The Hong Kong South China Morning Post website published on October 6 entitled that the British high -speed rail defeat: There are many things in the West to learn from China to learn from China.Weir.Article excerpts as follows:

With the dilemma, British Prime Minister Rich Sunak has reduced the controversial No. 2 high -speed railway (HS2) project (the project aims to connect London and northwestern Britain), Political and Economy in London)Some words of the college professor Tony Trafus reflect the thoughts of many people.He said it was a "tragedy case on unable to plan and deliver public infrastructure."

Just a few days ago, Indonesia officially launched the first high -speed rail line to shorten Jache's 142 -kilometer trip from 3 hours to 40 minutes, which further highlighted Britain's embarrassment.The project was constructed based on the "Belt and Road" initiative with China and cost $ 7.3 billion.

When Sunak announced that the HS2 project was reduced to a 176 -kilometer -long line leading to Birmingham, the cost had soared, and it was about to exceed $ 120 billion.In order to save face, he promised to use more than $ 40 billion in the transportation project in northern England, including the use of $ 10 billion for road potholes.That's right, the cost of repairing British potholes will be higher than the construction of the entire Yawan high -speed rail.


HS2 project was conceived 14 years ago, and it is still at least six years since the beginning of operation. It is estimated that its rail cost per kilometer is almost six times that of the Yawan high -speed rail.

This has aroused a lot of doubts about the British government's ability.But from a wider range of perspectives, it has aroused people's ability and ambition to compete with China in the future of the Western economy in the future.

This not only means railway and public transportation systems, but also includes nuclear energy, wind and solar energy, and even 5G and 6G telecommunications infrastructure.

Since China opened the first high -speed rail between Beijing and Tianjin in 2008 (referring to the high -speed rail of 350 kilometers per hour -this website), China has built a high -speed rail of more than 40,000 kilometers, which has changed the national’sTravel mode.

In terms of power generation, in addition to the 55 nuclear power units running, China also has 22 units under construction.This may help China surpass the United States soon and become the leader in the field of nuclear power generation.

Just as John Cott, the US Nuclear Energy Society recently observed: "(China) is not only building a large number of nuclear power plants, but also building a variety of facilities."

China's scale, stable long -term planning and modular practice have brought efficiency, which makes it difficult for others to compete with Chinese companies.

There is no doubt that China's long -term planning provides stability for the long -used project, which makes many Western companies envious.

In terms of building future infrastructure, within speed and controllable costs, we have a lot of things to learn from China.(Compiled/Lu Yan)