Source: Xinjing News

Author: Yi

In the past, it was difficult for people to associate the "vegetable market" and "young people".Now, more and more young people are in love with the vegetable market. I believe that in this Golden Week, many young people have come to a "vegetable market travel" to travel destinations.

The data of the Internet platform can prove this fiery.For example, a social media launched the topic of "Guide to Volume Market Roaming", which harvested 59.633 million views; Douban "Vegetable Market Lovers" group reached 157,000; the latest data from the comments on the website also showed that in the past monthThe month -on -month increase exceeded 120%, the number of related strategies increased by more than 110%, and the number of evaluations increased by more than 170%.

Young people are in the vegetable market, buy the most localized ingredients here, hear the accent dialect that belongs to the local community, and smell the most authentic fireworks. All this seems so healed.There are too many young people who have come here, so that they have brought a lot of unknown local vegetable markets. They brought those dislikes that have been obscure but indispensable for decades, and brought them to the spotlight of the Internet.

In some interviews, young people describe the reasons why they love to visit the vegetable market: "soothe the nostalgia that cannot be dispersed", "the anxiety of alleviating life", "one vegetable and one meal is the taste of life" ...It can be seen that returning to reality is the core element of "travel market travel".

For a long time, the world of young people is always full of development narrative and scientific and technological narratives.The aesthetic characteristics that young people once preferred are fashion, cool, convenient, fast, and have a sense of dazzling.

But the vegetable market has provided a kind of philosophy of life, simple, real, simple, and pointing to the most essential sensory needs of taste buds.Perhaps the vegetable market may be some "pre -modern" things, which is a complex hidden in the human psychological structure for thousands of years.It is also this pure that makes the vegetable market look fresh in the world of young people, touching the soft places somewhere in their hearts.

Of course, the vegetable market is not all the ancestors, and many of the contemporary characteristics are combined.For example, "Vegetable Market Travel" will be embedded in the framework of "CityWalk" and is painted with a touch of Internet celebrity filters; some vegetable markets are also transformed into exquisite and petty bourgeoisie; some business activities also choose to carry out in the vegetable market, putThe vegetable market has also become a "cultural tourism complex".These also make the aesthetic taste of the vegetable market and young people more in line with.

Thinking of a deep level, the fire market has a greater social background.In the past few decades, China has experienced a large population migration. "Town youth" is also a good "urban youth", and many young people have lost contact with their hometown at the space level.

At the same time, China has also undergone an unprecedented industrial upgrade, and young people have also lost the traditional mode of living around chai oil and salt.This kind of social change is actually the implicit conditions of the popularity of the vegetable market.The young people obtained in the vegetable market are not only as simple as meals, but also a collective and unconscious "spiritual rooting", which has gained a psychological self -sufficiency and calmness.

However, to some extent, falling in love with the vegetable market seems to be "looking back", but it is actually a "development" and a natural phenomenon of social development.

The life of staring at a vegetable and one meal is actually "luxury" -ly this luxury is not to say that the material level is splurge, but the life and psychological state reaches a certain level, and food will only appear in the field of vision.

Like the ancient saying, "the elders of the first life know the residence, and the elders of the third generation know the service."This must be that the society has experienced long -term development, and people will see vegetables, vegetables, vegetables and rice so important, and can use life as a meaning itself.

Therefore, young people in love with the vegetable market may also reflect this mentality change.When people are accustomed to material desires and consumption, they will re -enter the vegetable market to gain a sense of real life. This may be a kind of stability after a glittering retreat, and it is also a "mature" sign.