It is likely to come back like a computer game, which is likely to be the true intention of the Myanmar military two years ago.

In the just-concluded and series of conferences, Burmese is still the conference of public criticism.Because of its situation day after day, year after year, there are no signs of improvement.

The Myanmar Army launched a coup to seize power in February 2021, opposed to coup, named " Myanmar National Unity Government " shadow government formed the People's Defending Army in September of that year to launch an armed confrontation with the military government.Myanmar has actually fallen into a civil war.

According to the war statistics report released by the Ministry of National Defense on September 7th, the Ministry of National Unity of the Myanmar National Solidarity Government, in the two years since the launch of armed confrontation in September 2021, the two sides have erupted 12,930 conflicts across the country.30,000 soldiers are estimated to account for half of the army.In the first year, the People's Defense Force occupied 28 military government bases and posts; and the second year occupied 107, showing that armed confrontation made progress.

These conflicts are mainly concentrated in the provinces, Magawa Province, Klunbang, Delinda Province, Mandler Province, Kaybon, Langbang and other places.Remote rural areas are also regions of Myanmar ethnic minorities.After the outbreak of the civil war, some local ethnic minorities and local armed organizations (referred to as civilians) participated in the confrontation and assisted the training and armed people's defender.Only the provinces of Yangon and the surrounding surrounding areas, Bitu, where the military government is located, and Ruo Kaibang, which has been targeted in recent years, has fewer anti -military government conflicts.It can be seen that the Myanmar national unity government seems to be adopting the strategy of surrounding cities for rural areas.

However, the media announced by the Myanmar National Unity Government without independent verification, because the Burmese military has never announced the number of casualties of the army.Foreign media are also difficult to report the situation of Myanmar's war on the spot; the number of international human rights organizations only count the number of civilians who died in the war.For these data, we can only see and believe.

Why did the Myanmar Army launch a coup in 2021, and why it was so confusing as why it returned to the people in 2010.

The Myanmar Military Government held a referendum on the New Constitution in 2008, paving the way for the national election in 2010.At that time, the military government had ruled Myanmar for 18 years, and the pressure faced at home and abroad was relatively stable. Therefore, the military government took the initiative to take the first step in democratization, which surprised the international community.

There is a point of view that General Dan Rui, the supreme leader of the military government at the time, wanted to retire and enjoy his old age, so he gave the Bang to the Yimen Shengsheng.Dengsheng is an enlightened progressive soldiers, leading the military government and the country to the road to reform. Therefore, Myanmar has later new constitutions, national elections, Wengshan Shuzhi Returning to politics and other democratic development.

In fact, the Constitution of Myanmar at that time had great restrictions on the election government, and real power was still in the hands of the army.For example, a quarter of the seats in the House of Communist Party are retained to soldiers; the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Defense, and the Border Affairs Department are in charge of the soldiers; Myanmar citizens who marry foreigners cannot run for president (intended to prohibit Wengshan Shuzhi as president).Essence

The Constitution was passed in the referendum of the whole people, and Myanmar held a national election on November 7, 2010.That is actually an unfair election.Although there are as many as 39 political parties running, the largest National Democratic Alliance (referred to as the Democratic League) led by Weng Shan Shuzhi resisted the election.The party) won 80 % of the parliamentary seats and served as the presidential government government.

The first step of the military party in the process of democratization tastes the fruit of victory.The soldiers of the soldiers won the vast support of the vast number of support, but they were broken by Weng Shan Shuzhi and the Lumin League in the 2015 election.In the 2020 election, Weng Shanshuzhi and the Minnan once again achieved an overwhelming victory.

Although the Democratic League won twice, the army did not accept it, thinking that it was caused by the fraud.After the election of Gongfa Party in 2020, it stated that he did not recognize the election results and asked for re -election.The Myanmar military began to discover that once the process of democratization began, the direction of votes was difficult to control, and it was difficult for political development to be as expected.

Some Myanmar political observer believes that the military launching a coup in 2021 is to suspend the democratization process, defeat the Democratic League and Weng Shan Shuzhi, let democracy never turn over, and then let Myanmar democratize the entire military's fully control of the military.Re -start.

It is likely to have come again like playing computer games, which is likely to be the true intention of the Myanmar military two years ago.

However, democratization is like a wildfire. It is difficult to extinguish it when igniting, especially in Myanmar's democratization has experienced three national elections.Although the election government fell, Wengshan Shuzhi was trapped, but the resistance forces of the Burmese people were waved around, coupled with the people's land martial arts that had been fighting with the army for many years, the Myanmar military's coup played the iron plate this time.Essence

Myanmar observer said that the Myanmar military government in fact only controlling urban areas, military camps, military bases, and surrounding areas. The vast rural areas have actually fallen into the anti -government military forces and civilians.

No one knows how much land of the Myanmar military government has accurately controlled, but the East Timor President Ramos -Olta recently interviewed the Peninsula TV station that the Myanmar military only controlled 30 % of the land.

However, after all, the military government also controls national fiscal revenue. It can use most of the GDP for military affairs and target opposition.The Battle of Myanmar and David, I am afraid that it will continue for a while, and more people will be buried.