Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau mentioned in Parliament on September 18 that Canadian security agencies are investigating a Canadian citizen's killing incident, which may have potential contacts with the Indian government agents and urge India to cooperate with investigations.On the same day, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced a leaving an Indian diplomat.The foreign official is said to be the director of Indian overseas intelligence agencies in Canada.If the actual situation is really accused by Canada, the above incident will be a serious violation of Canadian national sovereignty.In response, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement denied the allegations and was called ridiculous and attentive. It also leaned back to a Canadian diplomat as a peer.

This bilateral diplomatic conflict may worsen the "friendly relations" of Western countries and India.As a potential "strategic swinger", India, in the context of increasing contradictions between the East and the West, if it can be completely fell to the West, it will greatly expand the external strength of Western countries.For this consideration, during the G20 summit, the leaders of the five -eye alliance country, including Bayendon, expressed their concerns about the matter to the Indian Prime Minister Modi.The US National Security Consultant Sarawan, while concerning the matter on the 21st, deny the statement of "the difference between the United States and Canada" and says that it will not ignore this because of the development relationship with India;Will get "any special exemption".

The diplomatic incident between Canada and India focuses on the acute separationism and nationalist contradictions of the outside world.Although India's regional policies and national religious policies have long received Western attention for a long time, India has been regarded by the West in recent years as a country that may check and balance China and has influential in Asia.The accusations of India in Canada may make foreign investors, especially investors from Western countries, have a new assessment of the relationship between India's domestic market and India and Western countries.

In recent years, under the common effects of the continuous intensification of the Sino -US game, the increase in China's employment costs, and the outbreak of crown disease, Western investors have shifted their attention to other Asian countries including Vietnam and India.The labor costs of these countries are relatively low, and the proportion of the labor force of the appropriate age is also higher.And these countries are actively developing friendly relations with Western countries; out of the purpose of curbing China, Western countries also actively build cooperation with these countries.

The purpose of geopolitics makes Western countries, including the United States, brought a layer of colored glasses when dealing with India's relations, thinking that India is more democratic and also shows an attitude towards India's investment.But once the cooperation enters the real level, the West may find that India is not so perfect.The diplomatic conflict between Canada and India just provides such an opportunity.

Contradiction between regional and religious races in India may affect the normal operation of foreign investment companies in India.Although Western countries try to avoid directly criticizing India's religious racial policies internationally, on the other hand, Western countries, including Canada, provide political protection for Indian separatists.Some analysts said that there are about 770,000 Sikhs in Canada.India lists some Sikhs and organizations as extreme forces, while Canada has expressed support for some of their protests in Canada and India.The conflict between India and Canada is only a long -term friction. It has not been resolved in the root cause of the conflict, and it is difficult to resolve in the future. This friction will continue to exist.

Western countries now have to face India, which actually has a huge difference in values.Even for political propaganda and the consideration of India, Western countries once praised India as "the biggest democratic country", but because the basic national conditions of different countries are different, the difference in specific practice and performance is very different, which leads to a large difference, which leads to a large difference, which leads to a large difference.Cooperation with India will impact the social values within Western countries.In the process of trying to reconstruct the global industrial chain, Western countries will "re -" understand India, and do it in the consequences of possible realistic political interests that may exist and may violate and eliminate their own value system in the interaction.Out of choice.The diplomatic conflict between Canada and India has aroused widespread concern in Western society.

For India and Western countries, it is a big problem to coordinate how to get along in the same direction in the same direction.The existence of bilateral differences will restrict the footsteps of the Western countries in the Indian market.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute