In combination with the characteristics of our era, no matter how to reform the education method, we must pay more attention to the cornerstone of "relationship".If it is not timely and appropriately to transfer the control of children, it is difficult for adults to establish high -quality relationships with children.Only on the basis of high -quality relationships, adults have the ability to influence children.

Since the United Morning Post · Exchange Station opens up " youth perspective "Since, teenagers have added a window that communicates with the public, and at the same time, it can inspire adults to see the world from their perspective.Last Wednesday (October 11), I saw the

Society has been progressing.Chen Shiting's so -called "rebellious behavior" was far worse than now.For example, there was no electronic cigarette in the past, but the total population of smoking was far more than now.In the past, due to the disappearance of sexual knowledge, "unsafe" sexual behavior was far more than now.In addition to bad behaviors, teenagers have crimes in violation of the law.Therefore, these are not unique to this era.

Let's analyze it first, why one generation of young people will face the same problem, and then take a lookEssence

Test trial and error is the pain of growth

When we use the word "rebellion" to collectively refer to some behaviors of teenagers, we reflect the complete adult perspective and adult dialogue.Therefore, I prefer it to call it a "painful pain".The growth of human beings is a process from completely relied on parents to gradually getting away from parents and independent adults.The teenage period is a critical period for people to test all kinds of temptations, as well as thinking and choosing what kind of person to become a person.

At this time, it is possible to fall and be injured. It may undergo frustration and love that is indispensable. It may also be smooth sailing, but occasionally falling down the clouds.Adolescent brains are more impulsive and emotional than ever; on the other hand, the characteristics of the brain also make people more courageous to face the challenges in life.During this period, people are always trying to grasp the control of their own lives and need time and space to explore; of course, they also face many unprecedented temptations, and they are easy to go wrong.

Hermann Hesse, a writer who has won the Nobel Prize in Literature, has a novel Demian (when he is translated by a teenager), and wrote a young man from confusion to finally finding himself.The journey vividly described this pain of growth.At the beginning of this novel, he wrote the "two worlds" of the protagonist and teenager Sinckle. One of the worlds are parents' homes, which means "love and severe parents, various specifications and academic requirements, and soft and cleanenvironment".In this world, "everything is methodical, the future is bright."However, there is another world that overlaps with this, where "weird, temptation, fear and mysterious things flow".Another less bright world has been tempting Simocley, and also seduced every adolescent child.

Think of the road we have walked, who has not tried to break through the rules and barriers, and walk in a large or small gray area?Maybe each of us's adolescence must go through and cross the second world of darkness in the melatin to reach ourselves and become mature.

Modern teenagers are more sensitive to control and closer to the Internet. In addition to the commonality of adolescence, there are also significant characteristics given by the times.Due to the increasing investment in progress and education, young people can now be said to be more "precocious".Not only is the body taller and more mature than in the past, but also psychologically mature more psychologically than in the past.This means that they started to experience the pain of adolescent growth earlier, and also earlier to Shen Suo's control of their lives, and they were more sensitive to the dispute over the control of life.

A scholar once shared such a trivial matter.Once he went to pick up his daughter from school, and his daughter took a drink in her hand and got on the car.As soon as he sat down, he said that he put the drink on the cup holder to avoid spilling out.At this time, his daughter said, "I just want to let it go, so you said. So, this is your one, or for me?"

Why is his daughter so serious about this problem, and who must be this idea?This is actually due to the awakening of self -awareness and sensitivity to control.This is just a very small thing, and they are so sensitive.So in other things, they may be more sensitive.When we know the psychological characteristics of modern teenagers, adults must learn how to let go of their own control desire, and let go of what we want to know and want to control everything.

The other is the profound bundling of the Internet and electronic products and life, which is an unprecedented issue of the times.The Internet era also means that this is an era of information explosion, and it is also an era that eliminates all age boundaries.The film is still classified, and there is no boundaries on the Internet. If there is restrictions, it depends on consciousness.In this new era, families and schools have no doubt and overwhelming influence as in the past, although they still maintain an authoritative image on the surface.

The Internet era is an era of eliminating authority, and teenagers live in such a new world.Relying on authority, motivation is external; in the online age, the motivation of acting is more and more inward.In other words, if the child is not convinced to take your heart, you really feel that you are making sense, it will be difficult to do it as you say.Their requirements for increasingly restlessness in equality are also accompanied by this era.This is also the challenge that education must face today.

Of course, I also understand the kind of anxiety expressed in Chen Shiting's text, and I also appreciate that she can write these anxiety.Everyone is worried that adolescents will go wrong, and adults are actually more worried about this.Of course, it is useless to worry about it. We must continue to explore the good education methods and the education community is incomparable.But at the same time, we also need to know that for many people, there may be no detours in life, because that may also be the only way for psychological growth.

is the choice rather than the ability to determine life

Although adolescents have to be explored and experienced the temptation of the dark world, if you choose not to stay and sink, you still have to rely on the true and effective connection between people.In combination with the characteristics of our era, no matter how to reform the education method, we must pay more attention to the cornerstone of "relationship".If it is not timely and appropriately to transfer the control of children, it is difficult for adults to establish high -quality relationships with children.Only on the basis of high -quality relationships, adults have the ability to influence children.The core of this high -quality relationship is to communicate equally and fully, so as to know what each other is really thinking.In this regard, adults with more mature minds have one more responsibility.

Finally, I want to say a few words to teenagers.At the end of September this year, in the Harry Potter seriesIn the movie, the actor Michael Ganben, the actor of the President of the Magic School Dumbledore, hopes that many children can remember his famous saying in the play while remembering him: "Decide what kind of person we are, not our ability, not our abilityIt is our choice. "Harry Potter understands the talent of snake language and the hesitation of the branch hat has made him doubt himself.He can be a black magician, but he does not.At each choice of fork, in the thorns that passed by adolescence, I also hope that children will not be afraid to ask for help from adults who trust themselves. They can sometimes answer questions and solve them. Sometimes they can give you confidence and courage.It can also help you think.

"Modern Youth Problems" is not so much a problem that occurs. It is better to control the issue of how to control your life in the era of rich information, multiple choice, and independent personality.

The author is a former media person and creator of children's books