Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Wangbao Society Review

Sino -Japanese relations have once again fallen into the valley due to Fukushima nuclear treatment water.In the "three" summit meetings, the words were confronted.According to reports from the Nikkei Asia, Kishida and Li Qiang's "mutual", Kishida criticized Beijing to ban Japanese aquatic products from importing, accusing China of "mavericks alone".Seeing no problem ", Li Qiang pointed out that Japan emits" nuclear pollution water ", which affects the global marine ecological environment.Kishida and Li Qiang did not arrange a one -on -one talk, but they still had a brief talk for a while before the meeting.

The general direction of friendly cooperation is unchanged

Matsuna Kishida and Li Qiang's conversation between

Matsuni Kano Kishida and Li Qiang, the Japanese cabinet official house, stated that the two countries continued to dialogue around Fukushima's nuclear treatment of water discharge.After being tattooed by the "Ayana -Third" talks, both countries did not make any disputes between the disasters and waters of the sea at the Summit of the G20 summit.

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant launched the nuclear disaster wastewater to discharge the sea on August 24. The mainland network and the street spin appeared to have an autonomous anti -Japanese words and deeds.

On September 3, the mainland's "Memorial Day of the Chinese People's Anti -Japanese War", no protest demonstrations were found near the Japanese embassy in China.Signs show that Beijing has no intention to make the nuclear disaster wastewater problem, touch the "anti -Japanese" nerves that Chinese people are sensitive, and make it more difficult for Sino -Japanese relations in the low tide.

When competing in the United States and China, operating "anti -Japanese cards" is not good for diplomacy around China.The mainland ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao said that the current relationship between the two countries is facing "complicated difficulties", but the "importance of China and Japan has not changed", and the "peaceful and friendly cooperation direction of peace -friendly cooperation cannot change" by the China -Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty.The official "2023 China Festival" hosted by the mainland opened on the 9th in Tokyo. Beijing was unwilling to nuclear sewage to stir up nationalism on both sides and block bilateral sightseeing and tourism that restored.Wu Jianghao intends to convey the signal of the cooling of nuclear sewage disputes in Japan. "Welcome more Japanese people to China to enjoy China's development and change on the spot" and improve China -Japan relations with tourism exchange.

Kishida's press conference to end the G20 summit trip said, "While paying attention to the dialogue, it will build a constructive and stable relationship through the joint efforts of both parties."China and Japan will continue to carry out multiple -level close communication, including high -level government.Kishida pointed out, "For the first time, I met with Premier Li Qiang and carefully conveyed my thoughts. This is very important." Japan positively evaluated the informal conversation between the two parties and did not intend to lighten China -Japan relations.

Pay attention to bilateral relations is consensus

Yamaguchi Nakinan, who was delayed due to nuclear sewage disputes, intended to re -arrange the itinerary.Matsuna Matsno, the chief of the Japanese cabinet official room, expressed his support and was willing to coordinate again; Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland, affirmed that the Gongming Party has long adhered to China -Japan friendship, and is willing to communicate and dialogue with the Gongming Party to jointly make active efforts to improve the development of Sino -Japanese relations.

South Korea tilted with the United States, the dialogue with China has remained constantly. President Yin Xiyue uses "Asian Sanja San" and G20 to talk to Li Qiang twice to actively repair Sino -South Korean relations, emphasizing that the North Korean nuclear military crisis has continued to rise.Strengthening cooperation is not for China, and hopes that the "China -Japan and South Korea Summit" will be held as scheduled.China and South Korea's heads densely met, Kishida, who was not speculating with Chinese, was extremely anxious.Kishida expressed his willingness to interview many times, and commissioned Yamaguchi Napin to give a letter to Xi Jinping, brewing the atmosphere of "Xi Anhui".

Kishida also ask for the opportunity to visit China in the second order of the Liberal Democratic Party in the mainland to help restore Sino -Japanese relations.Kishida bluntly said, "Japan -China relations are in trouble, but do not want to stop talking."Sino -Japanese relations have stagnated due to various problems, but it is a constant relationship. Kishida explores the diplomatic path of the situation, so as not to fall as soon as possible in the US relationship with the upsurge in the conversation, and restore the interruption of the crown disease epidemic as soon as possible.Chief Diplomacy.

Sino -Japanese relations have a problem, and the mainland has both software and hardness in Japan. It is open to Japan in August. The flights between the two countries and passengers have grown steadily, but they have a strong response to the problem of nuclear treatment of water.However, there is no need to be pessimistic about Sino -Japanese relations, because the two countries know the importance of bilateral relations, can keep room for each other, seek dialogue, and economic and trade exchanges are still hot, and they can hold the two do not conflict.Should cross -strait relations also keep up with the pace of dialogue?