On the evening of the 7th of this month, Hamas suddenly bombed Israel on a large scale, causing major casualties. Israel strongly counterattacked and bombed the sand zone.Subsequently, Hamas continued to upgrade more than 100 women and children; the conflict continued to upgrade, and Israel immediately blocked the Gaza Strip, cut off hydropower and food, and prevented humanitarian assistance.Western countries have condemned Hamas's terrorist acts. China and Russia have maintained neutrality. The countries with many people in the Muslim or Muslims have sympathized with the Palestinians and immediately called on both sides to cease fire.Indonesia's reactions in many Muslims in Southeast Asia attract attention.

Indonesia supports Palestinian independence

Indonesia began to fall into the Palestinians since the former President Sakano period, refused to build diplomatic relations with Israel and support Palestine's independence.Indonesia has not yet established diplomatic relations with Israel, but has accepted the Palestinian ambassador.A while ago, some Indonesian elites intended to improve their relationship with Indian relations, but they failed because the Palestinian issue has not been resolved.This time, Indonesian President Zoko issued a statement the next day that Indonesia supports Palestine to establish the country independently, but called for the two parties to stop the fire and start negotiations to avoid causing greater casualties.Zoko did not mention Hamas's terrorist acts, nor did he condemn Israel.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that they hoped that the two sides would stop immediately to avoid more civilian casualties.The statement also said that Indonesia hopes to quickly solve the land problem of Israel's occupation of the Palestinians in accordance with the UN resolution.

The two largest Muslim Organization of the Islamic Missionary Federation (Nahdlatul Ulama (Ilian) and Muhammadiyah also responded.On October 9, Ilian President Yahya Cholil Staquf called on Israel and Hamas to stop immediately.He also called on the United Nations Security Council to use the veto power to protect any party when dealing with a major tragedy of this human.

Haedar Nashir, Chairman of Muhammaddia, believes that the United Nations can effectively resolve the national war when the United Nations was established, but it was helpless.He criticized developed countries often asking international human rights issues, but forgot to human rights issues in this conflict.He hopes that the international community will assist in resolving this conflict, and also hopes that the people in Indonesia can rationally treat the conflict of Yha and not be used.Muhammadia also suggested that the humanitarian volunteer team to the Gasha Strip to assist the Palestinians.

However, the PKS of the Indonesian Justice (PKS), which is conservative, publicly protects Hamas, saying that Hamas is a hero of Palestine. They "bravely attack Israel in order to obtain Palestine's liberation."Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla also praised Hamas's "successful secret operation".He said that Hamas's attack on Israel is "part of the Palestinian people fighting for freedom and liberation" and "heroic behavior."Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, the head of the Indonesian Islamic Missionary Council, believes that Israel's counterattack will make the Palestinian stronger and heroic, and they will win the final victory.

The view of the presidential candidate

What are the three candidates who intend to run for the President of Indonesia on the conflict of Harbin?Let's talk about Plabovo first.Before joining Zokko's cabinet, Plabowavo cooperated with the radicals and conservatives, and he was a retribution conservative.However, his view is consistent with the Zoko government this time.

He didn't go to extremes anymore.He said, "President Zoko has issued a statement about Indonesia's view of conflict with Pakistan. The Indonesian government's statement has been clear and requires the parties to the conflict to stop fighting to avoid worse the situation.fighting".Plabovo also said that the Indonesian government has always supported Palestine until Palestine has independence.As for Indonesians in Palestine, he said that the relevant departments have started to withdraw overseas Chinese.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs surveyed that there were 143 diasporas in Palestine, of which 10 were in the conflict area of the Gaza Strip.They are volunteers, and they are already living there and are unwilling to be withdrawn.Four people have retreated to Jordan, and the remaining 129 people chose to stay in Palestine.

In the early years of Jakarta's head, Anis expressed his support to support Palestine.When former US President Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and acknowledged that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel, Anis protested against the Palestinian flag on his neck.This time, he conflicts, he believes that it is caused by Israel's specialty and oppression of the Palestinians.He said that Israel has long occupied the Palestinian land and immigrated to the occupation zone to build illegal buildings, discrimination and compression of the Palestinians, and make the Palestinians living in poverty and pain.He also said that in the past two and a half years, nearly 600 Palestinians were killed, but they could not catch the murderer. One day before the big conflict, a Palestinian young man was besieged and killed by Israel's "illegal immigration".Therefore, Anis believes that the conflict of Harbin must first solve the root cause of this problem.Without solving this unfair problem, Palestine's struggle against Israel will continue.

The former governor of Java Gandhar's attitude towards Palestine is actually very clear.In May this year, the Men's Youth World Cup Football Tournament (referred to as the Shiqing Cup) under the age of 20 was originally held in Indonesia, but Israeli participated.Gandhar, then Governor of Java, spoke, and did not want the Israeli team to compete in his province, causing FIFA to cancel the Indonesian World Youth Cup to host the right.In fact, the decision to oppose Israel's participation is the decision of the party leader of the Democratic Party (PDIP) affiliated to Gander, because Sukanano supports Palestine's independence.Due to this decision, Gambar was besieged by Indonesian football enthusiasts. It also fell for the first time in Plaboor in the polls, and it did not rise until later.This time, a conflict of Harbin, a reporter asked him about his opinion, he only answered briefly: "Let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs deal with this question!" However, people still remember his remarks on his World Qing Cup.Indonesia voters who sympathize with Palestine are likely to vote for him.

Micharviti did not talk to the conflict of Yiha.However, she appointed the Secretary -General of the Party to the Palestinian embassy in Indonesia and told the ambassador to her support for the Palestinians.

The role of Indonesia in the Baza conflict is limited

The Harbin conflict this time was the largest since the Middle East War in 1967.Today, the Gaza Strip has been fully blocked, and the army is preparing to sweep Hamas, and the Palestinian civilians will be disaster.What can Indones do to assist the Palestinians?Indonesia's international relations observer Suz Schri Subalin believes that Indonesia is not a super power, its ability is extremely limited, and the conflict cannot be stopped. It is also impossible to mediate the dispute between Israel and Hamas because Indonesia has no diplomatic relations with Israel.

Hikmahahanto Juwana, a professor in Indonesia, believes that Indonesia can still have a difference.At this stage, what the Indonesian government can do is to emphasize the importance of "humanitarianism". This is not only for the Palestinians, but also for Israel's Jews.Indonesia can call on the US President Biden to prevent the spread of war and violence. This is for the interests of both sides and for the future of human beings.He believes that Indonesia can persuade the United States to stop fire as long as they can persuade the United States.

The author is a senior visiting researcher at the Estaifer Isa Easa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore

Nanyang University of Technology Rajele South International Research Institute part -time professor