Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Taiwan's 2024 election is about to enter a 100 -day countdown sprint stage. Four major presidents run for the people's adjustment support to maintain the echelon forward: the DPP candidate Lai Qingde continues to lead, the Kuomintang candidate Hou Youyi and the people's party for electionHuman Ke Wenzhe was between Bo Zhong, and the founder of Hon Hai Group Guo Taiming after joining the battle of the battle.However, all kinds of polls show that Lai Qingde's reputation loses the desire of the people to get off the DPP; if blue and white, they can change the team, surpass Lai Qingde, and remove the Democratic Progressive Party.The problem is that the voting date is close and the integrated Lu Yao.

At this time, reviewing the "national cooperation" 20 years ago, perhaps the reference significance in the political situation today; even as far as the current situation of the fierce war and the people's hearts, the "blue and white" in front of the eyes should beIt is more urgent than the "Lian Song Pixing".

On February 14, 2003, Lien Chan, the chairman of the National relatives, and Song Chuyu held the "Lien Song Society". The two signed the "Memorandum of the National Party Alliance" to promote the 2004 in the wild league.Lian and Song made a integration atmosphere in more than a year before the election, and the memo of the National Party Alliance also reached three major consensus: 1. Promote the party's cooperation with the party, and organize the National Party Alliance for the Communist Party of China.The chairman respects the opinions of Chairman Lian; the three or two parties will form a joint ruling team to solve major problems such as Taiwan's economy and cross -strait.In the wild integration, it is not just shouting slogans, but also shows actual actions.

The "Lian Song Society" happened to be Valentine's Day that day, and the outside world was known as a political marriage between the two parties of the country.Song Chuyu, who is willing to resume the deputy, emphasized that what the people think of are the power that allows national relatives to truly combine and Taiwan can truly combine.Now that it is more than a hundred days left in the 2024 election, what the people think are to get off the DPP and also support Blue and Baihe, but blue and white are still gaggering.The people's hearts are as good as the past, but the atmosphere of political parties is different.

The space -time environment is very different, resulting in "the Song can be matched, the blue and white is difficult".The national relatives split because of the former President Lee Teng -hui's complex, but the two parties were the same. Although Song Chuyu's polls were higher than Lien Chan, the Kuomintang's strength was greater than the Democratic Party, and the unprecedented pressure of the party's rotation in 2000, the internal and external environment forced the blueI have to match, and even the Song match can be described as pushing the boat.On the other hand, the Kuomintang frequently knocks on the drums of blue and white, while the people's party wants to refuse to welcome it, and from time to time; in fact, if there is no integration plan and mechanism that is not enough, of course, no one can accept anyone.

In the 2004 election, the National Federation from the President's partner to the legislature selection layout, each other has detailed implementation plans and conversation windows, both strategies and tactics.Twenty years later, he was pregnant with ghosts in the wild league. Before the election, it was a hundred days before the election.There may be thousands of answers to Hou Ke Guo's triangle exercises. Some people have proposed to do four years and some people propose to exchanges the Chief Executive or the Legislative Dean, and even "compare polls, loses," have come out.However, the answers to all kinds of pragmatic imagination are also highlighting the difficulty of integration.

The Tsai government criticized "Rotten Woods as officials, beasts and beasts," Lai Qingde was a Pavilion and Vice President.Raising; the power of fighting and each other in the wild camp is far greater than that of the DPP's will, which has led to the strong atmosphere of the DPP to get off the DPP.

At present, in the wild camp, "win -win situation in the wild camp, divided into three losses."Even Song Ping, who was married for one year in advance, could not win Chen Shui -bian's governance advantage, not to mention blue and white, Lai Qingde will be the biggest winner.Since the eight years of administration of the Cai government, the two sides of the strait have fallen into an unprecedented crisis. If the "Taiwan independence Golden Sun" Lai Qingde takes over, the Taiwan Strait will not have a peaceful day, the community is turmoil, and the people will be a purse.In fact, the blue and white problem is in the mentality, not in polls.

The cooperation between political parties must be sincere, but the blue and white camp only competes and let go; the political party alliance needs a plan, but the blue and white camp can only see the price and lift the bar; the blue and white combination also needs time discussion, persuasion and running -in, but timeDon't stand on the side of the blue and white camp.The Tsai government has lost his virtue and the people are looking forward to the DPP to have the opportunity to chaos anyway. The opposition party must seriously respond to the people's voices.