Source: Surging News

Author: Li Jiawei

From 7 pm on October 12, the four -day and four Jay Chou concerts in the Shanghai Stadium continued.At the same time, the "Outer Edition" concert was also in full swing.

On the evening of the 12th, many fans who did not grab the ticket rushed to the scene and gathered outside the stadium.The residents living nearby have no tickets, but naturally there are "balcony tickets".From the live broadcast, videos, and photos from the Internet, many residential communities around the Shanghai Stadium stand in the balcony of the residential area. Many people open the mobile phone flashlight and hold a fluorescent stick, just like music in the inner field.

This also made some people start to buy and sell "balcony tickets".

On the 13th, the surging news reporter contacted the netizen "A large group of NONO" who happened to listen to the concert at home.He reviewed the situation of the "Outer Edition" concert the night before. The atmosphere was very good and the order was organized.He also talked that although strange netizens contacted him to rent a balcony, he still declined. In addition, there were some fans who slipped into the community and climbed upstairs to perform.

The reporter noticed that there were many posts on the social platform and a rental balcony and rental balcony.wait.In this regard, lawyers believe that residents can watch at home with the terrain, but it is not advisable to rent for safety and other reasons.

"Balcony Ticket" concert

Listening to Jay Chou's singing since childhood, "a large group of NONO" and friends like this "off -site version" concert.

He said that after learning that Jay Chou had a concert in Shanghai, he and his friends were preparing to grab tickets early. Unfortunately, like most fans, they "returned from the feathers" on the day of the invoicing.He lives on the 14th floor of the film Huayuan Community on the film Huayuan District, Lingling Road, Xuhui District. The field of vision is wide. The community and the Shanghai Stadium are only one road. He usually stands on the balcony to see a part of the stadium.

Therefore, when he knew that Jay Chou's concert was set at the Shanghai Stadium, he thought that he could listen to it on his own balcony.A few days ago, "a large group of NONO" and a number of friends met at his house on the evening of October 12. In addition to the meal, he used a special "balcony ticket" to experience the charm of idol concerts.

"A large group of NONO" remembers that at 7 o'clock in the evening, there were almost all fans near Lingling Road outside the community. Many people gathered together, and the chorus sounded one after another.Some fans gathered in front of the Feizhou International Plaza near the stadium, and there were some sidewalks standing on the nearby road.

"My building is very close to the stadium. Although I can't see the internal field, I can hear it clearly. As soon as the melody of each song, we started to guess the song name and see who said it fast." "A large groupNONO "and friends just listened to playing games like this.

Whenever you hear the particularly like songs, everyone will listen to the balcony.He saw that there were neighbors on the balcony next door, some people sang with the melody, and some people waved with a fluorescent stick.Many fans standing along the streets downstairs also waved upstairs from time to time, and the atmosphere was good.

The concert continued until about 10 pm ends.During this period, "a large group of NONO" filmed the videos and VLOGs of the balcony angle with friends and published it to the social platform.

The market is hot, what is the hidden safety hazard?

From the evening of the 12th, "Balcony Tickets" circulated on social platforms. Some people want to buy and some people want to sell.

Some netizens posted, "Does anyone kind person rent the balcony to me to see Jay Chou's concert?", Coupled with the residential building near the Shanghai Stadium.Some people posted that 300 yuan was sold for a "balcony ticket", and some people opened the price of 160 yuan, as well as the purchase of tickets for the time limit for ticket sales.In fact, there are many jokes in the post of "balcony ticket", but some people are serious.

"A large group of NONO" said that after uploading the video on the social platform on the evening of the 12th, strange netizens soon contacted him, "Saying willing to come to this balcony, and then willing to pay."But he felt that this was not very good, did not ask the price, and did not reply. The other party "I have been asking me repeatedly."

"A large group of NONO" explained to reporters, "I think it would be okay to invite friends to come to the house, but strangers are weird."EssenceFor this consideration, he declined to contact him strange netizens.

"A large group of NONO" also noticed that the access control management of the community is also stricter.When he returned home on the evening of October 12, he had to swipe the door card first when he entered the community. This was not needed before. He often swiped the card in the unit building. It can be seen that the property has strengthened management.

However, someone slipped in.According to it, perhaps because of the needs of takeaway, express delivery, etc., outsiders have the opportunity to enter and leave the community, and see some fans slipped in in the building.

"I think if only fans come in, it will not have a great impact on the community. There is no scalper. The oxen can easily disturb the order in order to make money." He said that the public order in the community has always been very good, and there are police stations nearby. I usually feel very very very feeld very much.Safety.

For the phenomenon of "rental balcony", Ding Jinsun, a lawyer of Shanghai Dabang Law Firm, believes that "residents are not allowed to watch a concert at their own homes because of the terrain, but if the leaser's balcony is free to watch, it should be for free, then it shouldThe lease contract is suspected of contrary to public morality, and may be found invalid. "

Ding Jinsun said that the leased balcony also brought hidden safety hazards. "In case the leased viewers are excited, the landlord may also bear the corresponding responsibility. Therefore, it is advisable to not rent it."

Some fans slipped into the community without permission, and even climbed up to the rooftop to watch the performance. Ding Jinsun believed that there was a great hidden danger of security, which was contrary to public order and good customs. Once an accident occurred, individuals had to bear responsibility.

"It's just a concert. The most worrying thing is that some social idlers and other people have mixed in, and illegal crimes such as theft occurred, so the community must also increase the control of access control to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of all residents."explain.

What is the order of security on the spot?

On the night of watching the concert on the balcony, "a large group of NONO" has a deep emotion, "The security order before and after the concert is very good."

A few days ago, the public security organs announced temporary traffic control measures during the concert during the concert, prompting nearby public transportation line information.At multiple entrances of the Shanghai Stadium, there are also eye -catching instructions to indicate multiple entrances and pre -check ports at the stadium."The concert has not been opened yet, and everyone has a lot of understanding of the surrounding control and traffic information in advance." "A large group of NONO" said.

He mentioned that there is a detail outside the concert on the evening of the 12th.At that time, some chorus fans were gathered outside the stadium, and the security forces such as the police patrolled and duty on the roads and roads. Fans did not affect the traffic order, and the police did not have the retreat of singing.

He said, about half an hour before the end of the concert, at 9 pm, security personnel began to evacuate out of the field. "At that time, there were still many outsiders. At least hundreds of thousands of people were visually inspected.The crowd is evacuated. "

At the end of the concert, tens of thousands of audiences came out of their various exports from the stadium, and the order was stable."At this time, the field was dredged and the road was spacious. The fans outside the field did not affect the order of the final exit. The whole management was very good." He said.

There are some sounds that discuss singing and disturbing the people."A large group of NONO" felt that from the perspective of residents, the impact was not great. After the concert at 10 pm, the audience inside and outside the court quickly evacuated.AlsoThe Haizhan Stadium usually hoses sports events such as the Super League. The audience has a large passenger flow, and nearby residents also have experience in life.

"During the Chinese Super League, two games every Monday, fans' shouts may not be smaller than fans," he said. "I think residents living near this are already used to it, and the police station is downstairs.Solve the problem very fast. "