Source: Beijing Youth Daily

Author: Zhang Jia

Director Nolan, who was called "Nuo Shen" by the fans, and Robert Obonheimer, a scientist known as "Provence in the United States".Ben Haimer became one of the most watched films in 2023.The global box office of the film currently exceeds 700 million US dollars. It is the fourth -high box office film in Hollywood movies this year. The movie began to be released in mainland China on August 30.

Nolan's inspiration for filming this movie comes from the original book of the same name and the Pulitzo award -winning biographies Obonhamo. The Chinese version of the book is recently released by CITIC Publishing.On August 31, CITIC Publishing Union Wanda Film and "Good Collection" held the "Book Watching Group -the present, past and future Aubensi Mo Mo Mo Watching Reading and Movie Guide".The interpreter Wang Bing, Obonhamo's lectures, the editor -in -chief of the movie magazine Alang, and the famous film critic Electronic Knight Yan Peng, several guests interpreted books and movies from multi -dimensional in -depth interpretation of books and movies from character stories, historical sciences, film technology and other dimensions., To restore a real and three -dimensional Obonheimer, the victory and tragic life of the American "father of the atomic bomb".

The amount of information in Nolan movies is large

Obonheimer is known as "Prometheus in the United States". He is the chief scientist of the Manhattan Plan. In 1945, he led the team to develop the first atomic bomb and successfully completed the test explosion (the "Trinity Experimental Experimental Experiment").A month later, the U.S. military put the atomic bomb to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, ending the Second World War.

Just as the words in the Bojaman songs read by Obonhaimo in the movie: "Now I have become a god of death, the world destroyer." Obonhaimo realized that this technology will be suspended inA sharp sword on the human neck may open the door of a demon.Therefore, in the post -war career, Obonhaimo has been using his influence and popularity to prevent the nuclear weapon arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union, and also oppose the study of the United States to launch a more lethal hydrogen bomb.And all this finally pulled him down from the glory.

At the hearing in 1954, Obonheimer's opponents criticized his political tendency and professional judgment, but in fact, they were slandering his character and values.He exposed many aspects of Obonheimer's personality: he is ambitious and insecure, and he is superb and ridiculous. He is decisive and resolute and disturbed. He is dull and confusing.As a complicated person, he created an inner armor in his early years.

From the beginning of the 20th century, Obonhaimo spent his childhood in the West District of New York until he left the world in 1967. The Ben Haimer traced the life of Obonhaimo and explored the armor of this pair of armor.Hymo's average personality.This writing time is 25 years. I interviewed nearly a hundred close friends, loved ones and colleagues of Aubenheimer. Reference to over 50,000 document records. They come from domestic and foreign archives and personal collectionA large number of documents that have been left, even thousands of pages of records accumulated in U.S. officials in surveillance activities for Obonheimer for more than 25 years.

Due to the limited film space, Nolan's film intercepted Obonheimer from Harvard to study in Europe after graduating from Harvard, and then he was in his life experience between his political persecution in 1954.His growth experience, that is, the reason why he became Obonheimer and what kind of life he had experienced after hearing, was not presented in the film.

Nevertheless, the interpreter of Obonheimer, who was already the second brush movie that day, praised the amount of information in the movie. For example, there is a plot in the movie that Straus opened the door and let Obonhaimo sit on him to sit in him.After walking, Wang Bing said, "If you have read the biography, you will know that Strauss wants to make his driver monitor him when sending Obonheimer. Actually, every frame in the movie isBen Haimer's Biography corresponds to a story or even a chapter. "

As a biographical translator, Wang Bing is proud of his chance to learn about many unknown details behind the movie."In the movie, there was only one student in the first class of Obonheimer, and the student felt that he had walked the wrong classroom. But there was a lens behind.How is this described in the biography? Aubon Haimo has a ability. He can pull everyone into his track. For example, if he is sitting here, he can quickly capture everyone’s attention, and thenWith the followers, these children are called 'NIM-NIM Boys', because Obonhaimo will make the sound of 'nim-nim' when the wording can't think of, those people learn this voice.What brands of cigarettes of Hymo will 'follow', they will follow ', they have regulations, what music can they like, what music can not like, and keep it consistent with Obonheimer.In the case, these followers will quickly pass to Obonheimer. Therefore, in the movie, you may see two shots, but when you look at the biography, you will find the story behind these shots.He is a very complicated person, he is lonely and proud and enjoyed and followed. "

How much is the reunion of Obonheimer in the movie?Wang Bing said that one of the biography authors Kaiberbie is more qualified to answer this question.He said that when Nuolan filmed Ao Benheimer, Kaiber Bud went to the studio to visit the class and saw Kirian Murphy who played Obonheimer.It is also wearing brown, loose suit that is often wearing Obonheimer."Berd can't help blurting out:" Dr. Obonheimer, I have been waiting to see you for decades. 'This sentence may best represent the recognition of Murphy's acting skills after watching the movie, including Director Nolan.Murphy said to Bernard: 'We all read your book, and your book is a must -read. "

Why does Obonheimer entangle in a security permit?

Teacher Wang Bing introduced that Obonheimer was truly rehabilitating Zhao Xue on December 16, 2022, 55 years after his death.The procedures at the time were defective."Why does Obonheimer in the movie be entangled in a security license? I agree with an interpretation that security permit is the country's trust in him. When this country does not trust him, Obonheimer's sense ofSadness and pain. "

Some people think that Obonheimer is a "swan personality", and Wang Bing also agrees with this view. He tells two small stories of this "swan -like lonely genius".

A story is that when he was 12 years old, his father took him to Europe to meet his grandfather. His grandfather gave him a small box of ore specimens.He began to communicate with local geologists and discuss issues.The local geological club invited him to give a speech, and he didn't know that he was only 12 years old.Obonheimer and his father said that he was nervous in the face of adults and didn't want to go, but his father encouraged him to accept invitations."Obonheimer needs to stand on the wooden box to be seen by everyone. Everyone laughed when everyone saw this scene. Of course, Obonheimer's speech was very successful. I told this storySince childhood, he is better than others. This sense of superiority has given him an illusion. In the movie, he said to Joan that 'talent can make you get a lot. He thinks that when he is a swan, heThe proud image allows himself to avoid punishment, and even he once thought that the reputation he obtained, including his charm and high arguments, can be exempted from the persecution of politicians, but in fact, he thinks everything is too simpleIt was. Strauss gave Obonhammer's two choices at first, and took the initiative to resign or accept the investigation, but Obonhaimo did not resign. It is not difficult to understand Obonheimer's choice.Swan does not allow any stains on himself, once resignation means that the Strauss is right by defaultHis discreditation.So Obonheimer stepped on the dark box court. He might think he could come out proudly, but the result was not."

The second little story is that Obonheimer's father in order to train him to become a man, and sent him to a summer children's camp. Some boys in the camp opened a yellow cavity.In the letter, he said that he thanked his father for sending him to the camp, because other boys had sexual enlightenment to him.Obonheimer's parents went straight to the camp after receiving the letter. The head of the camp knew what the children did and renovated. Everyone knew that Obonheimer was a secret.Locked in a cellar, picked up his body, splashed green paint on his hips and genitals, and turned off in a ice cellar for one night without letting him come out.After Obonheimer came out, not only did not say a word and did not tell anyone, it took the next few weeks in the camp.This story shows that he is very tough when he endures the pain, and he has to maintain his elegant state."

Wang Bing said that there is another anecdotes in the biography, "Obonheimer was very effective when he was in college, but he would secretly work hard not to let others not discover that others think that his learning is not effortless.When these details, you will find out how proud he is maintaining his swan's feathers, even if his feet are constantly skating water, you must show the elegance of proud and unrelated. "

Why didn't Obonheimer win the Nobel Prize?

Obonheimer is a very important scientist, but he has not won the Nobel Prize. Why?The Researcher and doctoral instructor of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the doctoral tutor of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences believe that there are many reasons."First of all, a colleague said that Obonheimer's characteristics are that there are many ideas, but he can't sit still, so he often puts it down after new discovery, and then conducts the next study. This is a basic research.The taboo is one reason why he did not win the Nobel Prize. "

The second reason is that Obonheimer's death is too early. "The article he and his disciples co -authenticate the existence of black holes. This is a big discovery, although they do not use the word black hole.It should be one of his biggest contributions. If he lives for a few years, it should be no problem to win the Nobel Prize after the Black Hole has been confirmed. "The third reason is that after the United States threw two atomic bombs to Japan, people were thrown to Japan. PeopleI have an intuitive feeling for the harm caused by the atomic bomb.In this case, he was awarded his Nobel Prize, and the Nobel Committee was actually scrupled.

From the perspective of Fang Zaqing, Obonheimer caught up with the era of booming quantum mechanics, and he brought quantum mechanics to the United States.In addition to the contribution of science, his biggest achievement is to participate in the Manhattan plan."Why did Grovs, the military head of Manhattan's plan, chose Obonheimer? It is because he knows too much. He is not only physics, chemistry, but even knowing the project. Therefore, GrovAfter talking to him, he found that only he was the most appropriate candidate. He was able to coordinate these top scientists in the entire Manhattan plan. These top scientists are the most difficult to manage because they care about their reputation, science, science.The boundary uses priority as the first value. If you are dealing with some top -level scientists, you want to respect you, which is a very difficult thing, and Obonheimer handles this very artisticlyOne point. Fermi and Hans Bett are first -class scholars, including 'Trial Hatterns' Taylor are all top -level characters. They are very personal. Aubensiimo can let them have nothing to do with each other. "

In addition, the entire process of studying the atomic bomb is actually more than only a theoretical issue. "Some people say that Einstein's E = MC2 has announced that the atomic bomb is established. In fact, from the equation to the atomic bomb, it is necessaryIt takes a long way to walk, and if no one of them is clear, it will be particularly far away, including how to refine uranium isotopes, and the refining process is extremely difficult. Among the $ 2 billion of the entire Manhattan plan, most of the money isIt is used to purify, through various methods such as the gas separation method. If you want to do this, you also need to understand technology, to coordinate Los Alamos in New Mexico, Oak Ridge in Tennessee, Hanford in Washington State, andChicago's metallurgical laboratory and other places do work, and all these are only Aubonheimer. "Fang Zaiqing believes that if Obonhaimo can spend more time on scientific research," he will do it stillThere are some achievements. Many of his predictions have been confirmed, which is unquestionable. "

This movie is filmed by our fear

Alang, editor -in -chief of the Movie Magazine, said that there are three atomic bombs exploded in the movie Obonheimer. The first is a real atomic bomb. The atomic bomb that exploded in the trial site and the atomic bomb cast in the United States. The second atomic bomb is at the social level.The explosion, "This is what Obonheimer worried. When the first atomic bomb was made and detonated, the human society entered another level, and a dark door was opened.The loser said that after the appearance of the atomic bomb, there were no victors, and they were all losers, which put forward a very big question. "

The third atomic bomb is Nolan's unique film expression. "We are very concerned about how he shoots a scene such as the atomic bomb explosion. He showed an instant explosion in such a long period of time.The sound of the string music that came to the rush, the explosion really happened at the moment, everything was quiet, only people breathed heavy breathing. Including the general, it was like a bomb.At the moment of successful explosion, Obonheimer's failure has begun. When he became a hero and was commemorative and cheered, it means that he might be pushed to the position of a sister -in -law.This is also a question we are worried about a cycle of responsibility. "

Alang believes that this movie is made by our fear. "Many art works will ask questions and solve problems. This movie has asked questions, but it does not give us a clear answer because the crisis proposed in the film is, Still enveloping our heads, each of us may provide an answer for this crisis. This is the biggest feeling and charm of the movie. "

For the most impressive clip in the film, Alang said that Obonheimer told his wife that if the experiment was successful, he would call his wife to collect the sheets.After the safety license hearing, he called his wife and said that he should not collect the sheets."Nolan has a ability. If the weightlifting is light or simple, the grand historical moment is expressed with very simple details, so as to form the power of touching people."

Film critic Yan Peng believes that Nolan's view of the current so -called science and technology era is a very important point of Obonheimer. "At present, many scientific fields may have huge breakthroughs and can even affect human development.For example, gene editing is very complicated. It cannot be simply said that it is positive or negative, so it must be cautious. Weinenai has released ChatGPT, and more than 1,000 scientists have jointly said that they should be cautious.It's almost the same situation. What can technology bring? I think everyone can clearly realize that the answer is not simple positive or negative after watching the movie Obonheimer and the Biography of Obonhamo.This is the problem faced by Obonheimer, and we all face this issue today. "

Yan Peng believes that this is the particularly interesting point of Nolan. "He discovered the story in history, but this story has a very strong reality, and we will resonate with him.In the position, there is not such a big responsibility. But everyone will be related to these issues. In the future, you may need to make your own judgment and make your own voice. So you can’t be ignorant, you can’t say that it has nothing to do with me.. So many characters in the movie are making different voices, and Obonheimer's own attitude is also very complicated. This problem is presented in Obonheimer, allowing the audience to consider and exploreNolan raised a particularly good question. This problem is too important, and it is very important for each of us."

Wang Bing introduced that this biography translated into Chinese is more than 500,000 words, and there are many characters involved. Therefore, to do a lot of homework to study the surroundings of the characters, this is the biggest test of him, but it is also harvest."The era of Obonheimer's life is a chaotic era, all kinds of forces are in wrestling, and the human heart is turbulent, confused, and unknown. Today we also face many challenges and uncertainty. How to do how to do it.A wise decision requires us to stop and ask the heart. "

The deputy topic of the biography of Obonheimer is the victory and tragedy of the "Father of the atomic Bomb" in the United States.Wang Bing said that he liked movies and biography in the tragedy. "Because we have become accustomed to celebrating victory, but only tragedy makes people reflect. I think Nolan has a heroicism to wake up everyone. I think this is today.Times need to reflect on the spirit than ever. "

and the film that impressed him the most in the film, Wang Bing said it was the moment the nuclear bomb exploded, "because the speed of light is much faster than the sound speed and the wind speed, we first see the light before hearing the sound, and finally the sound, and finally the sound, and finally the sound, and finally the sound, and finally the sound, and finally the sound, and finally the sound. Finally, we finally heard the sound.Feeling the dust storm set off by the power of nuclear explosion, I think this is a great metaphor. At the moment we exploded, we saw light and see power, but what we came later let us know what we created., I like the sentence in the movie, 'We did not create a weapon, but opened a world', and today we still live in this world. "