It is strange that humans have proposed the theory of globalization, but did not realize the most fundamental feature of globalization after World War II.Handle international relations and reduce war and conflict.

Although the Russian and Ukraine War continued, from the perspective of the Great historical scale, after World War II, it was a relatively peaceful period in human history, and it was also an unprecedented period of development.

1. Repeat the power of peace and development after World War II

Historically, there are few cases of long -term peace or long -term development, while there are fewer cases of long -term peace and development.Some people have attributed peace and development after World War II to Pax Americana under the United States.This view is not obviously wrong, but it is not accurate enough.It only sees the explicit role of the United States, ignoring the international "potential" of the United States with the advent of the post -territory after the territory; this "potential" is the peace and development after World War II.Key variables.In addition, the formation of this great "potential" is mainly not the role of the United States, but the development of world history.

People may not be able to know their behavior; the same is true of humans.The most important thing about people's cognition of the world (including himself) is the most important thing, followed by knowledge.The concept is not a knowledge that parallel or equivalent to other knowledge, but to understand the foundation or coordinates of other knowledge.If a person has new ideas, there is no need to add any new specific knowledge. You can rebuild his cognitive system, re -understand the world, and form a new world.A person's world is equivalent to his cognitive system.Since last year, it is clear that the post -territory has come to the post -territory.There is a new understanding of the key reasons for peace and development after World War II.

It can even be said that this is a change in the world view and historical view.Of course, if there is a better concept in the future, my cognition will be upgraded again.

2. Wealth acquisition is the mystery of understanding human behavior

In the multi -level goal of human pursuit of happiness, although wealth itself is not the ultimate goal, it occupies the hub position.Wealth acquisition is both the cause of many behaviors and results.To this day, most of the actions of human beings are on how to obtain wealth.It can be said that wealth acquisition is the mystery of understanding human behavior.

Before the industrial revolution, although many countries also had some long -term peace, because technology was backward, wealth production was very slow.After the industrial revolution, wealth production accelerated.But before World War II, human acquisition of wealth was severely restricted by space.This manifests that wealth production can only be produced in the small area, that is, localized production, and commodity transactions are mainly regional, and cross -regional transactions are very limited.Therefore, as much as possible to occupy land and control the geography, it has become an important means for the subject of the national level to gain wealth, so human history is full of war.

3. Method of changing wealth acquisition in the post -geography and post -geography era

After World War II, the first time the human acquisition of wealth broke through the space limitations on a large scale, which caused the post -territory to come to the post -territory, which created a trend of long -term coexistence and mutual promotion of peace and high -speed development.

The basic characteristics of this era are: after World War II, especially since the 1970s, the interaction of factors such as technological progress and globalization, which has caused huge changes in wealth production methods and the form of war, leading to science, technology, capital, and management.The importance (weight) in wealth production and national security maintenance is increasing; the importance of territorial and geographical is increasing, and the world is in the geopolitical era after the world enters the territory.This is manifested in space. Global resource commercialization makes wealth production methods present significant de -localized characteristics (including domestic alienization and transnationalization). Although wealth production still depends on land, it will no longer depend on specific land.It no longer relies on specific territories.Singapore, South Korea and other small countries have become developed countries. They are typical cases that have come in the post -territory in the post -territory. Singapore is the best case.At the same time, technological progress has caused tremendous changes in the form of war, and weapons are becoming more and more likely to break through the traditional geographical barrier or space obstacles, and seriously weaken the traditional geographical military functions.The Gulf War and the Russian and Ukraine War were typical cases.

It is generally believed that the US -led globalization has achieved peace and development after World War II.Looking at it, there is nothing wrong with this, but it is not critical.

First, globalization does not necessarily cause the post -territory to come in the post -territory, and it does not necessarily cause peace and development.Globalization is divided into two waves: the first wave before World War I and the second wave after World War II.It can be compared that in the first wave of globalization in Singapore and South Korea, it has become a backward country (or region) that was invaded or colonized; and in the second wave of globalization, it became a developed country.The first wave of globalization brought huge development, but did not bring peace, but triggered two world wars and destroyed a lot of wealth.

The 19th century was the golden age of capitalism and the most popular era of colonialism.This is not to discuss colonialism from a moral perspective, but to try to reveal the physical logic behind colonialism -the wealth acquisition before World War II is severely restricted by the space, so it is necessary to use as much land as much as possible to produce wealth production. This is colonialism.Objective premise.In the 19th century, colonial -capitalism due to technological progress and land expansion, it produced a huge amount of wealth to humans (mainly the West), but did not bring peace.As the world was divided into a large country, emerging countries, such as Germany, felt that the development space was limited, so it broke the existing pattern and provoked the First World War.

Please pay attention to the spatial attributes of wealth production behind the first wave of globalization -the requirements of localization requirements to occupy land and control the geography as much as possible. This goal can only be achieved through war.Therefore, the globalization that cannot get rid of space restrictions not only cannot achieve peace, but may increase the competition for land and geography in a larger scope and stronger, but more intensive warfare in a larger scope and intensity.

Secondly, it is not the U.S.'s post -geopolitical posture behind the second wave of globalization, but to become the second wave of global leaders with the unique advantages of the United States and its own unique advantages.As the first wave of global leaders, the United Kingdom meets the general conditions required for two waves of globalization, namely business logic and the logic of rule of law.First, the tradition of businessism has enabled Britain to initiate and promote globalization. Second, the rise of the spirit of the Western modern contract has enabled British's recreationalism to pay more attention to discussions and reduce violence.In a modern rule of law, Britain has the subjective desire and objective ability of establishing rules for globalization.It is closely related to the second and second or two points. The spirit of the contract is the core, and the rule of law is a manifestation.However, the Britain lacks unique conditions owned by the United States and cannot become the second wave of global leaders.

After World War II, the development potential of the majority of territories, resources and population; the opportunities for the two wars to create the United States. These two unique advantages have made the United States more than Britain's comprehensive national strength and become the second wave of global leadership.By.The Soviet Union could not become the second wave of global leaders at all, because it had neither business thinking, no contract spirit, and could not cure ability.

The most important reason why the first wave of globalization cannot generate post -territory is not enough in the post -territory.From a technical point of view, it is uncertain when human beings can develop this ability.There is also a possibility: the second wave of globalization has not yet developed the ability to surpass territory and geography, so it may be necessary to develop in the third wave or even the fourth wave of globalization to develop corresponding capabilities.If this, it is difficult for humans to have long -term peace and development after World War II.However, in fact, the accumulation of technology makes humans just make up for the previous lack of technology in the second wave of globalization.At the same time, the system conditions (that is, more and more countries are willing to enter the international trade system) as a specific historical factors.The combination of the two has a second waveGlobalization.The trouble is that this mixed can easily make people mistakenly believe that the second wave of globalization is the key reason for peace and development after World War II. In fact, this is not the case.

You can also understand the relationship between the two through simulation: Under the conditions of excluding this extreme situation of human destruction, if the second wave of globalization is interrupted by the United States, but the geopolitical era after the territory will not be reversed, wealth production will still be still produced.It can de -localization and war can still be geopolored, because technical capabilities are an irreversible objective ability developed by human beings, and globalization is reversed because it is human technical ability and specific historical conditions (if willing to enter international tradeHow many countries in the system are), a concrete state presented.This is like humans invented nuclear energy, which is an irreversible technical ability, but whether a country will use or destroy nuclear energy in combination with its own circumstances.

It is strange that humans have proposed the theory of globalization, but they did not realize the most fundamental feature of globalization after World War II., Thereby reducing war and conflict.

Four, mainly to promote peace rather than vice versa

After World War II, you can see some "strange" international phenomena.For example, in the past, the two countries, which can be described as hate and continuously fighting each other, have been living peacefully from then on; Japan has no longer showed aggression.The United States must play a role here, but it is not fundamental.The fundamental reason is that all countries in contemporary can surpass territory and geography, allocate resources worldwide, obtain wealth with lower costs, and even become developed countries like Germany and Japan. Then why use a high -cost way of war to use war.What about wealth?As a result, the impulse of war was greatly weakened.

It can also be understood in turn. If in the second wave of globalization, human beings still have the ability to surpass territory and geography.war.It is doubtful whether the United States has the ability to curb these wars.

Therefore, although peace and development have promoted each other, the interaction between the two is not equivalent, and the development of development has a greater role in promoting peace.For example, in ancient times, if climate change is encountered, the production of nomadic people in northern China has been hit (that is, insufficient development), and it is easy to invade and rob and rob.In fact, the same is true of one country's internal politics.For example, natural disasters have caused people to survive and are prone to motion.In this sense, "Cangxian knows the etiquette", which can also be understood as development and peace.Of course, lack of development is not the only factor that is destroyed by peace, and the development of unfair development is the same.

In this sense, "development is the last word", sincerely says!In addition, the problem of development can only be solved in development.

V. War as a means and alternative

There are costs at any means.As a means of wealth acquisition, war is not only cost -effective, but also a negative and game.After the territory, the geographical era greatly reduced the dependence of wealth acquisition to territory and geography, and greatly reduced the space constraints and corresponding costs of wealth acquisition, without having to obtain wealth through war.In this sense, war can be replaced.In other words, it was impossible for humans to have no war before, but human beings in the Geographic Age after the territory may not have war (the war here refers to traditional hot war, excluding trade war, public opinion war, etc.).

Although human beings have entered the post -territory, the post -territory (factual logic) is affected by it, but in terms of cognitive logic, people still attribute peace and development after World War II to globalization, rather than post -territory.

At the same time, human beings are still limited to traditional territory and geographical concepts, leading to many meaningless conflicts and losses, such as the Russia -Ukraine War.In September 2022, at the Shanhe Organization Summit held in Samalham, Indian Prime Minister Modi said to Russian President Putin: "This is not the era of war!" Perhaps Modi has realized the arrival of the post -territory in the post -territory.It was just that he did not express in a clear and standardized words.

This is not the era of war!

The author is a professor at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University