Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

The European Union launched an anti -subsidy survey of imported electric vehicles in the mainland to confirm whether it violates the spirit of the fair trade of the WTO. If the survey results determine the fact that the subsidy is established, it is expected to impose anti -dumping tariffs on the mainland imported electric vehicles or take other trade restrictions.The EU's move is not surprising. According to the statistics of the China Federation of China, in the first half of this year, the proportion of China's exports to Europe's exports increased from 5.7%in 2018 to 39.1%.Electric vehicles have been nearly six times less than five years.

with technological innovation and market scale

In the first half of this year, the European market sold electric vehicles, and mainland brands accounted for 8%, higher than 6%in 2022, and twice as much as 4%in 2021. The European Commission estimates that it will double in 2025 to 15%.Mainland electric vehicles have grown at high speed in the European market. For the European Union, which has always been proud of automobile brands and exports, it is inevitable that they are nervous. They are not happy to see this trend.

On the other hand, in addition to market competitive factors, based on geopolitical considerations, whether it is the guarantee of key technologies and components of the supply chain, or risk of market diversified configuration, the EU daresSiege plundering.Sino -US competition is fierce, and China -Europe trade and investment exchanges are affected.At the end of 2020, the China -Europe bilateral investment agreement, which was difficult to discuss, was frozen indefinitely by the European Parliament due to human rights disputes and geopolitical factors, and mainland electric vehicles were implicated by politics in the European expansion market in Europe.

However, from another perspective, this also represents that the competitiveness of mainland electric vehicles is Peak and Mo Shi can cause the European Union to be nervous.According to statistics from the International Energy Administration (IEA), in 2022, mainland electric vehicles exported to 35%of global exports, ranking first in the world, an increase of 10%from 2021, and eight times in 2018.With the global zero -reduction carbon trend, electric vehicles replacing oil vehicles are an unchanged trend. In the future, mainland electric vehicle exports will inevitably increase.

I can't help but be curious. Why does mainland electric vehicle production, manufacturing and export capabilities have such a huge change in just a few years?Even Biden admits that the electric car competition is obviously behind the mainland.The government's comprehensive support and huge subsidies are probably the first answer to everyone.It is impossible to deny that this is indeed an important element that cannot be ignored, but technological innovation and market size may be more critical.

From the beginning of technological innovation, in the past, the engine was almost the core of the technology of traditional fuel vehicles, and it was also the advantage of traditional car production countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany.However, when the era of electric vehicles comes, the core of technology has gradually converted from engines to batteries, electrical drives, and electrical control commonly known as "three electricity systems".Leader advantage.

Especially in terms of battery manufacturing, because of the key mineral lithium raw materials, the mainland can create a battery supply chain from top to bottom, and allows lithium battery production technology and scale including large manufacturers such as Ningde Times and BYD, Can lead the world.According to the statistics of well -known battery and energy research companies, in terms of global electric vehicle battery market share, in the first half of this year, the total share of the two market share of Ningde and BYD was as high as 52.5%.There are even research institutions predicting that the overall market share of the mainland in the future has a chance to reach 80 %.

Drive the emerging strategic industry breakout

The market size is another key to the development of mainland electric vehicles leading to the world.Over the years, under the cause of policy promotion and subsidy, the mainland's electric vehicle market has become the world's largest market.Global electric vehicle sales were 60 % in the mainland in 2022.From the perspective of sales over the years, electric vehicles have been sold in the world, and the mainland market has more than half of it.The huge market can not only produce scale effects, attract more overseas investment, but also help experience accumulation and improvement of quality, becoming an important element for mainland China to maintain the advantages and competitiveness of electric vehicles.

From the perspective of the leading position of mainland electric vehicles in the world, we can further think about how to seize the opportunities, regain the advantages of Chinese manufacturing, and even expand to other fields, making it a new engine and power source for future economic growth.The explosive growth of electric vehicles represents the improvement of manufacturing thinking, and the hidden industrial technological innovation and market reversal behind it.This is not only a simple industrial transformation and upgrading, but also the ability to formulate the formation of industrial standards and brand status. It should be enough to form a model of technology output and become the next wave of economic growth new momentum.

The mainland that faces the pressure of economic transformation and urgently needs to improve the status of the world's factory is a good time that is not to be missed.Especially when the neck of the mainland technology is tightened by the United States, if you can start with electric vehicles, good use of the advantages of the mainland's own technological innovation, market size and government investment will have the opportunity to trigger the chain effect and drive other emerging emerges, and other emerging emergesThe strategic industry follows breakout.This is not just a model for the successful development of the mainland's economy in the past. I believe it is also the road to the second rise of China's economy in the future.