India has to face another problem in the face of those tricky internal structural problems pointed out in the face of the late Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew pointed out during his lifetime.This has caused US -India relations to swing between friendship and hostility from the beginning, and it is deeply affected by the lack of trust and sharp differences.

The signing of the United States and India joint statement not only officially announced that the United States and India alliances have begun to take shape, but also unexpectedly, because it is generally not very optimistic about the United States and India Alliance, but this time it is said to be in the US -India relations.A milestone is not an exaggeration.Because the cooperation between the two sides has exceeded all allies, covering almost all aspects of politics, military, culture, education, science and technology.

It can be said that the biggest winner in the Sino -US game and the Russian and Ukraine war should be India.New Delhi not only balances both sides on the Russian and Ukraine War, but also pleases both ends. It means that the attitude is neutral and won Putin's favor. He has made the opportunity to make a lot of money from Russia's oil and gas.All countries try their best to draw.Moreover, due to the continued intensification of the Sino -US game, especially the importance of the United States, it has increased the importance of India in the global strategic layout of the United States, so that the Bayeng government must be required to India.At the Atlantic Monthly, Michael Schuman, Michael Schuman, wrote: "Even tolerate the increasingly authoritarian orientation of the Modi government. This contradiction in the US and India relations not only makes the free and democratic values pursued by the Bayeon government.Questions also challenged the United States' alliance strategy based on the Cold War -based experience. "

Obviously, in the prototype of the new Cold War that the United States opened, it has been clear that the purpose of using India to jointly curb China has been unveiled."Lianyin to suppress China" is just like the World War II and the "Lianhua Anti -Japanese" strategy that was originally pursued by the United States, and turned into "United Japan to resist China" during the Cold War, making Japan the most profitable fisherman in the post -war Asia Pacific.

Of course, we must also be soberly realized that Japan is Japan and India is India.Japan used to use the Cold War in China and the United States to fly into the sky, which does not mean that India can use the Sino -US New Cold War or even the United States and India today.Because India has its own problem.What impact will this have on the Asia -Pacific region in the Asia -Pacific region?(Lianhe Morning Post Specked Version July 6) It has been mentioned slightly but has not yet expanded.

India has to face the tricky internal structural issues that the late Singapore leader Li Guangyao pointed out during his lifetime (that is, because of the surname system, bureaucracy, and the elite classes, they are unwilling to face the requirements of complicated ethnic and religious groups.Therefore, it is difficult to achieve the due economic benefits and scale), and it must also face another problem, that is, the repeated impermanence of Indian diplomacy.

This has made the US -India relations sway between friendship and hostility from the beginning, and is deeply affected by the lack of trust and sharp differences.As Schuman said: "Indian leaders sometimes agree with the United States, and sometimes they may change their minds to negotiate with the United States." Schuman also traces this issue directly back to the founding Prime Minister Jawaharlal after India's independence.NEHRU period.

In October 1949, the Truman government had strongly hoped to win the first Indian leader who visited the United States for the first time, hoping that India could become the United States and the Soviet Union of the United States and the Soviet Union, just like Japan.However, the fundamental differences that appear on the world view have drifted away from the two countries."Nahru believes that the world is divided into mutual competitive groups, which is essentially dangerous."In his opinion, one of India's major foreign policy goals is "pursuing peace", and the process of dividing has exacerbated the conflict that India "has always been trying to avoid.

But the author does not fully agree with this magnificent diplomatic resignation, otherwise we will not be able to understand the war between India and Pakistan for decades.Study.In this regard, the explanation of Indian parliament members and former Foreign Minister Shashi Tharoor is worth noting.In his opinion, Nehru's idea was actually rooted in the 200 -year colonial rule of Britain, and has always been a kind of strong rebellion that India speaks on the international stage.Therefore, after India's independence in 1947, it not only no longer hopes that any country will continue to affect the independence of Indian actions and opinions, but also marks India's awakening of its awareness of its own world.This is one of the reasons why Nahru was unwilling to join any alliance during the Cold War.

Of course, the author believes that it is not necessary to lead India to the Soviet Union and transplant the Soviet economic model if not all of the alliance.As Schuman said: "Nehru's position becomes complicated because of his admiration for the Soviet Union, especially the national leading economic model that he introduced to the country."To understand the emotional emotions, on the other hand, there are Nacru's urgent desire to concentrate and enhance the strong wishes for India, which has long been in a division due to religion, region, and nations for a long time.

Nehru wants to lead the Indian people into an influential superpower in the world.How many Western politicians can really understand this kind of psychological changes that have a strong rebellious complex of the front colonies and extremely dissatisfied with the domestic and extremely backward state of extreme dissatisfaction?It is also in this sense that when American anthropologist Ruth Benedict was near the end of World War II, the chrysanthemum and knife entrusted by the US government, for the United States to better understand the national nature of Japan, as well asHow to manage Japan and other issues have made outstanding contributions.

But that's all, the real great politician who came out of the colonies in the past must be recognized by the harm that colonies brought to the country, but also surpassed from a narrow nationalist emotion, especially if you can deeply know deeplyTo the excellent ingredients in the colonial system, and the essence of its essence abandoned its dross.In other words, they have super strong political and economic sensitivity, knowing what is correct, which is maximized by national interests.Lee Kuan Yew is such a very small number of founders.

By analyzing Nehru, we can also clearly see that Indian Prime Minister Modi is also driven by nationalist emotions and the balance of national interests, so that India will continue to "maverick" in international affairs.This uncertainty will inevitably lead to high anxiety in the United States in the future.Especially when facing the interests of the U.S. and Indian countries conflict.Because if the Indian diplomatic traditions and guidelines have remained unchanged since Nahru, the United States is destined to be both partners and potential competitors, even if there is no ideological differences between the two countries.As the American Indian political expert Francine Frankel pointed out: "The problem of India and the United States is that Nahru's belief in India will eventually become a superpower, and there is no foothold in the world view of American decision makers." This is one of the most inherently inherent causes of Sino -US friction and conflict today.Just as the iron curtain of the Cold War of the Humble Sino -US Cold War has fallen?(Lianhe Zaobao Speech Edition June 2) Analysis: "To say that the disagreement on the foreign tone between China and the United States, I am afraid that it is more urgent with China's national strength to get rid of it from 1840 to fall down to funeral and humiliate the country, accumulate poverty, and accumulate poverty.The weak shadow, thus realizing the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as soon as possible. This strong sense of national pride is a natural thing for an ancient country with a history of 4,000 years of civilization, but it is difficult to Americans.Imagine or even understand, and therefore has become a far -sighted or bias that causes Americans to misunderstand or prejudice. "

In other words, today the United States has curbing China to become a superpowers, and at the expense of lowering its body to attract India to form alliances. One of the main reasons is that India's strength today is still too far, and it is not worried.Once India is in the position of China today, there is a high probability that the contradiction between the United States and India will become difficult to reconcile, and the competition will definitely surpass cooperation at that time.

The author is a professor at China University of Political Science and Law

Researcher of Ash Democratic Governance and Innovation Center, Harvard University of Kennedy College