Pan Yongqiang did not get rid of the new regime (August 27th Union Morning Post Edition) in the new regime (August 27th). In the article, he believed that Malaysian politics believed that Malaysia had gone through the regime rotation for the first time in 2018, but the political situation was in chaos.Only political parties rotate, but there is no political and social transformation, coupled with racial and religious disturbances. Therefore, it has only spawned the new regime, but it has not got rid of the old country.Therefore, he asserted: "Malaysia enters the ranks of emerging democracy, from transformation to setting, the road is long.

Regarding the united government of Malaysia, Pan Yongqiang did not deny that "In addition to the new regime, except for the political and economic governance parts, how to distinguish between the spirit and consciousness from the old country, and establish the self -confidence and pride of the people.. "In a sentence, it is to question whether the" reform is a new bottle of old wine "in the new regime?

Pan Yongqiang's comment has his own macro vision and insight.

But he should know where the symptoms of political reform and the difficulty of social transformation.Why did the first party rotation in 2018 fall into the end of the Xilai Cou -coup?The united government came to power to form two major political camps, namely the Pakatan Harapan+(Barisan Nasional, Sarawak, Sah Tong) and the National League (Iraqi Party, Turkish Party, Civil Affairs).However, there are only two major sections in the bones, namely to maintain the wrestling of Malaysian sovereignty and divine rights.From the perspective of dispersing, there are still only two major sectors. Whether it is the Pakatan Harapan, the Turkish Party, or UMNO, who has never been the maintenanceer of Malay sovereignty?And the Iraqi Party that govern the country.

The rest are the humble and nasal noses of a few Chinese parties and Indian political parties.

Therefore, how could it give birth to a new regime and towards the new country?Come to a century -old renewal?

For countries with semi -feudal, semi -democratic, and semi -authoritarian power, there are three major areas that must be completely changed. One is that the constitution can be revised, the other is economic innovation, and the third is that society is renovated.The economy is the top priority. Here is only the economy of picking the economy, which can verify the difficulty of moving towards the new country.

The new economic policy implemented after

5.13 is Malaysia's watershed.At first, it was ready to implement it for 20 years, but it has not been removed for more than 50 years.The concept of new economic policies is "supporting weak policies", that is, to correct the imbalance of the economic field, and interests are only tilted to a race.The policy determination is good, in order to achieve economic balance, so that all citizens have the same opportunity to get rich.

But in 2006, the former Justice Party's Capital Ibrahim pointed out politely, "The new economic policy is the tumor of the Malay!"The abuse of indigenous people becomes a plan for money for some indigenous elites."They can achieve their goals through contracting contracts, shareholdings, and exploitation of other people." Ka Lili pointed out: "The emergence of disadvantages also includes breach of contract under new economic policies, lack of efficiency, abuse of resources, and corruption fraud.Wait. "

Not only did the Malay criticize the new economic policy, but also Chinese businessmen were resentful.In the memoir of Malaysia's richest man, in the memoir, during the implementation of the new economic policy, his company was ordered to reorganize and transfer 30%of the equity to the indigenous people.Casting, re -required Guo to reorganize and cut 30%to them.Guo Henian was angry and said the following paragraph: "Change once is policy, for national peace, but for the second time, it can be called 'robbery'!"

Malaysia to reform is the difficulty of becoming a new country. On the one hand, it is the wrestling of divine rights to govern the country and secularization, and on the other hand, the economic and free economy of indigenous people's rights!On the one hand, noisy race is not harmonious.All the reform agenda, I am afraid it can only be new bottle of old wine!

The author is a local writer