Source: Taiwan Economic Daily Society

This time, the Taiwan election is as usual, taking political offense and defense as the main axis. Public policies and economic issues are prepared.In fact, the economy is the department of the rise and fall, which is related to the interests of each people, and many economic issues facing Taiwan have reached the severity. It cannot be avoided and delayed.Come on and let the people really know what they have chosen.

Four candidates are currently only slogan demands for economic issues and have not proposed systemic policies, so there is no way to compare, analyze and judge, and the DPP has been fully ruling for more than seven years.Specific presentation, if it continues to govern, whether the economic policy continues is also worth exploring.Therefore, we can review from several major key points, let the public understand the current problems and the goodness of the current policy, and explore the effectiveness of government economic governance.

Reviewing financial achievements, first look at the financial situation of the central government, because this is an important indicator of the overall performance of the policy, and it is also the observation aspect of whether the government strictly adheres to the financial discipline.As of the end of 2023, the cumulative budget of the Central Government was 6.67 trillion (NT $, the same below), and the Cai government's debt increase in seven years was about 1.27 trillion yuan, not too much, but the real debt was special budget.The five special budgets are 2.2 trillion budgets. They all depend on bonds. The Cai government acts cheaply during the office. A total of 11 special budgets are set up to mix the normal budgets of normal administrative funds and special conditions, and it is used in a large amount of policy pleasure.Essence

Taking the prevention and treatment of crown disease as an example, first set up 60 billion "special budgets for epidemic prevention and bailout", and then added funds four times, and then added more than 800 billion yuan to spread coins.After the global epidemic ended this year, the Cai government set up a budget of 380 billion yuan and continued to spread coins.Special budget has become a Qiaomen. In just one year this year, Taiwan's cumulative debt will increase a total of 1 trillion yuan.In particular, the government's special budget is always an exaggeration of false politics plans.

If the government can support the development of the industry, prosper the economy, and laid a thick tax base in the future, it is also a beneficial investment.However, the Tsai government has a limited benefit of the transformation and upgrading of the Taiwan industry. No wonder the Federation of Industry in Taiwan has recently issued suggestions on the manufacturing industry, emphasizing that the Taiwan industry should develop balanced development and avoid derivating "Dutch diseases".Over the years, Taiwan is too concentrated in specific industries of semiconductors, which has caused social resources and talent cultivation to offset excessively, and ignores the balanced development of the overall industrial structure.As for major issues such as long -term development of the industry, the maintenance of labor rights and the balance and stability of the labor and capital, and the moderate adjustment of electricity bills, it has not been significantly improved because it has no direct relationship with the votes.

As far as the public feelings of the people are concerned, according to the statistics of the General Administration Office, the average CPI increase in the first eight months of this year has reached 2.62%. Since August 2021, it has exceeded 2%of the alarm value for 20 consecutive months.Price continues to rise.Because the growth rate of name salary cannot catch up with the inflation rate, the substantial salary growth rate becomes negative, resulting in the increasingly difficult days of the salary class.The impact of rising prices on low and middle income is relatively large, the gap between the income of each class has continued to expand, and the sense of deprivation of young people is particularly heavy.

In public policy, the most impact on industry and people's livelihood is energy issues.The Cai government pushed energy transformation and set the target of non -nuclear homeland in 2025, claiming that the proportion of renewable energy accounted for 20 %, and natural gas power generation also accounted for half.Fulled behind, even the Taiwan -American Chamber of Commerce pointed out that the progress of Taiwan's energy transformation was "far behind", and called on the government to propose a policy blueprint for ensuring power supply.

In order to develop green energy, lead to photovoltaic electricity throughout the west coast, devour farmland fish salamanders, from the construction to operation of the offshore wind power, all threatened the marine ecology and fishermen, derived the disadvantages of officials and merchants.

The DPP government's energy policy is facing bankruptcy crisis. The root cause of the problem lies in the consideration of political and professional considerations, setting a false policy goal, and stubbornly implementing it for political purposes.The Tsai government is afraid of fundamental solution, and continuously handled it with a supplementary method, resulting in the problem becoming more and more serious.The Cai government is used to deal with economic issues in political thinking with non -professional methods. The next president will face greater challenges in economic issues.