Source: Bloomberg

Billy House

Following the U.S. Congress to prevent the government from passing through the Against Act, the division of the Republican Party is increasing.The party's internal initiative to overthrow the proposal Kevin McCarthy's initiative may shake the power balance of Congress.

Federal Representative Matt Gaetz vowed to start this removal motion this week.The alliance formed in the operation will far -reaching the House of Representatives controlled by the Republican Party to the ideology of ideology and the desire for marginal policies.

This resistance to the Speakers is rare, and the possibility of the opposition members of the opposition party is unprecedentedly likely to rescue McCarthy. This is exactly the time when Washington has difficulty in formulating the government's annual funding plan.The assistance to Ukraine is still unreasonable, and there are fierce disputes over issues such as immigration and asylum policies, abortion rights, and support for poor people.

Although the U.S. Congress passed the right bill on weekends, the government still faced a threat to stopping on November 17.

McCarthy said on Monday that Gaetz's move against him was based on personality rather than policies.

"Don't judge the Republican Party through Matt Gaetz," the Speaker told Fox News, "but judged us through our enemies. MATT, this is a private problem."

GAETZ's opposition may be successful, provided that he can persuade the four Republican hardliners to join, plus the Democratic Party, which almost united fronts oppose McCarthy.However, Democrats may also help McCarthy in a helping way to vote against the dismissal of the remarks of the dismissal, or choose not to vote at all.

Democrats' rescue will make McCarthy facing a situation equivalent to the coalition government in the House of Representatives, which will force the House of Representatives to re -evaluate the legislative agenda.

In this case, the threat from Gaetz and its allies will be neutralized, but McCarthy is still unable to gain a firm foothold -he is easily affected by the next challenge and rely on the continuous support of the Democratic Party.

The middle school Democrats have previously stated that they will consider "rescue" McCarthy.McCarthy has been facing a threat to steps down since the 15 rounds of voting have won the positions of the Speakers in January this year.Since then, McCarthy launched an impeachment survey of President Joe Bayeng, which promoted Parliament to become polarized and irritated those middle schools.

The steps of McCarthy will lead to a vacuum of leadership in the House of Representatives, and there is no obvious successor to unite the difficulty of controlling the Republican Party, which will bring more political uncertainty.There are still some Democrats in Washington that McCarthy -especially McCarthy, who is willing to reach an agreement with Democrats -is a better choice than any potential successor.

The Democratic leader of the House of Representatives has not revealed whether they will help McCarthy.