
From October 2nd, the annual Nobel Prize "Lottery Week" officially kicked off, and the six major awards will be revealed one by one.

Looking back at the history of the awards, how much do you know about the cold knowledge behind this award?How many women have gained award in nearly a thousand award -winning individuals and organizations?Why do the prizes of each award seem to be incomplete, and even rose in 2023?

Where does the Nobel Prize come from?

"Please turn my property into a fund, use the interest of this fund as a bonus every year, and reward those who make outstanding contributions to humans in the previous year."

More than a hundred years ago, the inventor of nitrifying glycerin explosives Alfred Bainbane Had Nobel, regardless of the opposition and dissuasion of others, made this special will.

He uses most of the huge inheritance as a fund, and is divided into 5 copies of interest each year. It is used to grant people who have contributed to humans in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace.


Nobel Prize is also named after the name of the famous Swedish chemist.In 1901, the five awards were presented for the first time, and the Nobel Prize in Economics was added in 1968, and the first year was presented.

Endless bonus

Initially, Nobel's inheritance was only 31 million Swedish Crown (about 1.702 billion Swedish Crown).Since 1901, the total amount of bonuses issued by Nobel Prize has far exceeded this number.Why did this bonus issue not finished for more than 120 years?

It turns out that this is mainly due to investment and financial management.It is said that the Nobel Foundation has invested in government bonds and has also invested in real estate and stock markets.The impact of financial benefits, the amount of bonuses in the Nobel Prize has been adjusted up and down in recent years.

In 2011, due to the global stock market, the Nobel Foundation's stock investment lost more than 19 million Swedish Crown.The amount of each bonus has also been reduced from 10 million Swedish Crane to 8 million.In 2017, the bonus increased to 9 million kran, and in 2020 to 10 million krona.

At the end of 2022, the Nobel Foundation's investment capital has reached 5.799 billion Swedish Crack.By 2023, the strong financial Nobel Foundation decided to increase the bonus.

According to the Nobel Foundation, the Nobel Prize winner in 2023 will receive an additional 1 million Swedish Crack, and the amount of bonus rises to 11 million Swedish Crown.Agence France -Presse said that this would be the highest bonus amount in the history of the Nobel Prize.

Special numbers behind the Nobel Prize

Looking back at the century -old awards history, the Nobel Prize awarded 615 times.In the meantime, some of the Nobel Prizes in some categories have not been issued. This is because these years, most of them coincide with the First World War (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945).

In addition, the Nobel Prize in Literature was suspended in 2018 by the scandal.

At that time, the former Nobel Prize Judge of Florite Song, the husband, was exposed to 7 times, leaking the winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature to the gaming company.The incident caused serious controversy within the Swedish college. Many academicians resigned and protested, and the award review could not continue. The award of this year was extended, that is, two literary awards were awarded at the same time in 2019.

Among the nearly a thousand award -winning individuals and organizations, the oldest is John Gutidov, who is 97 years old at the time of winning.

Gudidov is a solid physicist, born in Germany in 1922.Its studies make lithium batteries smaller, larger, and more stable in use. It is called "the father of lithium battery".In 2019, Gudidov and British scientist Stanley Weiting Han, and Japanese scientist Yoshino Ayun Yoshino won the Nobel Prize in the field of lithium -ion battery.

Among the

Nobel Prize winners, there are 60 women's gains.

In 2015, Chinese female pharmacist Tu Yu won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his achievements in malaria treatment research.She became the first Chinese scientist to win the Nobel Science Award, and the first Chinese woman to win the Nobel Prize.

Another household named Nobel Prize winner is Mrs. Juri.After winning the Physics Award in 1903, she won the chemistry award in 1911 for research on radiochemistry.