In early 2020, a "Sheraton coup" occurred in Malaysia. A group of ruling members of the ruling party suddenly announced that they had jumped and pulled down the Pakatan Harapan government that had been on stage for less than two years, and replaced the Temporary Alliance government that was temporarily co -authored.At that time, there were divergent opinions. It was said that the conspiracy of Mahathir, the former Prime Minister of the Pakatan Harapan government, was to further consolidate its strength, but accidentally caused anti -effects, and even lost even the regime.There are also saying that Anwar, who has not been the Prime Minister at the time, was too advanced, was anxious to replace Mahathir, and had to target some of the party's important party that he led by the people he led, which caused them to fall down. At the same timeEssence

Leaving aside the power of politicians, the most fundamental reason for the setting of Sheraton's coup is the mood of the Malaysian and Malays that was disturbed and dissatisfied at the time.

Although the Malaysian Kingdom is objectively a country of diversified ethnic groups and multiculturalism, for a long time, most Malaysians have strong nationalism.Dedicated to their country, other ethnic groups should be attached to the absolute authority of the Malays.This is a bit similar to the current rightist right of Israel. It also believes that Israel should be exclusive to Jews, and other ethnic groups should succumb to Jewish leadership.

Even if many Malaysian people have been distinguished by ethnic groups before, they hate a series of scandals related to Yima Company, but for many Malays, the correct and acceptable solutions should be replaced by another group of Malaysia.Human politicians come to govern instead of participating in governance by other ethnic groups, even if they only participate in a higher extent.In their minds, there is nothing -including corruption -the concept that the Malaysians must be absolutely dominated by the Malaysians must be shaken.

The first Pakatan Harapan government came to power, which was supported by most non -Malay members. Therefore, not only is there many ministers of the Malaysians, but the department (such as the Ministry of Finance) is also very important. In additionThe Attorney General, Chief Justice, etc. also served by non -Malays, and there were new weather towards a diverse country.Of course, this point is well -known that the non -Malays who have been oppressed for many years clapped their hands and believed that it was a parallel to the world's mainstream political development.However, many Malays look at it, but they are not very tasteful. They believe that it is a beginning that threatens the Malays' absolute dominance of Malaysia.This dissatisfaction was vented in the several re -elections at the time, causing the Pakatan Harapan to lose, and then brewed the coup.

The national alliance government after the stage is mainly supported by many different parties of Malay members. With sporadic non -Malays, the majority of ministers are Malays. Only the Chinese and Indians eachEssenceFrom the perspective of non -Malaysians, it is a reversing of the entire political society, but in the eyes of many Malays, it is taken for granted.

At the end of last year, most Malaysian voters still support UMNO or the National League (including the Islamic Party and the Against Solidarity Party) with nationalism as the main demand.However, UMNO is unwilling to live under the National Alliance, and choosing a new unity government with the Pakatan Harapan will lead to the Greek League of Malaysia's politics.But this may not be the political development that most Malay wants to see.

Anhua, who finally came to power, learned the lessons of the Pakatan Harapan for the first time, and no longer highlighted the diversification of the regime. The most important departments and institutions were still in charge.Anwar also often attended the formal occasion in traditional Malay costumes. Even the members of the delegation went abroad to visit the Malaysian traditional Song Valley hat.But the reality is that this is still not enough for many Malaysians.In particular, the concept of "Changming and Malaysia" proposed by Anwar, although it covers many Islamic values, it also has a subtext that regards the people regardless of ethnic groups to benefit the whole people, rather than focusing on helping the Malays.This is considered to be "three different" in the eyes of many Malays, and there is no absolute respected Malay interest and dominant position.

At the same time, one of the definitions of Malays in Malaysia must be based on Muslims, and their religious emotions are also increasingly rising.This is closely related to the international popular Islamic revival campaign, or political Islam, which is closely related.The origin of this movement in modern times can be traced back to the multinational Muslim student movement in the 1960s and 1970s.It is extremely ironic that one of the internationally renowned Muslim students at that time was Anwar, and Turkish President Eldoan, who has so far cherished each other.

Anwar was later compiled by UMNO, joined the mainstream politics of Malaysia, and brought many religious elements into the government, and once even worshiped the deputy prime minister.

This political Islamic movement continues to ferment internationally, at least the long -term governance of Eldogan in Turkey, which originally strictly adhered to the secularization of political society.In the Malaysian election at the end of last year, and in the six states election a few ago, the Islamic Party performed well, and it has replaced UMNO to become the most supportive party of Malays.More and more Malay people want to rule the country with Islamic do not only politically, but also cover the fields of society and economy.

These two mutually enhanced Malaysians' demands -the acts of absolute dominance of the clan and unique religion -have continued to increase recently.Mahathir, who wants to step down in Anwar, is recently regarded as a co -consultant of the four states that the Iraqi party governed.The Malays must absolutely dominant ideas and the religious power represented by the Iraqi Party.

After a series of state elections and supplementary elections recently, Malaysia seems to be slightly calm, but it is undercurrent.The national religious forces, which are dominated by the national alliance and Mahathir, are the main goal of the current main goal to unite the Malay members of the government.Recently, many meetings have actually been carried out in private, that is, to "know the righteousness" to these members.Under the political reality of most Malaysian voters that have obviously supported the National League (mainly the Iraqi Party), if they want to have a political future, they should consider turning rudder and no longer support Anwar.As long as there is enough parliamentarians to be persuaded, the "Xishaidin's second coup" refers to the next day.

The author is a senior researcher at the Singapore International Affairs Society (Research Institute)

Chief Counselor of the Malaysian Pacific Research Center