Source: Surging News

Author: Fang Yuan

"Less toss is the biggest work". This is a netizen who is undergoing the dust because of the leadership inspection.Local response to a message from a post.Although this statement is a bit harsh, because the local response has denied "due to leadership inspections", is there any lesson for grassroots cadres?The answer is yes.

Network videos show that in a farmland, the photographer and the on -site staff had a speech dispute.The photographer asked an on -site staff "Don't let the acceptance?" The staff replied, "there is a leader for inspection." Later, the photographer asked another on -site staff, "The common people will not let (peanuts), is it necessary to do it, is it necessaryRain? "The staff explained," Who said it won't let it be collected? Getting, the dust is too big. "

Based on this video, it can be "instructed" to make such a matter: mechanical equipment collecting peanuts is too large, and the leaders have to check, so the mechanical stops.So you can conclude two conclusions, or to prevent the leaders from seeing the "dust too big", and people at the grassroots level falsify; or the grassroots life is afraid of letting leaders "eat dust" and not allowed to use mechanical operations.

These two "conclusions" are naturally clarified now.Regarding the basis of not allowing machinery and equipment to collect crops, the staff claims that the prevention and control of air pollution.Relevant units responded that Wei Qiu Township arranged personnel to enter the village to guide the masses to go to the peak operations and reduce dust. Because individual staff explained errors, the masses misunderstood the use of harvester operations.

However, this explanation is not so easy to understand and understand."Thousands of acres of land are allowed to be accepted, and they have to be mechanized and let people accept it. What is the policy?" The masses asked, "I want to tell me a statement."Accepting peanuts, but the masses do not buy it?Even as the grassroots cadres said, the peak operations were "controlled by air pollution", but the masses did not appreciate it?

Because "the best fruit collection period of peanuts is half a month, and it will be very laborious when it exceeds this period of time." This is a livelihood. Whether you can collect peanuts in time are about the livelihood of one family.This is the vital interests that the masses are most concerned about.So, when making the so -called "peak operation" decision, did the person in charge considers the livelihood of the masses?What if the villagers are lost due to "stop"?If grassroots cadres pay enough attention before making decisions and do not easily exercise the right to "disable", would it still cause the masses to dislike it?

As a netizen commented, "Human thinking is more harmful than the harvest of peanuts on the spot. Our administrative behavior is rigid and frozen.Farmers' hard work can not be missed. This is a big deal. What leaders to check and pass the vehicle's sight, etc. are not to let the harvest rotten in the ground.Cang, this is the responsibility of the mission. "This is a reminder, very willing.

Another reminder, how can grass -roots cadres avoid misunderstanding the masses?The local response said that "the disability of mechanical equipment for leadership inspections" said that the staff's explanation was caused by mistakes, causing misunderstandings.Why do people misunderstand?Just criticize and educate the staff who are wronged?

In fact, this misunderstanding should remind grassroots cadres how to be more strict with themselves."Leadership Inspection" is often available.In reality, there are indeed a few "inconveniences" or even "dissatisfaction" that "inconvenient" or even "dissatisfaction".This involves the problem of cadre style."Leadership inspection" should not be misunderstood by the masses. Only by seeking truth and pragmatic, not setting up flowers, and not falsifying.