Source: Taiwan Economic Daily News

In the late August, US Minister of Commerce Raymond visited mainland China. Huawei immediately released new Mate 60 Pro mobile phones to show its non -affected chip sanctions.After the incident, Raymond said in the Senate that Huawei's breakthrough in chip technology was "very disturbing", emphasizing that "require different tools" and resources to strengthen export control of high -tech technology and products in mainland China.

The degree of shock of Huawei's launch of high -end mobile phones by the US Congress is no less than the reaction of the administrative department.In late September, the chairman of the House of Representatives McCord called for a strong control of related industries such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence and quantum computing in mainland China, and sanctions on Chinese companies involving national defense or monitoring.

At the beginning of October, McCord and the chairman of the China Issues Special Committee Gragel sent a letter to the national security adviser Sha Liewen, advocating that the White House needs to make up for the loopholes of the mainland chip restrictions in October last year to implement more stringent export control;It is required to immediately sanction Huawei and SMIC, and cut off the possibility of obtaining AI chips through cloud services through cloud services.

According to media observations, the White House Administrative Management and Budget Agency (OMB) recently announced and revised the "semiconductor manufacturing project export control and physical list" regulations.Response.It is expected that the United States is about to export any high -tech projects related to chips to export mainland China.

As the United States is ready to set off a new wave of chip control in the mainland, we need to pay attention to the broadness of its coverage.The two recent news may provide clues of clues.First of all, Reuters reported that conservative parliamentarians are worried that mainland companies will use the open source instruction set architecture RISC-V to develop chips used by mobile phones and AI, thereby avoiding the US chip design and development of road barricades.They suggested that American companies use RISC-V architecture technology to conduct related trade with the mainland, and they should first obtain technical output permits from the Ministry of Commerce.

RISC-V uses the BSD authorization clauses widely used in free software. More than 3,800 members of the alliance have more than 70 countries; Android system supports this architecture, Huawei is also applied to chip development.As for the Taiwan Crystals, MediaTek and Li Ji Electric, they are also important members of the local alliance.If the United States Gan Zao Electronics has authorized the use of traditional traditions and requires the use of RISC-V architecture manufacturers to obtain land losses, then whether it will be limited by "long-arm jurisdiction" in the future, it is worth our concern.

Secondly, recently, the US Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) explore how Huawei mobile phones break through the US blockade and do not unexpectedly declare that China has adopted unfair means to obtain high -end chip process technology.However, it is more worthy of everyone's concerns about its countermeasures, which especially emphasizes "multilateral export control" to prevent Chinese manufacturing high -end chip equipment and parts capacity, and requires to jointly combat the sales of third -party parts with the allies.CSIS recommends that if it really becomes a US policy, Taiwan's high -tech operators may be further affected by the production and sales of the mainland.

Bloomberg has recently accused the four manufacturers of Taiwan to help Huawei build a wafer fab, implying that Huawei's breakthrough in the United States is related to the high -tech industry in Taiwan.At the moment of this incident, the response of the Minister of Economic Minister is interesting; first of all, it shows that the service of Taiwanese businessmen is a non -critical business, and then turned to ask for investigation to warn the maximum penalty of 25 million yuan (NT $ 10.6 million), and and and and of.The preview of the National Science Council will announce a list of key technical lists in Taiwan, and there will be higher intensity control measures for exports of mainland China.The government's attitude towards land management has caused the production and sales decisions of the technology industry to fall into the fog.

We have gradually advanced to the United States to kill the development of high -end chips in mainland China.In order to protect the interests of Taiwan, the government must first clarify the position to respond carefully.Whether we are based on "democratic chips" or "value selection" and comprehensively cooperate with any restrictions on the United States, or "political belonging to politics, economy belongs to the economy".In order to avoid being implicated by the United States may not be regulated without lower limit.

The mainland is definitely the most important export market in Taiwan, and electronic components and communication products are the most important export items in Taiwan.Although the electronics industry is the most important industry in Taiwan, not every company has sufficient legal resources to deal with the US Department of Commerce.During the worsening chip struggle in the United States and China, the possibility of Taiwanese manufacturers who violate US regulations are becoming more and more likely.In the face of increasingly rising laws, the government is really necessary to maintain the management rights of the electronics industry on the cross -strait supply chain, in order to reduce the operating risk of the operator.