Source: China Youth Daily

Author: Zhao Limei, Zhang Junbin

The process of transforming the village in the city is the process of tens of millions of people to realize their lives. However, there are also many young people who are "drifting" in large cities in China. After transformation, rents have risen, and they cannot afford them.Some experts believe that "tolerance" has become the inherent logic of the transformation of the village in the city. This is "the core or the most urgent element of inclusive transformation, that is, the most basic needs of this group of people living here -safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, and safe, safe, safe, and safe, safe, and safe, safe, safe, safe, and safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, and safe, safe, and safe, safe, and safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, and safe, safe, and safe, safe, and safe, safe, and safe, safe, and safe, safe, safe, and safe, safe, safe, safe, and safe, safe, safe, and safe, safe, and safe, safe, safe, safe, and safe.Live with dignity and affordable land. "


The first floor of 18 households share one kitchen and two tap water leaders. This is the scene of Ye Yumin, a professor at the School of Public Management of Renmin University of China, and deputy director of the academic committee of the Institute of Development and Strategy Research of the Institute of Public Management.It also allows her to have the problem of renovation in the village of the Research City.

"The village in the city can be said to be the" half of the sky 'in Shenzhen's living space. "Tongde, an associate professor of the School of Urban Planning and Design of Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University, and the director of the Simulation Society of the Simulation Society of the Super City Space Management Policy, saw that in the past period, ShenzhenThe reconstruction of the city in the city has been vigorously developed and achieved certain results, but there are also some regions that continue to demolish the city's village reconstruction model, which is prominent.

The transformation of the city in the city is the need to improve the people's livelihood, the new force to promote the development of the property market, and it is also an important driving force for driving domestic demand.On October 14, the Chinese City Hundred Talents Forum 2023 Autumn Forum and the Cross -border Symposium on the Transformation of Modernization and Super Grand Cities in China were held in Beijing. Many experts, scholars, and industry drivers from relevant departments, academia, and industrial circles explored togetherThe transformation theory, mode, method, and path of the large -scale urban urban village with Chinese characteristics.

The era of large -scale transformation of the new village in the city is here

The village in the city is the first "settlement point" of many new citizens, young people and migrant workers who work hard in large -scale cities such as North, Shang, Guang, and Shenzhen. The advantages of low rent and near work allow themThis city has one less pressure and a little hope.

"Community of low -cost life of foreign population" -This is the director of the Beijing Urban Planning and Design and Research Institute Urban Renewal Planning Institute and engineer You Hong used to describe the core keywords in the village in the city.In fact, he is more willing to call the village in the city as "cross -border village". In his opinion, compared with the concept of dual -opposed city villages, "cross -border" may better reflect the characteristics of such villages in the city. PeopleCross the boundary of urban and rural areas, and the regional cross -border has the boundary of urbanization.In addition, these villages in the city are at the juncture of social and economic turns.

"The subway is sitting at the end and returning to the village." This phenomenon is not uncommon in Beijing.You Hong has been to many cities in Beijing, including Changping Sand River in Xinzhuang.Nearly 70,000 mobile personnel lived here, and many IT staff working in Zhongguancun are no stranger to here, especially some young people who just work.He sees that here, residents can reach the subway for 10 minutes, and the cheapest rental house is 800 yuan (RMB, Same, S $ 149)/month. The prosperous commercial street and night market are not closed at 11 pm.At 14 yuan, you can eat a full meal. A person spends 2,500 yuan-4000 yuan per month to solve the entire needs of clothing, food, housing and transportation, which is very attractive to those who have not income.

Many experts have talked about the important role of Chengzhong Village in the process of urbanization in the past few decades.Ye Yumin believes that the village in Chengzhong has long provided low -cost living space for new citizens. It is an important support in the process of industrialization and urbanization in China. Its historical effect is huge, and its functions will continue in the future.It is just that the environment, social state and space pattern of the current village in the city can no longer meet the needs of common prosperity and people's good life in the new era. Therefore, it is necessary to update and transform.

Ye Yumin pointed out that in general, the village in the city presents the characteristics of "three lows and two highs".The proportion of high and unlicensed construction is high.From the micro perspective, the village in the city shows that there are large hidden dangers of public health and safety, housing safety, fire safety hazards, have a relatively backward supporting facilities, poor living environment, a high proportion of "housing poverty", and difficult social governance.It is urgent to transform, "the problem of village in the city is still accumulating."

In Ye Yumin's view, it is currently entering a new era of large -scale transformation of a new village in the city.

In recent times, a number of scholars made preliminary portraits of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, and Dongguan's eight large cities.According to Ye Yumin, according to preliminary foundation, there are more than 4,400 cities in the eight cities, with a construction land area of more than 3,500 square kilometers, and preliminary statistics to more than 55.55 million residents, of which the non -household registration population is more than 34.7 million.Ye Yumin said that these data are further proofreading, but the residential population in the city may increase further.

At present, in many places, it is carrying out supporting policies, clarifying the number of villages in the city, and preparing the project plan.In the two months of operation, the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development Information System has entered the Kuchengzhong Village Reconstruction Project for two months.

This is a more difficult "test paper"

The reconstruction of the village in the city is a complex system work, involving many subjects, the coordination of the interests of all parties is difficult, and the transformation takes time.In the past few decades of renovation practice, many villages in the city have undergone tremendous changes.However, in different regions, the problem of "changing", "unable to afford", and "can't be changed" still exist to varying degrees.

Among them, "changing" means that among the many village reconstruction projects in many cities, the relevant departments have insufficient negotiation or inadequate stakeholders.With the development of the transformation of the city in the city, the relevant departments took the initiative to strengthen the negotiation with the stakeholders, and the residential awareness changed, and gradually changed from "to me to change" to "I want to change".Can't afford it. "On the one hand, some urban villages can be transformed in profit margins and cannot raise sufficient funds. On the other hand, in the process of transformation in some urban villages, the cost is rising due to various factors.Can't afford to live, the merchants can't afford it, no one "pays", and the development is unsustainable.On the one hand, the "incomplete" means that the stock of the village in the city has not been changed. On the other hand, the village in the city has been changed, but the "spring breeze blows".

How to renovate the new round of Chengzhong Village to meet the needs of the real estate market under the new situation, so that the city of the village in Chengzhong Village "changes", "can afford" and "complete"?

Wu Fulai, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Renmin University of China, believes that we must abandon the traditional rejection of the village reconstruction model of the city, build a tolerance city village reconstruction mechanism, and actively promote the simultaneous development of the village reconstruction and affordable leasing housing, which is appropriate to increase the location.2. High -quality and effective housing supply of vocational and residential balance, linkage to promote the improvement of space quality in the village area in the city, the residence of new citizens, and the upgrading of industrial structures.

Many experts believe that exclusion transformation has led to "incomplete" villages in the city.Revisibility transformation refers to the fact that during the reconstruction of the city in the city, ignoring the fact that the large -scale new citizens in the original village in the city in the city, the number and quality of the newly provided housing after the transformation cannot meet the needs of the original low -income new citizens rented by the original rented, forcedThey migrated to the periphery of the central city.

Ye Yumin believes that the foothold of the transformation of the village in the city should be to provide residents with equalization of health housing and promoting public services.Therefore, at present, the people must be centered on the implementation of tolerance in the village in the city, and realizing the simultaneous construction of the village reconstruction and affordable rental housing in the city.She said: "The process of transforming the village in the city is the process of tens of millions of people to realize their lives, which is the process of allowing them to live and work."

"This is oneZhang even more difficult 'test paper. ""You Hong pointed out that now, the transformation of the village in Beijing is facing the" difficulty of multiple goals ". It is necessary to achieve multiple goals such as reduction, greening, demolition, governance, housing security, and rural rejuvenation.In this round of urban reconstruction, exclusion transformation will cause personnel to lose, which will have an impact on the operation of the city.

Under multiple constraints, what is the way of breaking the situation in the village in the city?You Hong suggested that it is not aggressive, not blindly add leverage, and classified policies.Recently, tolerance governance is also encouraged, self -updated, and preferred pilot demolition and modification models.In his opinion, "tolerance" has become the inherent logic of the transformation of the village in this round of the city. This is "the core or the most urgent element of inclusive transformation, that is, the most basic needs of this group of people -safe, having a safe, having someDignity and affordable living. "

Classification and strategy is one of the tone of the reconstruction of the village in this round of the city.On October 12, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development that the large and large cities are actively promoting the reconstruction of the village in the city, and the implementation of three categories: one is to dismantle new construction in accordance with qualified implementation, and the other is to carry out regular rectification and improvement.The class is a combination of implementation between the two.

According to the actual situation of Shenzhen Chengzhong Village, Tongde proposed three transformation paths: First, the villages with poor conditions were updated to overwhelm the reconstruction, so that this can also make up for the lack of the mid -to -high -end market.The second is that the villages with good conditions carry out the government -led rents to suppress affordable housing.Third, other types of villages can try market -led and government -guaranteed comprehensive remediation, and provide healthy and paid housing for low -income groups for cities.

combine transformation with affordable housing construction

In the reconstruction of the village in the city, as one high -rise building has risen, the "forest" of the steel concrete "forest" has gradually formed.The "pocket" of the Aboriginal people has become "drum".

However, some groups may start to worry about. For them, low -cost housing seems to be "less" and even gradually disappear.In this way, these foreign populations, low -income people, or young people who have just graduated can only continue to drift outward.Many young people said that after the reconstruction of the village in the city, they were most worried about the rise of rent and they could not afford it.

Tian Li, a professor at the Department of Urban Planning of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, pointed out in his speech that it is undeniable that in a variety of urban village reconstruction models, there has been a long time of neglect of the residence of the foreign population.

Wang Mingfeng, a professor and doctoral instructor of the Chinese School of Geographical Sciences of East China Normal University and the Chinese Modern Urban Research Center.He found that the main housing demand of a large number of low -income foreign population living in Chengzhong Village, Shanghai is: cheapness is approaching.However, in the context of the continuous demolition and reconstruction of villages in the city, the supply of housing for low -income groups has been significantly reduced. These foreign populations are constantly relocated between different urban villages.For speaking, the space they can choose is compressed.

Tian Li believes that the transformation of the village in the city must not only combine the new situation of the current real estate market, but also pay attention to the residence rights of the foreign population.For example, the real estate market has undergone profound changes, the people's expectations for the property market have also changed greatly, and the concept of young people is changing. Some young people choose to rent a house for a lifetime.

Tian Li believes that during the reconstruction of the village in the city, providing low -cost rental housing is one of the main paths to protect the rights and interests of foreign population.At the same time, this transformation must rely on market and social forces for diversified transformation.

Affordable housing is considered to be one of the solutions to retain these groups.On July 21, the guidance of the guidance and admission and approved at the executive meeting of the State Council on the active and steadily promoting the transformation of the village in the city in the oversized large cities also put forward, "combining the reconstruction of the village in the city with the construction of affordable housing."

From the perspective of many experts, there are many opportunities to promote the construction of affordable housing in the reconstruction of villages in the city.Earlier, Yuanfen Village, Longhua District, Shenzhen was a typical city village. After the transformation, there were young apartments that made young people falling.

Wang Mingfeng believes that in the transformation of the village in the city, we must see the development of the collective system of the villagers, but also to ensure the permissions of the living of the migrant population, thereby achieving an inclusive development.He emphasized that there are two important points: one is to provide a suitable living environment, which is a necessary support for the integration of the foreign population into the city; the other is not only to provide support on the hardware, but also changes on the software, especially when flowing in inflowing in inflowIn terms of social security and public services, it should be more open to the foreign population.He said: "I hope to make the lives of urban residents better through the transformation of the city in the city."