Source: Taiwan United Daily

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Israeli Prime Minister Negathahu served as three prime ministers before and after, reigning for 16 years.Since serving as the Prime Minister for the second time, Neganahu has adopted a "far away and nearly grinding" strategy on the issue of Palestine: on the one hand, try to delay or reduce the land on the west bank of the Jordan River to Palestine, on the other hand, accelerates other ShiitesThe Arab countries, such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc. to establish friendly relations to weaken their strength to support Palestine.The Abraham agreement signed in 2020 has a first breakthrough, allowing Israel to establish a formal diplomatic relationship with the UAE and Barin.

Because of the rich economic strength accumulated, Saudi Arabia has gradually replaced Egypt to become the co -owner of the Arab world.Because Israeli regards Iran and Sunni Muslim countries as its main threat, under the mediation in the United States in the United States in the past year, the two countries have negotiated normalized diplomatic relations. One of the issues is how Israel is the territory on the west bank of the Jordan River and give Palestine a clear.Explanation.Palestine was not invited to participate in the negotiation. Seeing that the negotiations in the sand gradually entered a good situation, Hamas was unwilling to become a silent chip for the secret room transaction of a large country, and then decided to let it go, committing this time that more than 1,400 people in Israel died, more than 3,000 more than 3,000 people.Human injury crimes!

Although the national difficulties are currently not responsible for the best time, most of the domestic public opinion in Israel pointed the liability of Hamas's terrorist attack on Nei Tanahu.There are two reasons: First, since the beginning of the year, Nei Tanahu has carried out the "Supreme Court Reform".They are all in Hamas's eyes.Second, this so -called reform is full of dictatorship, causing large -scale street protests and starting a startup company. There are even thousands of Israeli Air Force personnel issues to stop the reform case, otherwise they will refuse to serve.These social turmoil and military hearts floated, and the Israeli world -famous military intelligence network failed to detect the Hamas giant terrorist operation, which may have a lot of relationships.

It is generally believed that Neutanahu is unlikely to survive politically after the incident subsides, but he still needs to be cautious in response to this attack, which has greatly changed the long -term interests of the country.There are three options in front of his eyes: the best strategy is to strengthen the blockade but not invade Gaza; to accelerate the negotiation with Saudi Arabia to establish a normal relationship with Saudi Arabia, transform the blood debt of Hamas's terrorist attack into negotiating chips, and reach the most favorable construction of Israel as soon as possibleAgreement, which causes the greatest harm to Hamas.

Zhongce is based on the premise that most Gaza residents are subject to Hamas and the people who need to be saved.Block it first, then drive away from the civilians, and then use the systemic method of cleaning the military forces to remove the Hamas Party feathers in one district and one strategy takes a long time, but it is more in line with human rights, and it is also more favorable for Israel's long -term security.

The next strategy is to assume that most of the residents of Gasha are conspired by Hamas and invaded Gaza with the mentality of blood debt and blood.The people of Gaza were regarded as the Hamas warrior and made a different attack.As a result, Hamas will kill people's quality as revenge, causing the internal division of Israel; after a period of time, the victims of innocent Gaza residents will be widely spread to media in the world, and the international sympathy for Israel will gradually decrease.In the end, even if Israel successfully kicked out Hamas out of Gaza, the deep hatred buried in the process will bred another Hamas after decades.

The impact of Hamas's raid on Israel is more than the impact of the Ninety -1 terrorist attack on the United States.However, the United States must report to respond to the way of 91, and 20 years later, it also caused a major national injuries in the United States.The sacrifice of nearly 5,000 Israeli people can only revenge for a while, or should it be transformed into spring mud to protect the flowers and become an introduction to the long -term interests of the country?In the last blow of the Special Forces to experience the MBA education of the MIT and MIT, what choice will the last blow of the old man?