Source: Yangzi Evening News

Who is the designer of the Chinese national emblem?Who is the three major tragedy writers in ancient Greece?Who is the author of the time of time?On September 16th, in the second half of 2023, the teacher qualification certificate exam started. The topics related to "teaching" appeared on Weibo hot search. Let's take a look at what this year was taken.

Semiconductor, Gothic building in the question

At more than 1 pm yesterday, many candidates who participated in the education examinations were written here and recited the test sites in a drink shop next to the Nanjing Communist Youth League Road Middle School.Candidate Xiao Dong told reporters that he is a senior student in the international economic and trade major in Sanjiang College in Nanjing. He is preparing to apply for a high school ideological and political teacher. He also took a teaching examination in the first half of the year.Examination subject 1 comprehensive quality and subject knowledge and teaching ability.

Xiao Dong told reporters that as a non -teacher major, about a quarter of the class applied for teaching examinations.Speaking of the original intention of applying for the exam, Xiao Dong said that he didn't particularly want to be a teacher, but one more card was more out of the way.

What did the comprehensive quality test test in the morning?"I feel that the competition for the teaching of the education is very fierce, and the test questions are difficult all year round." Xiao Dong recalled: "This year's choice questions are quite difficult.The great tragedy writer, also passed the tea produced in Anxi, Fujian, etc.

"It's too difficult, the knowledge of the teaching examination exam is too wide, not only involving literature, history, and logic, but also the knowledge of medicine and some technological cutting -edge knowledge." Candidates who take elementary school teachers said that they were crying.: "The comprehensive quality selection question tests the expression of common medical testing technologies such as CT, MRI, and X -ray, semiconductor, Gothic building, works related to the idioms of" Luoyang Paper ", and authors, as well as finding regular filling numbers"

"Fancy Pickup" becomes composition questions

Yesterday, the composition questions of the teaching examination caused heated discussions.

Middle School Teacher Teachers Examination Two Candidates Remembrance Version: Gregor Montel is the "father of modern genetics" and the founder of genetics.The law of genetics was discovered in 1865.In 1900, three people re -made the discovery of Mendel at the same time.The first person is Defori, the second person is Coronus, and the third person is Cheroma.That is, in this year, they also discovered Mendel's thesis.But they also acknowledged that their work was done by Mendel as early as 35 years ago, and the conclusions were more profound.Write a composition of no less than 1000 words according to the material.

Elementary School Teacher Teachers Examination Terminal Remembrance Version: Lao Tzu: "Human Lagua, Land Lottery, Heaven Law, Taoism Nature".Mencius: "The ax enters the forest at the time, and the forest must not be able to use it." Lu's spring and autumn: "Do you get a fishing, don't you get it, but there will be no fish in the coming year."

Kindergarten teachers' teaching examination composition Candidate memories version: "Pickup" has quietly entered our lives, and the circle of friends has become a gathering place for various fancy punch cards.Liang fitness "punch card", show food "punch card", tourist attractions "punch card".People are increasingly inclined to punch in as the mark of life.What do you think of it?According to the above materials, self -selection, self -determination, self -selection, self -discipline, and writing an article with a number of words with no less than 800 words.