The leader of the Indian National Party, Jayram Ramesh, recently confirmed on social platforms that the Presidential Palace wrote to the September 9 dinner invitation letter from the Presidential Palace to the National Group (G20) Summit to attend the participating representatives of the September 9 dinner invitation letter."President of Ballat", not the usual "Indian president".India's statement of changing the name of the country has been rushing in the media. A Hinduist's minds include Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and even Tibet in China.In fact, the so -called state renamed is mainly the election consideration of the Modi government.

Bharat is a Sanskrit vocabulary, which literally means "carrying / carrying", which is actually "looking for people who look for light / knowledge".India is known as Ballat in history, meaning "looking for light / knowledge".According to the Indian Express, Bharat, Bharata, or Bharatvarsha's roots can be traced back to the ancient Indian literature of the World Book and Epic Borobo.(INDIA) The title of the United Kingdom should not be established until the British colonial period, and the history is relatively short.

In fact, the radical national volunteer service group regarded as the mother of the Indian People's Party, it has long wanted to change from the perspective of populism.At a special meeting held on the 22nd, a resolution was proposed to change the INDIA national name to Bharat, which was actually considered by the national election next year.

Just last month, 26 Indian opposition leaders formed an alliance to prepare to challenge Prime Minister Modi's Indian People's Party in the next election.At the 26 opposition meetings held in Bangalore, the National Party and the Wandao Army Party (UBT) led by the National University of the National University and the Wandao Army Party (UBT) unanimously adopted a proposal to name their alliances indeia. This is "IndiaThe first letters of the National Development tolerance Alliance.

The Indian People's Party The Indian People's Party does not look at this alliance, but the establishment of the opposition alliance has prompted the Modi government to promote the renovation of the country. The main purpose is to fight for the name of the righteousness in the election of political struggles.The emotional emotions are first.

The Indian People's Party is very strong in terms of policy proposals and governance, which arouses the Indian opposition party with the enemy.The political parade of the National Congress leader Lahul Gambi in the country has greatly changed the views of the Indians' "naive" and "immature" that he used to have, and enhanced his popularity.It is also aggressive, forming an effective force for the differentiated Indian party votes.The Indian Party cannot absolutely guarantee that more than half of the election votes next year. A joint government composed of the opposition alliance named "India" is not necessarily impossible. This is the main reason why the Modi government is eager to promote the change of national names.

In the end, this is the inferiority mentality and nationalism, but behind this is a more radical ideological display.

1.4 billion people in India have about 1.1 billion Hindus. This is the basic market in the minds of the Indian People's Party, but there are still 300 million non -Hindus (including 200 million Muslims).In the eyes of the National Volunteer Service Group and Modi nationalists, India is India, which belongs to Hinduism, not other religious India, eliminating other faiths' definition to India, and India's purity.The Indian People's Party is walking.

But history has proven that nationalism is a double -edged sword. Modi, who relied on Hindu nationalism, can increase its support and dominance, but nationalism is "incite and easy to calm down." Once it is permeated,It will spread quickly and radical, from nationalism to populism, from Hindu ethnicist to Hinduists, constantly oppressing and "eliminating" nearly 300 million other faith population, undoubtedly the division of India in the futureWith external intervention, buried one after another, and ultimately damaged India's image, unity, and dream of a strong country.