If national governance does not advance, it retreats. The Singapore government still has to continuously improve the living standards of Singaporeans, do great things, and make small things to be beautiful.

Singaporeans travel abroad and evaluate the situation of others.To a relatively backward place, the sense of superiority in the subconsciousness of the Singaporeans can no longer be concealed.In a developed and progressive country, it is naturally humble.

The development of neighboring countries and Singapore is getting bigger and bigger. Traveling to neighbors is like returning to Singapore half a century ago.Recently, I visited a small town in southern Thailand. I saw the friendly village set up after the former Malaysian Communist Party voted for sincerity.At that time, the Malaysian Communist Party pursued political ideals and went forward. Some sacrificed their lives, and some paid the cost of youth, making a lot of contributions to anti -colonial rule, leaving a sang history for future generations.

In the two days of staying in Boxidong, it witnessed the legendary motorcycle in the legend.Adults carry two children before and after riding a motorcycle, and have to admire adults and children.Our amazing, the locals are not surprised.The so -called "master is in the people" is actually forced by life.When developing backward, road traffic safety must be taken by ourselves and cannot be measured by our standards.

Highway traffic safety can be used as indicators for different social progress.Recently, I have seen a video of the Taiwan celebrity "extreme one rope" on the Internet. With a lively and interesting expression, he shoots the differences in traffic safety in school districts in Taiwan and Singapore.The tone of laughing and scolding, the situation of self -deprecation of Taiwan is like a fine trap designed for drivers.

The traffic safety of the school district is an unpopular topic, but it has also attracted hundreds of netizens to follow, which shows that it will still resonate.Most of them are scolding Taiwan, and the voice of Singapore praised Singapore, and even a Taiwanese who lived in Singapore said that one day it was raining, and he went from the subway to his destination."No pouring", admiring the design of a stamped aisle.There was also a netizen who suddenly made a sentence saying "Singapore is a power country."Another netizen pointed out that Singapore also has another "Silver Zone" (Age Safety Zone) to assist the silver -haired people and the poor passing the road safely.

This discussion seems to remind us that we are "a long scene in the eyes of others" in the eyes of others for the safety and convenience of life, but in the eyes of othersTrain cars are as fussy as a few people.

Since July 2021, Singapore has increased punishment for illegal drivers who have been punished in the old -age safety zone and school districts.When the pedestrian approach near these two districts, it is illegal to slow down the speed or give way to pedestrians.

A few years ago, traffic accidents that led to the casualties of elderly pedestrians were on the rise, from 223 in 2015 to 317 in 2019.The Ministry of the Interior pointed out that the old pedestrian crossing the road is the cause of some traffic accidents, but irresponsible driving behaviors, such as not slowing the speed when approaching pedestrians, also led to many traffic accidents.

The Lingling Safety Zone is planned to be launched in 2014, with a speed limit of 40 kilometers per hour.There are also "safe islands" in other places, so that elderly people can cross the road segmented; and reduce the width of the lane and remind drivers to slow down the speed.The official multi -pronged approach improves traffic safety, changing the road design in the group area, people -oriented, regardless of cost, is the idea of benefiting the people's policy.However, the current public education and publicity need to be strengthened, and many people have opinions on new highway design.

Singapore is already a fast -aging society. Public facilities that are conceived for seniors may continue to launch new ideas.Singapore is famous for its rule of law, and the spirit of people in governance should also get greater attention and preaching. It can be reference to foreign practices and socially good benefits, which can continuously promote social progress.

There are no natural disasters in Singapore. This is unique. In addition, the continuous improvement of public facilities and governance to ensure that whether it is a wheelchair, a bicycle knight, a pushing a stroller or a hand -to -hand car daily, "enter and exit safely."Once Chinese people go abroad, they have to rely on their own vigilance, and don't blame why others are different from Singapore.Some things in the world are "different."

There is a saying in American politics "All Politics is Local". Politics is local politics. It can manage the people's living and living well and win the votes.Singapore also pursues this set.However, in today's era, people take care of the people in their physical fitness, free to sunburn in hot days, and the people are used to the people's habits. They think that this is an inherent right and cannot be confused by votes.

Taiwan politics is basic from Singapore. Taiwanese voters are keen on political party politics, and political achievements are not measured by governance efficiency.Therefore, Taiwanese often spur the local government in Singapore's governance.If the state governance does not advance, the Singapore government has to continuously improve the living standards of Singaporeans, do good things, and make small things to do beauty.Seeing the micro -knowledge, the huge details are the best way to commemorate Lee Kuan Yew.