How to give full play to market -oriented business capabilities and creativity and make themselves grow or maintain long -term operation is the most important homework for all operators.As a free economy, Singaporean enterprises must not only face the limitation of small local markets, but also face the challenges of international capital. From neighboring stores to existing large -scale operators in various fields, they must play the spirit and wisdom of long -sleeved dances in their predecessors.Long -term reliance on government support.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai pointed out at a press conference after the announcement of 1.1 billion yuan aid to individuals and families last week that local enterprises cannot rely on government subsidies permanently, but must adjust their own business models to ensure that operation can continue to continue, Can create profitable.It is important that enterprises must continue to transform and reorganize, focusing more efficient and productive forces, and improving value.In October last year, Huang Xuncai explained why the assistance supporting facilities at the time had not been taken to the company's measures that enterprises had to make adjustments, review operations and transformation, improve energy efficiency, and make good use of human resources.He reminded companies to realize that human tightening and high energy costs may be the new normal of the future.When he attended the Common Morning News Budget Business Forum in March this year, his response to the business representatives was also the same. The government could not help enterprises to offset the cost of land, energy and manpower for a long time.He pointed out at the time that this is the "hard truth" that enterprises must accept, and must transform, automate or go abroad to open up a new market.

Private enterprises are the most important part of a free economy. From taxation, employment to innovation, they have largely helped the society to maintain operation and vitality.This is why the government strongly supports the survival of the enterprise during the epidemic period. That is to avoid the means of rescue and even rescue of large -scale closure and unemployment, but it consumes greatly, obviously unsustainable.Government resources are limited, subsidized all aspects of life in the middle and low -level people, provide medical needs for aging society, provide more care facilities for young childization society, satisfy parents, and maintain solid national defense forces. These are all these are all these. These are all these.More important social consensus is also a long -term and huge measure.

The government has always had a variety of plans to support local enterprises, but now the overall direction is to help companies with willingness to improve to improve productivity and efficiency, bigger and stronger.These plans include energy -saving allowances, corporate financing plans -trade loans, and so on.However, regardless of the size, business operators must eventually evaluate the feasibility, risks and profitability of the business by themselves.The Singapore market is open, foreign investment and multinational enterprises will form a challenge, but it also brings us taxation, employment, and technology and experience.From the selection process of the gold brand award hosted by this newspaper, we can see that more and more creative local enterprises are more and more capable of competing in domestic and foreign markets. These companies also face the pressure of rising costs, but any subsidy can only be a subsidy.Transition.If the local small and miniature enterprises (small shops) have the intention to keep up with the digital trend and use e -commerce, brand establishment and improve services to expand the market, it will have the opportunity to gain a long -term operation.

The rising operating costs are the reality that local enterprises are facing. Some elderly neighbor shop operators must be unsuccessful by the cost consideration or no succession.Other companies may not intend to change the way of operation, and fall behind in the tide of economic transformation, it is inevitable.The focus of government budgets and resource allocation is more to help enterprises strengthen instead of maintaining their lives. This direction is correct, and it is also consistent with the policy context of consistent assistance and support for local enterprises.The endless local enterprise is the foundation of the Singapore economy. The business owner itself must cultivate the spirit of perseverance, make good use of talents, and effectively manage. Just like the entrepreneurs from the early local generation, the business has expanded to the market in Southeast Asia or even farther.It is far -sighted, operating wrist and innovative strength rather than subsidies.Enterprises refuse to develop the thinking of relying on the government and show their wings high in order to dance the most proud of them.