further political contradictions.The coexistence of the hate and the vengeance made South Korea's marriage rate and fertility rate on the edge of collapse.It is estimated that South Korea will become the first country in the world to disappear naturally. Equivalence cannot be overkill

For Singapore, although gender issues have not caused social distress at this stage, they should also analyze and discuss the laws of response to prevent problems before they occur.How can we treat gender opposition objectively?

Let's take a look at a set of data. In 2022, the average income gap between Korean men and women is about 20 percentage points higher than the average level of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).EssenceAccording to a global gender gap report released by the World Economic Forum, comprehensive assessment in the four aspects of economy, politics, health, and education, the status of Chinese women in 2023 ranked only 107 among 149 countries around the world.South Korea is ranked 105, and it is also in the fall channel (Singapore is ranked 49th in this list, and the United States ranks 43). It can be seen that the source of gender opposition is in the final analysis.

Interestingly, the national Iceland, Norway, and Finland, which ranked among the top lists, did not decrease and rose during the period of crown disease. In the second quarter of 2021, the birth rate was 16.5%, 5%, and 5%, respectively.7%.

Confucius said that he did not suffer from unevenness. In the same way, whether it is too large in gender or unbalanced development of various ethnic groups, it is a possible time bomb for society.Human brain has "self -service deviations". Most people will make their success in internal attribution, consider their own credit, and tend to make failure as an external attribution. It is considered to be the fault of others.Therefore, when economic upward, the hidden issues may be ignored. Once the economy is declining, the unequal hidden dangers may have a large number of heads. Gender opposition is one of the hidden dangers.It is caused by complicated historical and economic reasons and values. If the guidance is not good, it is likely to develop into a typical attribution fallacy, which will cause a series of social contradictions.

In Singapore, we must first ensure economic development, and at the same time we are committed to improving the gap between gender and continuously improving women's rights.And the younger generation needs to realize that the gender is not a competitive relationship, nor a zero -sum game, but a win -win relationship.Love and responsibility, diversity and acceptance, sex education, etc. may not be limited to physiological knowledge, the complexity and harmony of social relations related to cognition and sex, which is also an important part of it.

The opposition between social groups has never been solved. Only calm and restraint, preventing problems before, is the right way to maintain prosperity and stability.

The author is a senior lecturer in the business school of Xinyue Social Science and Technology