Source: Surging News

Author: Shouyi

"Investors have exploded Han Han's loss of hundreds of millions of losses" recently rushed to hot search. The reason was that recently investor Wang Wenchao said in the interview that Han Han had previously invested in the restaurant's reputation, but the meal was too unpalatable and did not make the product well.As a result, he lost hundreds of millions of yuan, and he lost tens of millions of yuan himself.

Many years ago, Han Han invested in the "very happy to meet you" restaurant. Because of the environmental literature and art, it was fresh and popular, and was exposed to a large number of closures.In fact, this is no longer a new topic. Star opening restaurants were very popular. There were media statistics. Dozens of stars have invested or operated various restaurants, but the general ending is relatively dim.The well -known ones include Chen He's "Xianhezhuang", Xue Zhiqian's "Shangqian", Huang Xiaoming's "Burning Jiangnan", Meng Fei's "Meng Fei's small noodles" and so on.

Why are the star restaurants always endlessly, this time the investor is very direct, and the halo effect brought by celebrities is no matter how difficult the meal and the quality of the product is not good.The dishes are difficult to eat, and the price is virtual. This is also a place where celebrity restaurants are often criticized.Behind the simple criticism is the biggest flaws of the star catering -generally not to make dining down, but just want to realize the reputation.

It seems that the threshold is not high, but it is actually very difficult to do well and make bigger.Especially for Chinese food, in order to open a chain store to ensure standardized products and services, it is a test of the management level of the enterprise.

For the hotpot category of hot pot products involved in stars, the most successful is undoubtedly Haidilao.However, Haidilao was not a big deal. It was established in 1994. After decades of rolling, it established a stable supply chain. It has adopted talents through unique corporate culture and adopted the test of the market.Although the successful catering companies have different "secrets", the common factors must be explorated and market testing for a long time.Catering is a very competitive industry. It is very difficult to produce and maintain a chain brand.

On the other hand, the star opening the dining shop, no matter what its original intention is, many people do show the eagerness of making fast money.Because the most unique capital of the star is not the money in the pocket, but the popularity of the public opinion field.Therefore, we will see that the star who enters the catering will be actively using the appeal brought by reputation to continuously create topics and maintain the popularity of catering restaurants.However, for a product, service, and management in all aspects, there is no stable catering company. The high popularity is not necessarily a good thing. Many star shops have experienced the process of rapid overdraft trust and rushing towards decline.

If it is only a lack of catering experience, then another factor is more fatal, that is, some stars start the franchise mode in order to fish for fast money.Star brand stores can quickly bring popularity, of course, it will attract entrepreneurs.Joining a star brand store, hundreds of thousands of yuan franchise and management fees.The stars have made a lot of money, but in addition to the short -term popularity, such brands cannot provide much connotative things in products and services. In the end, those who pay for it can only be these unlucky joining entrepreneurs. This will also accelerate.The collapse of the brand.

If Han Han really invests in the restaurant by hundreds of millions, it is his own money. He bought a lesson, and others have no need to follow the distress.The most criticism is the stars who use their names as a golden signboard, flickering others to join the catering company, but they first run the way.Fortunately, with the increase in similar cases, the star catering has now dismissed. Whether it is investing in the trend or ordinary people to eat, probably will not blindly "chase the stars", but first look at the dishes and services of this shop.

In the end, dry catering is also a professional and technical work. It is unrealistic that the star halo can illuminate the business for a long time.