The presidential election dust is settled, and Shangdaman has achieved an overwhelming victory. How much to prove that most people believe that even if they are related to the ruling party, he can still fulfill the presidential position of independent ideas and beliefs.However, Shangdan's image of his actions during the campaign may also become a double -edged sword after he served as the president, which caused him to "platform" for different single issues.

During the presidential election, the media's spotlights were hit from time to time to actively participate in social movement during the period of Shandanman's study and political enlightenment, so that the image of the adolescent Darman "Activist" (Activist) became particularly distinctive.

For example, when the United Morning Post interviewed the prize candidate before the campaign starts, it is concisely described by "Practical Idealist", which summarizes the tracement of Shangdaman to trace his ideological system during the visit.When the formation process, the most hopeful side.Another online report quoted Shang Daman's speech in an event, saying that he had "paid the price" for his an actionism, but this did not affect his insistence on the concept of actionism.

"To promote your own ideas, sometimes you need to give play to a little creativity. But please stick to your beliefs ... Do not be persuaded or stopped being an actionist (NEVER Stop Being An Activist), especially in climate changeDo not give up on major issues related to social development. "At that time, the words of fashion Daman believed that the representatives of non -citizen organizations at the event site had a lot of confidence and young people.Many people forward and share online.

Media reports pointed out that at the time, there was a representative of a Singapore Climate Racing (SG Climate Rally) who directly invited Shangdaman and his wife to attend the rally held in the corner of the corner of Fanglin Park on September 23 on September 23rd.EssenceThis representative said that many Singaporeans are not willing to stand up to advocate some issues, mainly because they are afraid of being "blacklisted", investigating or facing legal accountability. ThereforeSingaporeans have issued important signals that do not have to fear.

In Singapore, behaviors that are generally linked to actionism, such as public demonstrations, strikes, or protests, are strictly controlled by law. The speeches This corner of the corner allows the masses to show their strength and free will.So it becomes particularly important.And because people who are active in a civil society, they often publicly share how they encounter obstacles or even difficulties when negotiating with the people's action party or legal units.The party's recognition, or at least the government does not think such fighting struggles is necessary.

Therefore, what makes the author feel interesting is that in this presidential election, when the candidate is enough to become an focus on voters, the colorful schooling career and its "action of action and its" action actionThe support of "expression" seemed to help him skimmer some of the colors of the close system and drive away from the DAP.Now that the presidential election is settled, Shangdaman has achieved an overwhelming victory with 70.40%of high votes, and it proves that most people believe that even if it is associated with the ruling party, it can still adhere to independent ideas and beliefs to fulfill the performance of fulfillment.Presidential position.

However, the image of Shang Damman highlights his an actionalist during the campaign, and he may also become a double -edged sword after he served as the president, resulting in a "platform" for different single issues.Take whether to attend the climate rally as an example. At the event during the campaign, Shangdan did not respond to the invitation of the assembly representative.Public invitations and reiterated the demands of the rally again, hoping that Darman can support the scene.

Most people may think that compared with other sensitive issues such as the death penalty or homosexual behavior, civic society actions related to the climate crisis are more "safe" locally.However, most of the people who are familiar with this circle know that when different organizations are promoting changes, they may also believe in different strategies and theories. Some choose to have a closed -door dialogue in the way that the government is more acceptable, or cooperate with government units to promote environmental protection.; Some organizations like Singapore Climate Raiders were founded when they were established by Swedish young activist Greta Thunberg.Supporting fossil fuel development, it always does not avoid and strongly express strong dissatisfaction.

There are three demands of this climate rally, and each political color is very strong: 1. The people who return to politics to the people, that is, the organizer hopes that the roadblocks that are publicly discussed can be eliminated, and the information and data can be more transparent;Promoting green recovery, including advocating the formulation of climate change laws, increasing carbon taxes, and reducing the scale of the local oil industry when assisting workers' transformation; 3. Rebcing pragmatism and economic growth, and emphasize social and environmental achievements.

In this column, the author does not intend to describe what Shangdan has made in the past adhering to the concept of "actionism", but I remember this year on a large -scale event with climate financing.In a keynote speech, you are called on young people to not rush to solve the climate crisis, and do not blindly ask the enterprise to decapy immediately or take a anti -growth position.

He pointed out that this is the same as the company's choice of growth, and both will bring catastrophic results, and it is "unrealistic idealism", which directly echoes the "practical idealism" concept he advocated during the campaign.

The campaign slogan of "Respect for All" in this election, but the author is also curious, whether the president's role can truly unite the majority of people with different opinions on the political spectrum, condense consensus consensusIncluding the hostility of the society who follow the way to fight the line in seemingly "unrealistic".In addition, President Shangdaman, who has always emphasized that the climate crisis is an urgent issue, whether it will participate in this year's climate rally, which is expected.