Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hu Enwei

The Hong Kong government launched the "Hong Kong Night Colorful" tourism activities, using subsidies and prices to recruit guests.In fact, can it work in the short term?What guests are invited?Will these guests come again if they visit it once?Some people in the tourism industry say: The local market and the tourism market should be separated, but this statement is actually outdated and wrong, because the competition faced in Hong Kong is the competition between cities and cities.Tourist) distinction.

The number of tourism industry recently announced by the National Tourism Administration of Japan. In June this year, the number of foreign travelers entering Japan in Japan reached 20.733 million. Among themAll reach 120%.Passengers have visited Japan once and will definitely go again. Going to Japan is not an One Night Stand -style visit.

The long -term habit of visiting Japan, why can't Hong Kong do it?

Visit Japan's long -term habit of becoming tourists, because Japan has a complete set of urban planning, culture and cultural tourism development, as well as the open attitude of the entire society.Japan is not a "real estate -dominated" society in a luxury house, high land price, high land price, high -rent, high land price, high -rent, high land price, "real estate -led", a "industrial technology -led" and "industrial -dominated" society. Real estate is a cooperative role.So the Japanese have different types of industrial economy.Especially after the real estate bubble economic explosion in the 1990s, the Japanese were more willing to spend time and energy to invest and build in different commercial and cultural spaces, and invest in cultural and creative projects.In contrast to Hong Kong, Hong Kong basically only invests in large transportation infrastructure. As for the cultural infrastructure space and tourism infrastructure, it is owed.There are thousands of cultural and creative acting venues in Tokyo.The West Kowloon Cultural Area in Hong Kong is not available. In fifteen years, only 4 venues have been started.

The "Hong Kong Night" announced by the Director of the Financial Secretary can be said to be an event of "Government Feel So Good, Citizen Feel So Nothing".The announcement includes performances, cultural and creative activities, small sales stalls, dance dragons, drone performances, fireworks performances, extended museum opening hours, broadcasting England Football Super League, etc., which cannot solve the problem at all.You can stay at home to watch the Premier League. Why do you go to the mall to see?Citizens pass through the mall every day. What are the characteristics of the mall?There are no unique bars.Everyone went to Tokyo to see, the jazz bar on Hengjie, the special decoration, the special bars, Karaoke, dancing CLUB, and even social dances, and Hong Kong is basically a white roll.

The government -conservation of the Central Trace of Central: Grand Museum, PMQ, Central Market, etc. The Grand Museum is basically a high -consumption place, and a meal can not check out without 1,000 yuan.If you arrive in Tokyo, there are many options, which can meet the requirements of diners by the most flat, medium -priced, high price, and super high price.Therefore, passengers who go to Japan are not only high -consumption types, but also low consumption, backpackers, travel groups, and size, all types.

Some people will go to Japan to go mountains and like that kind of tranquility and environment.In fact, Hong Kong also has the conditions for mountain travel, there are many country parks and camps.If it is feasible to promote the country's camping experience, some homestays can be built in McLegomy, Wei Yixin, and Phoenix Trail.However, because of the policy issues of the Hong Kong government, it is impossible to deal with the FEHD and various regulations.There is also the Fire Division, the purpose is to create more levels and problems, so that nothing can be done.The Civil Affairs and Youth Affairs Bureau is responsible for the hotel's cards.

The policy does not change, can Hong Kong really return to the international stage?

In fact, there are many strange examples in Hong Kong, such as food cars. Taobao costs about 20,000 yuan, but the government costs more than 1 million yuan, because the government uses the regulations of the food factory to regulate it.Increase.In the face of a problem in Hong Kong, the government regulations are too backward. Some officials say that they need to "follow the rule of law". If this "law" is not suitable, is it necessary to revise it?However, there seems to be no time to amend the law, and the policy does not change.So like this night market event, there is only the government FEEL So Good.

The launching ceremony of the "Hong Kong Night" activity alone has been very funny.The lion with a pair of pairs is reasonable, but only a lion performed, and the lion color is white, which is questioned as a "white lion" for a funeral.On the last day of the festival, citizens were not auspicious.Although the deputy director of the Financial Secretary explained that it was a "fluorescent lion", it had caused unnecessary misunderstandings in the media.And it should be a dragon dance instead of lion dance. However, the flying dragon logo of the Hong Kong brand is not auspicious. From 2001, the Flying Dragon logo has been used to this day, and Hong Kong has been sinking.How can the government not deal with the image of Hong Kong, how can they rebrand Hong Kong?What does Hong Kong really return to the international stage?

Government officials often say that Hong Kong has returned to the international stage!Of course, the actor Liang Chaowei really stood on the international stage. He just won the Lifetime Achievement Award for the Venice International Film Festival; athlete He Shibei won the swimming medal at the Tokyo Olympics; the sword striker Zhang Jialang won the Olympic flower sword gold medal.Many Hong Kong people have gone to international in different fields, but they are certain that Hong Kong government officials are not.Hong Kong government officials like Feel So Good. Now the Hong Kong people are the government on the government as Feel not so good, and even Feel So Bad.Of course, everyone loves the current peaceful state, but in the long run, it is not good for the government's Feel So good to continue.

So how should the night market be implemented?The first is that the FEHD, the FEHD must make some major reforms to improve the card issuing system.Second, the government should be located in the West Kowloon Cultural District.Third, the government should review the current overall cultural tourism space in Hong Kong. Under the current regulations, how can the performance art space be optimized?In fact, there are different types of art performances in Hong Kong every day. Why can't some mainland audiences come to Hong Kong to watch the performance?Fourth, encourage mainland tourists to stay in Hong Kong. The hotel's charges should be lowered, providing more cheap hotels to make tourists make consumption overnight.

The biggest problem in Hong Kong is now that many passengers will not come again.The purpose of many passengers coming to Hong Kong is not to travel, but for other functions and purposes, such as visiting relatives, renewal of insurance, doctor consultation, physical examination, and so on.At present, can the government's method of urging the night market really urged a night market?Basically, it is very doubtful.Because Hong Kong is now an ecological problem. If the government only does some superficial work to urge the night market and does not do long -term research on the night market ecology, it is just that officials attended the launching ceremony and did not study how to improve the Hong Kong night market.For example, how the eighteenth district should cooperate is actually a problem.

Therefore, the specific suggestion should be: district commissioners in each district of the 18th district should study the possibility of night markets in each district.Or the government first selects a pilot, for example, to open up some characteristic night markets in Yau Tsim Want District, Central and Western District, and Sham Shui Po District, combined with a complete set of strategies.Can Tsim Sha Tsui, like the Hong Kong Cultural Center, can some temporary stalls and arrange food car night markets?After the acting show of the cultural center, the audience can go out to drink coffee and eat snacks.Sending more meals to make the seaside square into a night market.

The same is true for

The West Kowloon Cultural Area. The cultural area is far from the residential houses and can become "big land".Now the grassland of Western Kowloon is basically just a place to put a pet.In addition, the West Kowloon consumption is very expensive. The West Kowloon Cultural District should introduce some low consumer market projects, turning the entire West Kowloon grass into a large large -scale plaza in order to make a Hong Kong characteristics.Now the problem in Hong Kong is that the government likes high consumption, and completely eliminates low consumption and consumption.This kind of good thinking is abnormal.

After starting the colorful night, what other problems should I solve?

The government's night market is "better than nothing."good.It is hoped that after the official Feel Good, think about it, do some research, do some analysis, and implement some policies that can truly activate the night market.The government announced the night market event basically has no great effect, because it cannot reverse that Hong Kong has become a very dull and monotonous city.The neon light tube is gone, and many spaces have been excessively regulated by the government, and they are dead.How can I resurrect after dying?The government is going to disassemble the wall and loosen.Continue to run activities and subsidize tourists to Hong Kong, just the One Night Stand, which cannot create a truly competitive tourist city.

Although the museum is open time, Hong Kong people have no habit of visiting the museum at all.Even if foreign passengers arrive in the Hong Kong Museum, do they have attracted tourists to visit the museum with the size of the exhibition in the museum?There are no distinctive catering coordination around the museum.Instead, the opening time of the library can attract citizens to read books in the library.The community night library may have a potential to attract.

Night markets must have "markets". Now it is just to engage in some activities that have nothing to do with the "city". Can I really do the night market?Night market is Night Market, such as Miaojie.The Municipal Bureau of Construction did not deal with the development of the temple street at all, so it was very shabby.There is no plan for the temporary cooked food center set up by the FEHD, and none of the district chiefs are really dealing with the temple street.Of course, Miaojie has great potential to become a special night market, but everyone remembers how many tourists patronized Dongbao chefs from the Foods Ring Department out of the North Point Judohua Road market.If the Food Milk Department can make some elastic treatment in the 18th district, so that the restaurants will open a little night, and some standard restaurants can gather a food atmosphere there.

If the government wants to restore the night market, it is necessary to review how the licenses of wine cards, restaurants, and entertainment cards must be disassembled to loosen the wall and how to reasonably release folk creativity.The venue restaurants under the FEHD should extend the opening time and use more flexible models to create more restaurants like Dongbao chefs that are attractive to tourists and local customers.

The parks under the Kaili Culture Department, the halls and performance venues of various districts, the government should vigorously promote and promote it to attract tourists in more Greater Bay Area to Hong Kong to watch the performance.Hong Kong's performance programs are attractive and the fare is reasonable.You can also make the night economy.How should the government promote it?How to create an international image?In this regard, the government can do some support and overall plans. Should these tasks be responsible for the Cultural and Sports Travel Service?Is the night market a "cultural tourism policy" or an "economic policy"?Or what kind of policy?Now the director of the Financial Secretary started to start the colorful night of Hong Kong. Can you solve the problem after starting the colorful night?This is what we deserve to pay attention and pay attention.

The author Hu Enwei is a member of the National Hong Kong and Macau Research Association, a member of the Jiangsu Provincial Political Consultative Conference, and Jin Nian.Twenty Monadian United Art Director and CEO.