Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The Central Asian chess game has recently undergone a dramatic change. The two former Soviet Union joined the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia for more than 30 years of territorial disputes.The result of Russia and Turkey.Relying on Russia for a long time in Armenia's history. After the "velvet revolution" broke out 5 years ago, he wanted to take a pro -Western route, not only supporting Ukraine to fight Russia, but also co -military exercises with the United States.The dispute was abandoned by Ke Palace.Turkey and Azerbaijan have a deep history, while Russia wants to use Azerbaijan to cope with Western sanctions. The two countries have their own pictures., More good plays are still behind.

Southern High School, Russia, Europe, and the United States

Small nation's one son is wrong and falls

In the

In the Soviet era, many communities in the Republic of the Republic did not seriously consider ethnic distribution or historical issues.From the perspective of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union is a family, regardless of each other. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, many territorial issues and ethnic disputes have also emerged, and even triggered war.At that time, Khrushcha made Crimea, which originally belonged to Russia into Ukraine, and laid a scourge for the Russian -Ukraine disputes and war in the post -Soviet era.In the former Soviet Union's South Gaogess, Nantong Iran, Turkey in the west, has strategic value, and territorial and ethnic issues are particularly complicated.The two countries, Azerbaijan and Armenia, have repeatedly repeatedly warned the Nagolo Karabak (Nakaka region) in the past 30 years, which occurred in this background.

Armenia is the first country in history to believe in Christianity. More than 90 % of the population is Christians and has a deep historical relationship with Russia. Most of Azerbaijan's population believes in Islam. The language is Turkic and has a close relationship with Turkey.The Nakaka area is dominated by Armenians, but the Soviet Union officially classified it into Azerbaijan's administrative jurisdiction.At the end of the 1980s, the situation in the Nakaka area was anxious. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Armed Asian Armed Forces controlled the Nakaka area and established the so -called "Alfa He" republic, but its sovereignty was not internationally recognized.", The situation has been maintained for more than 30 years, but it is unexpectedly easy to control the control overnight.

On the 19th of last month, Azerbaijan sent troops to Naka. After 24 hours, the local armed forces signed the "Alliance of the City" and surrendered in disguise.The United Nations said last weekend that more than 100,000 Asian people in the Nakaka region had fled and entered Armenia.In addition to the corruption related to the local government and the Azerbaijan military for many years, the Nakaki Board is more fundamentally fundamental behind the scenes of the country.Some Amenians believe that Russia has rejected its belief, but some locals believe that the problem is to "take off" to Moscow in Moscow, who wants to take a pro -Western route and violates the core interests of the country, and this incident will occur.

The relations between the two countries have changed, began in 2018, the "velvet revolution" in Aslenia, and Pahinan's opposition came to power.Although Pashiniyan insisted that this is not a "color revolution", from the anti -Russian slogan during the demonstration, to some of the new government's far -Russian pro -Western measures later, Moscow doubt what Pashini is interested in, and it will start to change more.Multi -bet on Azerbaijan.In 2020, Azerbaijan wielded the army to attack the Nakaka area and won part of the land. Russia did not help Armenia to resist and some extent was a major police number.

Last year, the Russian and Ukraine War broke out. The last foreign deployment before the war of Russia Putin was to sign a political and military agreement with Azerbaijan two days before sending troops to sign an alliance between the two countries.In contrast, Armenia chose "Far Russia's European Europe". In addition to refusing to participate in regional security military exercises led by Russia, it also adopted a stand to the West in the Russian and Ukraine War, and decided to perform with the United States.In early September, Armenia provided humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. Pashiniyan described the defense security in Russia as a "strategic error". On the day of Azerbaijan's troops, the Putin ally and former Prime Minister Medvedev criticized Pashi as "going to NATO for NATO."Dedication", "I can imagine what he will end."The struggle of the great power is fierce, and the small country is in danger.The issue of Armenia is that all aspects of the political and economic and military rely on Russia in all aspects, and the evil with Russia is equivalent to losing the only mountain. As a result, a son is full.

Russia and the United States are fierce in the former Soviet Union.After Armenia's "velvet revolution", relations with the West significantly heat up.The Bayeng government re -promoted the century -old account and acknowledged the history of the Almenians of the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the last century and reflected the west to win the heart.Always whipped.Ke Gong is a weakness in Armenia Pacific to escape the five -finger mountain. Russia and Azerbaijan, which have strong national strength, strengthen cooperation, but can open a road to Iran and the Middle East via the local area.In the past year, the West has severely sanctions Russia, but in fact, many Russian oil and gas have been sold to Europe indirectly through Azerbaijan.

The world has not encountered a change of change in the world

Anered the situation in the Middle East and Central Asia

After the United States withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021, there was not much powerful stronghold in Central Asia. In the Middle East, the influence of the Middle East has not been as good as before.Iran's restoration of diplomatic relations under Beijing's revelation is the last major change in geopolitics.At the same time, Turkey has to regain the glory of the Ottoman era and is committed to expanding its influence in the Middle East Central Asia. In recent years, a lot of progress has been made.At the beginning of last month, the head of state of the Russian Russia had just held a summit at Sochi.In any case, Nakaka controls the rights, and Azerbaijan and Allies Turkey are winners; Russia shows who is the most powerful person in the district, of course, it is also among the winners.In contrast, Europe and the United States have no merits, and in the case of incompetence in the region, they are the same as Armenia.The world has not been changed in a century, and the Big Chess Bureau of the Middle East and Central Asia is complex.