The political dividend of the Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar is like a tide, and is facing a critical moment.If the six states elections are regarded as a referendum, is this view of the green tide of my previous article or the two -line system?(Lianhe Zaobao August 18th Edition) reflected in.The article analyzes the tendency of civil servants' voting and the three state seats in the northern political bases fall into the opponent camp, which can be regarded as a strong warning signal.This phenomenon clearly shows that the political dividends enjoyed by the unity government of Anwar and its leaders are gradually weakening, that is, the honeymoon period of ruling has ended.

Today, the attention of the Malaysian nationals is shifting from political to economic governance capabilities, and whether it has formulated a practical open source policy.Just like the political enthusiasm of voters in any country gradually faded down after the election, and began to pay attention to daily life, Malaysia also faced a real challenge that shifted focusing from politics to economy.Economic governance is not only the key to successful development, but also an important criterion for measuring the effectiveness of government governance.

The focus of the economy: inflation and stock exchange

The strength of the economy is not the cause.From an economic point of view, the current key economic issues of Malaysia are mainly focused on inflation, exchange rates and stock markets. This is also the most concerned focus of the people in the short term.In terms of inflation, although the overall consumer price index has slowed down, food prices have the most far -reaching impact on the general public.After all, food accounts for about 30 % of people's disposable income.In particular, the B40 group (the average monthly income is RM5250 and about S $ 1528), and its food expenses account for a higher proportion, so the inflation pressure they face is greater.

At the same time, weakening the exchange rate also affects people's purchasing power.For merchants, the instability of the exchange rate may bring greater operating pressure.Some businesses may not be able to bear the risk of exchange rates, and they have to pass the cost to consumers, resulting in input -type inflation.Weak exchange rates not only affect the domestic market, but also directly impact the confidence of foreign investors.Investors' uncertainty of the exchange rate may lead to the flow of funds to other regions and exacerbate the phenomenon of capital outflow.This situation may harm the stability of the domestic market and put a certain pressure on the economy.

In the long run, the level of national debt has continued to be high, and whether the income of state -owned enterprises such as national oil can continue to grow, it is also an important issue.The dividends and taxes contributed by the National Petroleum account for 27.5%of the national total revenue, but this dependency model may not be sustainable.Excessive relying on government bonds and state -owned enterprises can lead to long -term economic instability.In this case, the government needs to actively seek new sources of income, otherwise the "populist financial case" will be unsustainable.

However, the implementation of the consumption tax (GST) has always been regarded as a penalty area or Pandora's box, so it can only be the last means.The government needs to carefully consider different policy choices to balance fiscal revenue and expenditure and maintain economic stability.Looking back at history, it is undoubtedly the consumption tax and sovereign fund scandal launched by the former Prime Minister to send the hopes of the hopes on the ruling stage. However, the previous fiscal policy has not resolved the empty cave after the Pakatan Harapan abolition of consumption tax.This caused low -income groups to be forced to withdraw the provident fund during the epidemic, and it became a tax in disguise.

The introduction of economy in the cabinet is the top priority

In the current situation, in order to reshape Malaysia's economic governance, introducing economic talents in the cabinet has become a top priority.Rather than talking about economic policies in coffee shops or social media, but the lack of practical feasibility and deep understanding, DPRK politicians are worse than those who have professional knowledge and actual economic insights.Those so -called "coffee shop economists" often only call out some economic slogans, but rarely provide specific solutions or in -depth analysis.Their remarks include "big economic cakes" and "reduction of taxes", which often lack specific concepts or plans.

The main force of Singapore's economic governance is technical bureaucrat.To improve the economy, Malaysia must reuse financial talents with financial influence and international influence.They can participate in international negotiations on behalf of the country, promote international cooperation, and better safeguard national interests.In the era of globalization, this international perspective is very important.Such economic expertise can provide the government with independent economic analysis and suggestions, help the government formulate more pragmatic and feasible economic policies, thereby driving national development.

Candidates with the above conditions, in addition to the Avian Minister Kelly, who is temporarily frozen by UMNO, and Zohari, who had worshiped the Second Finance Minister in Najib, there are also Niuqiao who retired behind the scenes.(Oxbridge, Oxford and Cambridge) Senior leaders Pan Jianwei and Wang Jianmin.

In the changing situation of Malaysia, the reshaping of economic governance and the introduction of professional wisdom is a vital step to achieve the development of national prosperity.The strength of the economy is not an accidental phenomenon, but requires the government's continuous efforts and wisdom.In order to take a solid pace in this journey, solicit economic talents with international perspectives, formulate stable economic policies, promote investment and creation of employment opportunities, and strengthen cooperation with the state governments.

However, at the same time, the political dividend of Prime Minister Malaysia also faces a critical moment.The signal of the Liuzhou election shows that the political direction is gradually changing, and the future of political dividends will depend on how to cope with economic challenges and improve economic governance.Only by introducing economic talents in the government and formulating practical economic policies, and strengthening domestic and international cooperation can we open up new opportunities for Anwar and the united government on the road to reshaping political dividends.

(the author is Malaysian columnist)