Birmingham City Government is far from reaching the point of distress.However, bankruptcy has provided the best material for the political party struggle. It is foreseeable that voters will drive away the government's bankruptcy in the next regional election and benefit other party members.And this is the punishment of politicians who do not work well.

On Tuesday, the Birmingham City Government announced bankruptcy.A spokesman for the city government said: "The city council has issued the notice of Article 114. At present, the annual financial gap in the budget is about 87 million pounds (about S $ 148 million)."It means that the parliament must not make a new expenditure commitment. It must be held within 21 days to discuss what to do next, and study all options on the table.After the release of Article 114, the unable to balance the accounts of the local government will be considered as compliance with the law.

The word

bankruptcy sounds bad in the Chinese context, and even like a disaster, houses and deposits seem to be unsuccessful.But in the UK, individuals and companies declare bankruptcy are self -protection.Declaiming bankruptcy means getting rid of many legal responsibilities or even debt, will not enter prison, and often do not need to repay debts; of course, individuals and companies will be punished with some mild punishments.

The British Government's announcement of bankruptcy is also self -protection.This incident has nothing to do with corruption, and no member will be punished by law.However, how much citizen life will be affected: in addition to protecting the disadvantaged groups and legal services, all new expenses must be stopped, and some public and community services will also end due to shortage of funds.

Birmingham is not the first British government to declare bankruptcy. Previously, Harkni, Srook, Vorgin, and Beandan Phon had to submit similar notifications.But Birmingham's special status, the largest regional government in Europe, has aroused widespread attention from the media.

Birmingham's economic development is not bad.In recent years, the Municipal Council has hosted a huge reconstruction plan. Through public and private investment financing, the old industries have been re -integrated with the city center to promote the prosperity of the science and technology industry.In this process, Birmingham has become one of the best urban economies in the country.

But why is it still not enough?Birmingham City Council leader John Caton and his deputy Salon Thompson said in a joint statement: "Like local governments across the country, it is obvious that the Birmingham City Council is facing unprecedented financial challenges and nursing from adult society.Demand has increased significantly, commercial tax revenue has decreased significantly, and the impact of inflation. "

For the regional governments governed by the Labor Party, improving the needs of adult social nursing is the basic voter commitment.In 1945, the Labor government began to implement the NHS system for free medical treatment for the entire population. Initially, it was the care of the elderly and disabled people. It was free from hospitalization to discharge.Later, it was only possible to treat free treatment in the hospital. Care for the elderly after discharge, governments in various regional governments performed different routes and plans.A phenomenon with British characteristics is that if an elderly patient is not healed, he can stay in the hospital.However, the result is to occupy the bed and reduce the opportunities for other patients who need to be hospitalized.Generally speaking, the region that the Labor Government is in power will be relatively high in allocation of adult social care.

As for "a significant reduction in commercial taxes, the effect of rampant inflation", in addition to the impact on merchants during the epidemic sealing and control, it is related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.Because Western countries collectively sanctioned Russia, they quickly or not rely on Russia's transition to energy, which caused normal supply chain to be disrupted, prices rose, and inflation was raised.

The main reasons for the bankruptcy of the Birmingham government were originally explained as a solution to the 760 million pound bills of equal repayment claims.In 2012, some female employees filed a lawsuit against the municipal officials. The Supreme Court ruled that 174 female employees who were mainly engaged in teaching assistants, cleaner and catering services won the lawsuit. They missed the traditionally traditionally men of garbage collectors and street cleaners.Bonus of posts.

Politically, this is regarded as a milestone case for feminism to fight for equality between men and women.Economically, municipal officials need to pay high fees, and so far have paid nearly 1.1 billion pounds of equal pay for equal pay for work.Municipal officials stated that the cost of salary claims is increasing at a rate of 5 million pounds to 14 million pounds per month. It must provide funds for accumulated debts so far, but there is no resources to do so.

In the following days, more reasons for bankruptcy surfaced.

Max Caller, a former adviser to Birmingham Municipal Committee, believes that the reserved financial issues were a mistake to host the Commonwealth Games in 2022.He believes that in December 2017, the British Federal Games to host the city's hosting has shifted the attention of municipal officials to find solutions.He said: "The problem of the predicament of the parliament is that they should focus on becoming better, rather than trying to do some beautiful new things. Politics and management capabilities are limited.It is impossible to deal with serious problems that have been faced. The suggestions for others and me at the time were that this is likely to be an excessive challenge. "

The implementation of the Oracle IT system has started the implementation of the Oracle IT system, which is also one of the reasons for bankruptcy.The plan is designed to simplify parliamentary payment and human resources systems, and it is expected to cost 19 million pounds.However, after three years, the system was disclosed in May that it might cost £ 100 million.

On the night of the news of bankruptcy, the British government began to state, revealing that in recent months, it has been in contact with the Birmingham Council in recent months to discuss the pressure it faces, including the responsibility of equal remuneration around the same workers, and expressed serious concerns about its governance arrangements.In extreme cases, parliament may be taken over by the central government until financial issues are resolved.But the Birmingham City Government is far from being so embarrassed.

In Wednesday's Live Live Prime Minister Q & A (PMQS), Prime Minister Sonak criticized the Labor Party for the financial situation of the Birmingham City Council.Some Conservative MP asked: "Does the Prime Minister agree that the Labor Party has once again proved that they always spend other people's money?" Sunak responded: "Speak correctly ... We hear how the Labor Party of Birmingham lives up to the hard work, howLost the control of the taxpayer's money, how to put their finances in trouble. They let Birmingham go bankrupt, and we cannot let them (referring to the Labor Party) to let Britain go bankrupt. "

Labor leader, Sir Stammer, believes that the responsibility is in the Conservative Party, because since the Conservative Party governed in 2010, the reduction of local government finances exceeded any other public sector.He said: "If you look back from Birmingham, you will find that there is such a situation in all parts of the country, because the local official has been deprived of the required funds for 13 years."

The bankruptcy of the Birmingham government will affect life to varying degrees for citizens; as for the members of the Birmingham government, members of the party will continue to work and live; and for the fighting party struggle, this provides the best material for debate because BirminghamIt is the Labor government, and the central government is in the hands of the Conservative Party.It is foreseeable that voters will drive away these Labor Party members who bankrupt the government in the next regional election and benefit other parties.And this is the punishment of politicians who do not work well.

(The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK)